1000Houses.com Podcast

Mitch Stephen chats with

Tim Berry

Mitch Stephen chats with         Mitch Stephen chats with        
Tim Berry           Tim Berry          
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    Episode 510: The Golden Nugget Of Retirement Plans With Tim Berry

    The Golden Nugget of Retirement Plans with Tim Berry Every American needs to be ready with their retirement plans if they want to enjoy their non-working years. With several types of investments available, you need to study each one before making a decision. In this episode, Mitch Stephen talks shop with Tim Berry, founder of…

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    Mitch Stephen chats with

    Tom Nardone

    Mitch Stephen chats with         Mitch Stephen chats with        
    Tom Nardone           Tom Nardone          
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      Episode 557: RV Rental & Sales Spaces: Create And They Will Come

        Real estate is a huge business with great potential for wealth. But just because you’ve set up your own business doesn’t already mean you’ve achieved real estate success. In this episode, we’ll hear the interesting story of Tom Nardone and get some expert advice on how to really have a thick cash flow in…

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      Mitch Stephen chats with

      Isabelle Guarino-Smith

      Mitch Stephen chats with         Mitch Stephen chats with        
      Isabelle Guarino-Smith           Isabelle Guarino-Smith          
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        Episode 556: Assisted Living Cash Cow With Isabelle Guarino-Smith

          If you’re a single-family investor, then you fix and flip, buy the home, renovate it, sell it, and get out of the job. As soon as you sell it, you must get another one and do it again, and another one and do it again. That’s not cash flow; it’s cash now. In this…

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        Mitch Stephen chats with

        Jamel Gibbs

        Mitch Stephen chats with         Mitch Stephen chats with        
        Jamel Gibbs           Jamel Gibbs          
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          Episode 555: Have A SERVANT'S Heart With Jamel Gibbs

            Achieving financial freedom may seem like such a long shot, but this is only when you’re relying on your 9-to-5 job. You can hack your way through real estate. Start replacing your mailbox money and free yourself up to 2,600 hours a year. In this episode, Real Estate Investing Coach and Consultant Jamel Gibbs…

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          Mitch Stephen chats with

          Ben Muresan

          Mitch Stephen chats with         Mitch Stephen chats with        
          Ben Muresan           Ben Muresan          
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            Episode 554: Immigrant Hits Pay Dirt! With Ben Muresan

              Financial freedom. That is usually “the dream,” especially for people in financial difficulty or mediocre situations. But how do we really get there? With all the “how-to-be-rich” tips coming from already rich or extremely lucky people, what is the real deal in getting financial freedom? In this episode, immigrant Ben Muresan shares how he…

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