Buying On Terms / Selling On Terms With Brian O’Neill

Episode 529: Buying On Terms / Selling On Terms With Brian O’Neill

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REIS 529 | Buying And Selling Homes


Are you planning on buying or selling your home? Join Mitch Stephen as he sits down for a conversation with Brian O’Neill on buying and selling homes on terms. Brian mainly focuses on seller financing and wants to help people having problems with the traditional market sell their houses. But he doesn’t just accept every seller. He asks lots of questions to analyze if the deal will benefit both of them. Dive into this episode as you learn the techniques, strategies, and risks in dealing with sellers, banks, and lawyers.

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I’m here with Brian O’Neill. He’s up in the Chicago land area. He is a brother in arms, and he specializes in seller financing, not only when he buys but also when he sells. We’re going to be talking about the art of seller financing and how it works on my side here in San Antonio and how it’s working over there on his side in Chicago land. How are you doing, Brian?

I’m doing great, Mitch. Thanks. I’m happy to be here. I look forward to chatting with you.

One of the first questions I asked you when you talk about seller financing is that you certainly can’t buy enough houses with seller financing to keep your pipeline full. Your answer was a little surprising to me. You said that you could. Talk to me about that. How are you getting so many houses with seller financing? When I said seller financing, the seller was financing you, but you also lumped in sub-to, which is a form of seller financing, but it wasn’t exactly. I could understand the sub-to but tell me how you’re able to do that.

Thanks for clarifying that. That’s what I meant. One of the strategies is seller financing. To clarify further, I will never have enough homes for all the buyers that need my service. We might have miscommunicated offline a bit there. My pipeline is I want a bunch of houses, so I’ll never have enough. There’s certainly enough out there. As we’re buying on creative or seller financing, that’s what I’m looking for. First and foremost, I wake up every day and have the mentality of who can I help.

There are people out there that have real problems the traditional market simply can’t solve. Those are the sellers that I’m looking for, whether it’s someone who’s behind on his mortgage. The pandemic hurt a lot of people. I picked up a house, and the guy was way behind on his mortgage. The traditional market’s not going to help with that. I can help to get him caught up, take over his payments and help him move on to the next stage of his life. Those are the types of sellers that I’m looking for to help on a daily basis.

On the owner financing side, for people who own their house free and clear, roughly 35% to 40% of homes in North America are owned free and clear without a loan. Not all those people want to sell conventionally. Some sellers don’t want to take the tax hit. They want cashflow and be out of the landlord business. There are a bunch of reasons why they would be open to selling on seller financing versus taking the lump sum, cashing out, and moving on. Those are the individuals and families that we’re trying to work with here on a daily basis in Chicago.

Wake up every day with the mentality of helping others who need solutions. Share on X

Those landlords I have found are prime to take payments because they understand it. They’ve been taking payments. They understand the tax consequences of selling a bunch of properties and taking a big lump sum. It’s not their homestead, so they don’t get any break. I’ve had somewhat with the landlords, but you almost have to bring it up to them. They all want cash until you say, “I know how I might be able to save a hit on your taxes. Would you like to hear about it?”

They say, “Yeah.” You started talking about seller financing, and now seller financing has a whole another connotation to them. By the way, your stock went up with me immediately when you said you wake up in the morning and figure out who can we help. I find that’s a supercritical mindset position to be in. If you’re out there trying to sell someone something all the time, it doesn’t seem to work as well as, “Let me see who I can help, who needs me and where can I find these folks, and show them what I can do and see if it works for them?”

That didn’t happen overnight when I first started talking to sellers. I had to get to the point where I asked a lot of questions, and it doesn’t take a lot to find the motivation or no motivation. Everybody wants the same thing. They want to sell their house. Two days for the top price, $10,000 to $15,000 over asking, and be done with it. Me too, but that’s not what everybody gets to do. I’m always asking like, “What’s the situation? Why are you selling your house?”

Walk us down that conversation. What does this conversation go? How does it start out?

I’m talking to a seller, and after we exchanged the introduction and pleasantries, it’s, “I noticed you had a house for sale.” I’m talking about an expired listing, “I know you had a house for sale. Is it still available? Are you still looking to sell? I’m curious. Why did you take it off the market? What happened?” There’s a reason they took it off the market and why it didn’t sell.

After I get that information, I let him go. I’m looking for them to tell me something that I can hone in on, like, “I took it off the market because I had a bad relationship with my realtor. My realtor wasn’t getting it done.” I’ll say, “I’ve had that happen to me. Tell me a little bit more about that.” I’m trying to build some immediate trust and rapport in a few minutes. I’m listening for some major pain points like, “I need to move, relocate, or have already relocated. I got divorced. I can’t afford the place anymore. I already moved and got two housing payments.” There are so many reasons. When I talk about terms, I get a question like, “Why would anybody sell their house on seller financing?” There are more reasons why they would versus why they would not.

When you sell your houses, you’re selling on terms too, always 100% of the time.

That’s what I would like to do. If it’s a great deal or opportunity, I’m not lost on the fact that I might run it long-term so I can cashflow it. I would prefer to do something on a lease option. I go back to who can I help. I can help a buyer who was self-employed and can’t qualify for a loan now. They need a little bit of seasoning. Maybe somebody who had a significant life event, like they went through a divorce or had a medical event.

It’s got nothing to do with them and their ability to afford the house. They have this credit issue temporarily or just need time. I can put them in a house on a lease option. If they prove themselves, we can turn around. By proving themselves, not be late for a year and then get their down payment up to a certain percentage. I own the house. The deed is in my entity’s name. I have the ability to finance them long-term. They’ll never have to go to a bank.

In a situation like that, I would like to give them anywhere from a 2 to 5-year option on the house, one that I own. If I’m in the middle and we do a lease option with the seller, I can’t give them five years, but if I give them 2 to 5 years and then once they prove themselves, maybe get their down payment up to 20% and no late for a year, we can look at doing something on a contract for deed or whatever it’s called in your particular state. We call it Articles of Agreement for Deed here in Illinois. That’s something you can do long-term.

In San Antonio, we do a mortgage and deed of trust because we have some of the fastest foreclosure laws on the planet. By the way, Georgia mimics Texas, or Texas mimics Georgia, whichever way you want to look at it. We call it contract for deed here if you’re going to stay on the title. We have some stiff penalties if you do your reporting wrong at the end of the year. It’s almost so stiff that people get afraid and don’t want to do it, but it’s not that hard to conform. You have to make sure you don’t make a mistake.

REIS 529 | Buying And Selling Homes

Buying And Selling Homes: We’re not paying all cash for the homes. We’re buying on terms. So typically, we’re not putting any money down.


What interest rate do you charge on the contract for deed? Do you usually go twenty years or try to go the least number of years as you can? I go 30 years because, quite honestly, I don’t need more money per month. The more money I make per month, the more tax I’m going to have to deal with. I like to do 30 years because, after 5 years, they haven’t paid down anything. My notes are still worth pretty much, if not more, than they ever were because the balance hasn’t gone down very much. What’s your take on that?

I’m with you. Depending on how I acquire the house, I have to watch the monthly cashflow. In some of these cases where I take subject-to in existing loan, I’m paying debt every month for the seller’s loan, even though I own the house. If it makes sense to do a 30-year loan, I’ll do it. It depends on the situation. As far as interest rates, I like to say somewhere between the 5% to 8% range, depending on the house’s costs. Buyers are happy with that. I may say it’s been on 8%, and you think that’s crazy. When you look at the total cost of a loan to go to a bank, that’s not that expensive. What do you do?

My interest rate is 30 years and 10%. What I’m doing is I’m backing into the rent, making sure that my price, when it’s all said and done after the down payment or figuring a 10% down payment, at least that PITI payment is the same as what the rent is across the street for the same house. The question becomes, do you want to keep paying rent, or do you want to make a mortgage payment for the same amount every month and live across the street in the same house?

I believe and have proven throughout my career that there are enough renters out there that would rather own for X than pay X for rent. The separator being, do you have some money for a down payment? Do I like you? I need to believe in you or at least not have reasons not to believe in you. Click my down payment and go about making sure they have a home.

It’s like the tote the note car lot. The people don’t care about the rate or the price. It’s, “Can I come up with a down payment? Can I afford the payment?” They’re paying the money every month for nothing. What’s going to happen if they pay on time for long enough? They’re going to get a rent increase. That’s what they’re going to get for it.

We don’t do that. Only the taxes go up.

There are a lot of folks out there who want to be in the real estate game but don't want to do what it takes. Share on X

What volume are you doing? How many houses are you with every day so I can get a handle on where you’re at?

I’m in the Chicago land area, so there are several million people here. It’s been a bit of a challenge with the status of the market because houses are selling. The inventory is lower. Doing these creative deals, terms-type structures with the way that they’re structured and how I’m buying them, not everyone’s a candidate. I’m not paying all cash for the homes. We’re buying on the term. Typically, I’m not putting any money down. I’m never putting my credit on the line ever. I only need to do about 12 to 15 a year to create a lot of opportunities for the business. Some of these deals are worth anywhere from $75,000 to 6-figures when it’s all said and done. That’s what our target is.

I wanted to make that clear. If you think it takes money to make money, you got to get your head readjusted. If that’s the case, none of us would be here, most likely. I don’t know about your own personal story, but I was dead broke. When you don’t have money, you got to find strategies that allow you to function with no money. As you get a little money, you can do some strategies to take a little bit of money and work your way around.

The other thing is you don’t have to do $1 million deals a year to change your whole life. We do about $8,000 a month, but I acclimated to those over the years. I was fortunate enough to find the right people in the right places. We’ve all been together for a long time. I don’t know the odds of that happening, I don’t know, but it seems pretty much like a miracle to me. Although I know it can be done because I see people all over the country doing it, too. We have such a great team of people. What does it take financially to get in a typical deal that you’re getting into with a cell phone? What money does it take?

REIS 529 | Buying And Selling Homes

Buying And Selling Homes: Even if you’re in an industry for long, you still need help and have much to learn.


My marketing costs are low. I’m not doing a lot of mailings. We’re calling people actively trying to sell their house for sale by owners expires. We do pull targeted lists like absentee out-of-state owners, tired landlords, or free and clear houses. Those are great lists to pull and low equity, as well. That’s great for the subject-to-purchasing. I bought houses for $10. I’ve literally given the seller a check for $10, and I get control of their house.

That was the technicality because there had to be some exchange of money.

That’s what it says in our agreement. We give them $10. If I’m doing a subject-to transaction or owner financing, we’re doing an actual closing. In most cases, I’m paying their closing costs. If it costs $5,000 to close on a $300,000 house, I turn around, get a buyer, and are giving me 5% on a house that I’m selling them for $300,000, and I got a free house. Do the math. I’m using the buyer’s funds to close on the house and creating a cashflow on a monthly basis. If they ever do cash out of the house, there’s a premium in what I bought it for versus what I sold it to the buyer for. I’m more of a long-term hold. I want them to stay in it.

I’m going to throw something out. Believe me. You’re a smart, sophisticated man. When I got to a point where I wanted to do more, I started to develop how to raise private money. If you have private money that’s non-recourse, first lien, collateral only, and wrappable, you don’t have to look for those houses that fit, like what you’re saying. You can get like almost any house now as long as there’s some upside for you. In my career now, I have out $26 million in wrappable money, longer-term, fifteen years amortization, but I’m paying 8% to 10% for that longer-term money. Fifteen years with a five-year balloon, I pay 6%.

You can figure fifteen-year amortization. The least I want the money for is five years. If you can’t give it to me for at least five years, I don’t want it because I’ll make the deal, look up, and I’ll be having to do something with it again. Most of my people are going 10 to 15 years. That’s where my explosion came was. I unlocked the box on the money that would buy these houses under the terms, like the same terms that you have. I went out and sought people who would give me the money without having a personal guarantee. I promise them that I will never let them in for over 65% of what I can owner-finance the house for.

I use that owner finance formula to plug the rents in and run through. Show them the rents in the neighborhood are this, and this is why I can sell this house for unlike comps, but they’re not really comps. I came out with my book to help me with that, The Art of Private Lending, which is a book that I give to people who might have the resources. It shows them how to loan their money out to people to make 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%. It also shows them where that’s going to be more of a job, and they’re going to have to go to work.

About halfway through the book, if you’re still interested in loaning money but you don’t want the job, I’ll borrow the money for a premium, but not that much. If you want to have a passive income, call me. It’s been working pretty good. The name of my private money course was Private Money Changes Everything because it makes everything in the world available to you pretty much. Do you chase much private money?

I don’t chase as much. I’ll say something about your book. There are a lot of folks out there who want to be in the real estate game but don’t want to do what we do. I don’t want to do the dirty work and be in it. There’s an opportunity for you as an investor. If you want to be in real estate and gain the advantages of a return but don’t want to deal with all of the day-to-day stuff, getting with someone like you is a great way to do it. There’s a lot of money sitting around on the sidelines, a lot of uncertainty coming up, and this is always a proven asset class. If you look at real estate history, it’s going up constantly.

Before this is over, we’ll be given how to get ahold of Brian. What I like about private money for the private lender, and this is from their side, the advantages to them are they’re either getting paid or getting something very valuable that’s worth more than what they loaned on. In most cases, there always could be circumstances where it’s different a lot of times. Most of the time, they do a lot better.

If you look at the history of real estate, it's going up constantly. Share on X

If I didn’t pay him, they got my house, which has never happened. If they ever got my house, they would go into the house business because they’d make so much money. The cool thing is, for once, your money is backed up by a hard asset. If it doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to work, you’re going to own that hard asset.

I tell my private lenders this all the time before they do their first deal, “If you make this loan to me, I have two rights every day of my life that I owe you money. I have the right to pay as agreed or walk you this deed on this property. If you don’t like this house for the amount of money I’m loaning, do not do the loan.”

I’ve never given a house back in my career. I’ve never filed bankruptcy or been foreclosed on ever, but I have that right. I have that right and want to borrow money under that condition because I own payments of $26 million on the 1st of the month. That’s a lot of stress. I’m not worried about if things go the way they’re supposed to and that Mitch Stephen can handle his business the way it is. What I’m worried about is catastrophic. I’m worried about if a meteor hits the site close to San Antonio or if Kim Jong Un drops a nuclear bomb or locus or whatever.

I’m worried about the things that I can’t control because what I can’t control, I’m going to run my business right, and it will be fine. I’m paying the premium with many years of buying assets over here, 1,300 mini storage doors, because I don’t want to risk that and lose it because of something that I couldn’t stop. It’s my hedge against disaster. It’s my own insurance policy.

If I ever choose not to make the payment, I promise you won’t have to sue or foreclose on me to get the deed. I will walk it to you. There will be no taking me to court, filing for foreclosure, and me collecting money while you’re not collecting money. That will never happen. If I couldn’t pay, I’m walking the deed over to you. I’ll deliver it myself. It never happened. I don’t see it happening, but we got to be clear on the rules because that’s why I’m paying 8% or 9% or 10%.

It’s a great return, and people love clarity.

What do you think about the idea of sub-tos and some of these things? You don’t have the right to wrap. There’s the elephant in the room in this conversation, so let’s get it out on the table. I’ve always been afraid to build a big portfolio of sub-to papers. I don’t know when it’s going to be that the banks are going to want to call those notes if there’s ever going to be a situation where they want to. When the clock ticks a certain time, if it ever takes that time, they’ll all want to do it on all your notes. How do you feel about that conversation? What do you think about it?

We’re talking about the due-on-sale clause. In every mortgage, there’s a clause that the bank can call you to transfer the title and call the loan due. It hasn’t happened to me. It likely will at some point. That’s something that comes up with sellers, and we disclose that. We don’t hide it from them. This is something that can happen. This is a risk because all sellers ask, “What’s the risk to me?”

One of the things that we’ve done, and I do this the right way too, is like, “Our attorneys are going to make this to where it’s palatable for both parties.” I can do a contract for deed with a seller, but the title is not transferring. It’s an escrow. I don’t get the deed until I fulfill my obligation to the seller. One way to avoid that situation from happening is that if I don’t have the title, the bank’s not going to call the loan due. It comes right back to the seller.

I’ve never heard that before. That’s one of the reasons I do these episodes. I learned things that I didn’t know before.

The seller does not have to foreclose. They get the deed back if I default. When a seller’s nervous about transferring, “The loan is going to stay in place.” Even though they’re in pain, I don’t feel comfortable with that. The loan is going to be in my name, and my credits are at risk. It’s like, “You have to understand. I do this every day. I’m paying tons of loans. I don’t earn money unless I pay your loan. This is a long-term play for me. This is how I get paid. It behooves me to stay in the game and pay. If I don’t, the house goes back to you. This will make you feel comfortable. You don’t have to foreclose on me.”

That’s one way around it. That’s never going to happen in a seller-financing situation, but you can do the same thing with a seller who owns the house free and clear but doesn’t feel comfortable giving you the title. Maybe they want a down payment or some type of security, so they don’t have to foreclose on you. That’s one way to make it a little bit more palatable for them is the contract for deed.

That’s what drove me to find private money. I was in the crosshairs of the due-on-sale clause, thinking, “As long as I make the payments, they’re not going to call me, but I wasn’t dumb enough to believe that if the interest rates went up to 14%, 15%, they wouldn’t start calling all of these notes due.” I lived through a time when I saw 18% interest. I was barely a man at the time or a young man, but I remember that mortgage loans were 18% or 16% in the Carter years. It was crazy. It can happen. I’m not an expert at it all. I haven’t done it. My personal philosophy on the sub-to is I’ll do a sub-to if it’s got an over-the-top amount of equity. If it doesn’t have over the top, I’ll use my private money and take it out. That’s my personal philosophy. My way is not the only way to do anything.

That’s what you feel comfortable with. One more thing on sub-tos is there are companies that will give you insurance against the due-on-sale. It’s not inexpensive. It’s typically 1% of the purchase price, but they’ll pay it off if the loan gets called. On a $300,000 house, you’re going to pay $3,000 for insurance. If it ever does get called, you have your protection. It’s a one-time insurance policy.

I didn’t know that. This is why you have a show. Everyone thinks you have a show because you’re an egomaniac. You have a show because you talk to smart people and learn a lot of stuff that you didn’t know. There are so many ways to make money in this real estate business, many different strategies and ways through and over and under things legally allow for outcomes that people think are not possible. You got to talk to enough people. Who did you study along your path? Did you study anybody in particular?

I started looking at creative financing. You had them on the show not too long ago. Ron LeGrand was my first introduction to terms. My coach and mentor is a guy named Chris Prefontaine, who taught me everything. I’m constantly studying subject-to. It’s something I love to do to take ownership of houses with little to no money down. A guy by the name of Pace Morby is big with subject-to. I’ve learned a lot by following him and watching what he does.

The goal of my show is for people to find some way to replace their job by getting control of their own destiny, get some side hustle that will eventually pay whatever it is your job’s paying. At that point, you’ll free up about 2,600 hours a year that you get to figure out who you want to be and what you want to be good at. You’ll have the time to get good at it. It’s a lot of time to be able to immerse yourself in either your passion or some endeavor to fill your dream.

If you believe in the 10,000-Hour Rule, which says by the time you put 10,000 hours into something, you’re one of the best in the world. It will take you four years to become one of the best in the world and the strategy you choose. That’s how it works. You can’t do it if you’re not driven. If you don’t like what you’re doing, it’s not going to work. You can put in all the hours you want. I say you have to love what you’re doing because you can’t put in that many hours into something you hate and be connected. You have to be emotionally excited about it, or you’re wasting time.

I hated what I was doing. That’s what drove me to do real estate and get out of my W-2. Now I don’t do that anymore.

Not to bring up any bad memories, Brian, but what did you do?

I was a corporate salesperson for 25 years and worked as an elevator salesman for 17 years. I sold elevators, nothing to do with real estate. I was all over it. Mainly as it relates to industrial, I spent a lot of time in Texas, with the oil, gas, and petrochemical. It has nothing to do with real estate. I didn’t like being away from my family and my son. I have a young son. I was traveling all the time. I saw this as my way out because my why was so strong, which was being with my family, not missing my son growing up. I went at it with everything I had in a short amount of time. I didn’t have a lot of time. Once I was able to replace my income, I poured gas on it.

You don’t have to answer some personal questions if you don’t want to. It’s hardest for a person that makes a lot of money to switch over. Normally, if a person has made a lot of money, 9 times out of 10, they’ve moved their lifestyle right up to whatever that is. Even if they have not and they have been saving a lot, that’s a little easier for them to move. Are you making a lot of money when you quit your job?

I have no problem sharing. I was making a couple hundred thousand dollars a year, but I was trading time for dollars. I was also plateauing. That’s all it was going to be unless I decided to go up the corporate ladder. I knew that didn’t feel right, and I could make way more if I did my own thing.

My dad was in sales his whole life, straight commission. I’ve known a lot of them. The one thing that would irk me to no end if I was a straight commission sales guy is that they will set the bar higher every year. If you do good, they’ll cut your territory in half, “I spent four years building this territory. Now you’ve taken half of it away from me and given it to somebody who showed up.” That would piss me off to no end.

The lesson being there is you have no control over. There’s nothing you can do about that. I have my own real estate business. I have complete control over what I do.

What drove me was freedom. I don’t require a whole lot to live. When I started, I made $35,000 a year. For those of you who make a lot of money, that could be your greatest blessing at this moment if you’re thinking of transitioning. When you only make $35,000, $40,000, or $50,000 a year, it doesn’t take a whole lot of houses to replace your whole income. It may only take one if you find the right one. I hope that doesn’t happen to you because that’s a whole other thing. You don’t make too much money on the first house. I’ve seen that kill some people.

I did 3 or 4 deals. I put $35,000 in the bank. The job that I had for $35,000 was bartending. I was looking for a bartending job when I got one, and if I want one, I’ll find another one. It was easy for me to say, “I’m leaving that alone. I’m going to delve out the $35,000 like I have been getting it at my job. I got a year to go with it. I’ll see what I can do.”

That was March of 1996 when I quit my job. By the end of the year, I had done 45 houses. I had made more money than I ever knew possible. It was a different time. You could get in the classifieds at 8:00 in the morning and by noon have a perfectly good deal, seven days a week, whenever day you wanted to choose. If you screwed up, you would get two deals and didn’t know how you were going to pay for them.

REIS 529 | Buying And Selling Homes

Buying And Selling Homes: Surround yourself with people who will push you to the next level.


This is the skyline of San Antonio, Texas. In 1996, ’97, ’98, ’99, and 2000, you could go from the medium to lesser parts of town in that city, and houses were $10,000, $15,000, $20,000 all day long, as many as you could pick up, and they would all work. No one would loan me any money because I didn’t have any experience. I was scared to ask for a loan because anyone I knew to ask was a friend of mine, and I didn’t want to let a friend or a family member down, so I was scared to death to ask anybody to loan me money.

I had a great credit score. I figured out back then if you had a great credit score and applied for a credit card, they looked at your credit score and gave you the full boat. I applied for 75 credit cards in a two-week period and got 55 of them. I went on a house-buying spree. I was buying houses, “Give me 10 off this card and 10 off this card.” That’s the acquisition and the rehab. I’d take those cards inside that folder because I didn’t want to co-mingle and get all jacked up. I bought my first 100 houses on credit cards.

That’s being resourceful. I love it.

That’s what these shows and meeting with these people are about. It’s for all of us to get out of our box, and I don’t care who you are. You’re in a box. You’re just on the next level. There’s always another level and place. I wore a lot of hats for a long time, and I couldn’t do it anymore. I was burned out after several years. I went on a mission to take myself out of business. It took me a year and a half to figure it out. I did it by talking to people and paying for masterminds or getting around people that had already done it. I let them show me and agreed to drink the Kool-Aid as long as I trusted them. I would let them unwind me and then wind me back up a different way. It worked finally.

It’s important to be around people that are smarter than you.

Have you found yourself in that thing where you’re the smartest guy in the room and think, “What the heck am I doing? I need to get out of here.”

That’s why I worked for the same company for years because I thought I knew everything, was smart and didn’t need any help. It wasn’t until I surrounded myself with people who knew way more than me that the needle started to move in my life. I will not be in a situation where I’m not surrounded by people who can push and move me to the next level. It’s guys like Chris and his family who I can constantly lean on and up-leveling me. You know what they say. You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. It’s 100% true. Don’t be the best guy in that room. If you are, don’t be in there for very long.

I spent time in the Real Estate Investment Club. For many years, I felt good that I was the hotshot in the room. One day, it hit me like a ton of bricks, “You got to get out of this room. You’re dying in this room.” How do people get ahold of you if they want to talk to you or loan you private money?

That’s something we’re doing too because we want to ramp it up here. There are a lot of people to help in Chicago. You can email me or go to my website. I’ll leave both. My website is BKWPropertySolutions.com. If you go onto the resources tab, there’s a bunch of stuff you can grab for free. If you want to have a conversation with me in person, I’m happy to talk to you about how to get into and learn this business. If you’re looking to invest, I’m all for it. Brian@BKWPropertysolutions.com. I’m on social media all over the place.

For those who go are used to the old moniker, we’re going to go to 1000Houses.com/BKW. Tell us a little bit about that book. What it’s about?

The eBook is The Six Strategies to Sell Your Home in Any Market. It’s an eBook we wrote, not just for terms. It’s for anybody trying to sell their house. I’m not lost on the fact that everyone’s going to sell their house to me on seller financing. You need to be educated. That’s what this book’s about to help sellers understand all of the options that are available to you. It’s not just listing with an agent or for sale by the owner. There’s other stuff you can do.

This sounds like a marketing book for your potential sellers.

I give it to my sellers because I want them to know that if this isn’t for you the way I buy, you need to learn how to sell conventionally.

You’re saying, “Pick the way that’s best for you. I’m one of these ways.” I’m trying to point out that he doesn’t talk about trying to do what’s right for the people or see who we can help now. He’s out there trying to help someone. I don’t think you beat that karma. You may not get every single deal. I don’t know how it works, but I know you win with that attitude. It’s some natural laws that go into play. People know sincerity when they see it. You can’t fake sincerity.

I’d like to thank you all for stopping in to listen to Brian O’Neill over there in Chicago land. One last time, if you want his free eBook on all the different ways you can sell a house, go to 1000Houses.com/BKW. I would also like to take one second to thank LiveComm.com for sponsoring this episode. It’s all about lead generation, mass texting, capturing incoming callers’ cell phone numbers, and all the things you can do with that strategy.

I sell my houses within four days and do not use any signs anymore. If you want to know how that works, go over to LiveComm.com and watch the little video on the homepage, and you’ll see exactly how it works. There are a million other splinters off of that. You can use it once you get your noggin roll in there. You can figure out how to apply it to a lot of different things. Check it out. Thank you, Brian. We’ll see you. Have a great week, month and year.

Thanks, Mitch. I appreciate it. It’s great being on.


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About Brian O’Neill

REIS 529 | Buying And Selling HomesBrian and Katie O’Neill are real estate investors and business owners. They have been happily married for 10 years and enjoy spending time with their son, Will. BKW Property Solutions was started to provide flexible real estate solutions for both buyers and sellers. They serve the Greater Chicagoland area and help buyers realize their dream of owning a home. When Brian and Katie experienced many of the common challenges of selling their own home many years ago, they knew there had to be a better way. That is the foundation of BKW Property Solutions and we look forward to serving your needs. There is a better way!



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