1000Houses.com Podcast

Real Estate Investor SummitThis is a big undertaking, but we know it will help educate more people and help them achieve financial freedom!  I hope you will sign up, listen, and post your review on whichever podcast service you use.  I need your feedback to be able to give you the best education!

Thanks for all your support... let’s do some deals!


Great host, Mitch is a great guy with a great message!

I’ve enjoyed listening and I was also fortunate enough to be a guest recently. Mitch was an unbelievable host, a man with integrity, and he really got to know me before and after the show. He’s got a ton of experience and I’m honored to have had the opportunity to spend a little time with him and learn from him!

Grusha - ElitePodcastBookings,

Mitch the Motivator!

Truly motivating content from Mitch to help you take that step to financial freedom!

Be sure to check out the episode about Private Money!  Also take time to skim through the full Podcast Archives for all past episodes.


Additional Information for iTunes Users

Being as iTunes is the most popular place to listen to podcasts here is some additional information.

You need an Apple ID to subscribe and review the podcasts:
If you don’t have an Apple ID or have never used iTunes before you should first create an account at: https://appleid.apple.com/account#!&page=create

Need to download iTunes?:
You can download iTunes here: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/

Please note: YOU DO NOT need to put in your email address to download iTunes! They just make it look like you have to, but you do not need to.

Let me know if you have any troubles at support@1000Houses.com

Where to Find the Podcast

You can find the Real Estate Podcast in the following places:

* See iTunes section for more help.

Helpful Resources

I am proud to be a contributing writer for their magazine!


-- Mitch


We Think Realty

At Think Realty, we believe in the positive, life-changing impact of real estate investing. Our mission is to help investors achieve their goals of building wealth, better managing time and living a life full of purpose. That’s why we’re dedicated to being the central source for connecting investors - like you - with all the resources you need to succeed!