Buying & Selling Websites with Todd Heitner

Mitch Stephen chats with

Todd Heitner

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    Episode 305: Buying & Selling Websites with Todd Heitner

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    REIS 305 | Buying And Selling Websites


    As the internet penetrates our everyday lives, it has become an expectation for any business to have a website. That is also true when it comes to real estate. Todd Heitner of Apartment Investor Pro and Done Deal Website discusses the importance of a website when you are out there trying to buy and sell real estate. With so many information online, creating one may sound simple, but don’t be fooled because while there are so many things you can do right with it, the same also goes for the things that could go wrong. As Todd digs deep into the intricacies of it, he explains how you can set one up on your own – from your domain name to SEO. Learn how to go beyond what is expected of your website as Todd shares other things you can do on the backend.

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    I have Todd Heitner and we’re going to be talking about the importance of a website when you’re out there trying to buy and sell real estate. It sounds simple enough, but there is a ton of minutia to this. I can guarantee you, and there’s a ton of reasons why and there’s a ton of things to do right and there’s a ton of things to do wrong. I want you to pay attention. I’ve got to give homage to my sponsor, TaxFreeFuture.com. If you do not have a tax-deferred or tax-free investment vehicle or account, then you have no idea the advantage that you’re letting lay on the side. Please check them out because you have no idea of what your financial advisors are not telling you and we’re going to tell you what they’re not telling you. Todd, how are you doing?

    I’m good. How about you?

    I’m pretty good. I’m reading your bio and you had a love affair with websites for over two decades. It’s got to be a passion because you don’t stay with that stuff for that long if you’re not into it. God only knows why we get into whatever it is we’re into. I’ve been talking about real estate every day for years. I don’t know why, but that’s what I’m supposed to be doing. Do you think that’s your calling?

    I’ve always enjoyed it. That’s how I got into it. It is back when the internet was new and I was curious about it. I was looking at the source code of web pages, trying to figure out how they worked and trying to figure out how to build them myself and it was started off as a curiosity, a hobby thing and I enjoyed it. I went from there.

    Let’s talk a little bit about your history. Tell us about Todd growing up and getting to where you are. How old are you?

    I am 39.

    What happened in those 39 years?

    I grew up not terribly far from you, in Oklahoma. I grew up on a cattle ranch, believe it or not, which is pretty different from what I’m doing. It did teach me the importance of hard work. That’s one thing hauling hay and feeding cows, but at the same time I knew it wasn’t something I wanted to do with my life.

    I have a ranch. I’m all hat, no cattle. I’m a gentleman. I have no cattle. I have no goats. I have no sheep. I just go out there and watch the deer, the turkey, the hogs and everything.

    With ranching, I found it was a lot of work and not much money. Somebody told me a joke about a rancher that one won the lottery and they ask like, “What are you going to do with all that money?” He said, “I’m just going to keep ranching until it’s all gone.”

    Keep on going until I’m broke. I guess you’re twenty when you starting jumping into the internet and the website.

    Even as a teenager, my late teens, I started learning how to build websites, self-taught and then got a job doing that from home, which was cool. It was a neat experience at the time, but I did it on the side for a lot of years. I got in touch with a real estate investor. He’s somebody that taught other people how to invest in real estate too. I started building his website. I learned about real estate investing, then he started referring his customers to me to build their websites. That’s how I got into that and I started doing real estate investor websites specifically.

    When you have a website, it looks like you're at least somewhat invested in your business. Share on X

    It may not seem obvious, but why is it important to have a website?

    For one thing, it makes you look more credible. It does make you look like an actual business as opposed to somebody that it could be a fly by night scam artists or who knows. When you have a website, it looks like you’re at least somewhat invested in your business and you’re actually trying to run a business. We expect any business to have a website whether you’re looking for a plumber.

    There’s some real turnoff. I’m hearing this from people all the time, “I almost sold my house to so and so, but I was trying to check him out. He didn’t even have a website, so I just moved on.” It’s a credibility factor. My experience is you need to have a good-looking site. It makes a lot of difference. My own educational site, 1000Houses.com, for the longest time, I got by it with the nuts and bolts of a website. I paid a lot of money to have it restructured, redone and it took a lot of time and it has a lot of backends. It has a lot of functions, a lot of analytics, a lot of funnels and keeping up with your customers and see all that and it costs me a lot.

    I’m glad I did it. It changed the whole perception of the people that come to my site. Their whole attitudes are different and the sales jumped up right away because people felt I was in the business for the long haul. I regret not doing it earlier, but some of these things, they’re expensive and it takes time to acclimate to that. That’s what you need and that’s what you want and that’s what you’re going to do. It’s not just a web page. It can be much more than just a webpage. There can be all kinds of things going on in the backend. I suggest that everybody use LiveComm.com or some number that when people call it, it captures their cell phone numbers.

    That’s one thing that can happen. You could get on the computer and go into your LiveComm account and go, “26 people have called my website phone number.” At least it’s a form of tracking. You’ve got their cell phone numbers. There are other things to be done. The next thing calling ringless voice drop on the notes. There are also the microforms. Just to capture the basic information from a person before you start asking them a lot of other stuff where they might drop off, at least get their name and email and phone number, something micro. You got all that down to the science. I like thinking that we need a buy and sell site completely separate. What’s your opinion?

    It does make sense. It’s especially important for your sellers not to see how you’re selling the property. Somebody like a motivated seller, you don’t want them seeing that you’re wholesaling properties or that you’re doing rent to own or whatever because they’re going to see that and think, “They’re trying to rip me off. They’re going to sell my house for a lot more.” It’s something about people knowing what you’re making up or seeing how you’re doing business. They don’t need to know that and it can scare them off.

    It can scare them off or it can make them mad after the fact. Back after they sold you the house, they see that you’ve got it up for $50,000. They won’t want to understand and they will not understand that you put $25,000 cash into the house or that you’re offering to owner finance it for 30 years with 10% down. They won’t. Just like they left $50,000 on the table.

    They don’t understand the risk you’re taking either by getting involved with it and all the marketing expenses and everything else. There’s a lot that they aren’t going to understand, so you don’t want them seeing that.

    In my second book, My Life & 1,000 Houses: 200+ Ways to Find Bargain Properties, I spend the first 31 pages of this book talking about how to set up so that you don’t have to digress and lose all your goodwill out there that you’ve built up until that time that you decide, “My dot-com name sucks and I need to change it.” I have the two worst names ever, buying and selling. I have Cash4Houses.net and that’s the number four. If you ever do that and put the number instead of the word, you’ll be for the rest of your life explaining that’s the number four. It was the pain in the butt.

    The dot-net instead of dot-com.

    The dot-net was a major mistake. The dot-com was taken and I didn’t know any better. By the time I had figured it out, I’d already done 500 deals and my name was all over town and it was no time to try to change it. I think maybe I could forward it and buy the dot-com name or something or find another name, but then it gets confusing again. They signed up for Cash4Houses.net and then they went to Cash4Houses.com.

    It does pay to think that through.

    REIS 305 | Buying And Selling Websites

    My Life & 1,000 Houses – 200+ Ways to Find Bargain Properties

    My number one thing was get a dot-com name. I know that you’ve got to sometimes dig to find one, but my biggest thing was both your buy name and your cell name needs to say exactly what you do. If your dot-com name is the only thing on a billboard, do they know what you do? Cash4Houses.net, petty simple. Probably people could figure that out except they’re always going to inadvertently put in Cash4Houses.com. Thank God that site is not in my hometown. It’s somewhere away far away. I’ve driven that guy a ton of business, but probably none of it was out of a bowl because no one lived in that and they don’t live in the same town. My selling site is Homes2Go.net. Here’s a perfect example of a crappy name. I’m using my own stuff. First and foremost, dot-net is completely wrong because people will just inadvertently be putting dot-com. Second of all, what does that mean? Am I a mobile home mover? Do I furnish homes with furniture? What do I do? It’s a bad name right off the bat.

    I think it does pay to think that through. If what you want is taken, try to come up with something else. Try a different approach. It is hard because it seems every domain name is taken already when you try to search for it.

    You can always find something. I would rather have longer and be more specific than be short and ambiguous. My name should have been MitchBuysHouses.com. If that was taken already because it was so short, MitchBuysSAHouses.com or San Antonio Houses or Texas Houses. Be careful that you don’t limit yourself in geological circumference. If you think you might want to go national then don’t limit yourself to a city, but there’s always a way to find the name. If you put up there, MitchBuysHousesSA.com, what do you think I do? It’s simple. It’s evident. Where do you get ahold of me is evident. They can get the phone number when they get there, they get pages and pages of information. That’s the greatest thing.

    The thing about selling houses, if you don’t be careful, you’ll sound like a real estate agent. MitchSellsHouses.com, the average person says, “He’s an agent.” That’s not right. MitchOwnerFinancesHouses.com or HomesOwnerToOwner.com or anything. Say something to what your niche is. Mine is owner financing, so I would want to make sure even though it’s going to be a long two words, owner finance or owner financed homes, I need to say exactly what it is. I sell homes, owner finance. You don’t need a bank people will know. If I go with him, am I going to need a bank? He’ll finance it himself.

    Along with that too, I’d say be careful that you don’t have words that are hard to spell in there too, because that’s another way you can lose people. If you have something that people aren’t used to typing every day. People rely on spell check all the time. When you’re typing in a domain name, you don’t get that. Have it memorable because like what you’re saying Mitch Buys Homes. You’re going to hear that and you’ll remember that, but sometimes if it’s something generic about real estate, then people are going to forget it from the time they see your ad or whatever until the time they get to where they can actually look for it.

    I liked names that you can capitalize the first letter of each word so there’s some sense, since URLs don’t have any spaces between the words. I don’t like URLs where it happens to where you got to put two capitals together like AHome.com. There’s an A and there’s an H and that doesn’t work. I wasn’t here to plug this. If you get your name right and you get your phone numbers right where you can transfer them to other people, once you start taking off your hat and putting someone else in that chair and then taking off your hat and put it in another person’s other chair, if all the phone numbers were going to you, you’re screwed from the very beginning. All your cards out there with those phone numbers are going to be wrong, but if every phone number that you use in your business, you just have them all forwarded to your cell phone.

    When you decide to get help, you can break off the numbers and forward them to the helpers. When the helper leaves or gets fired, you can forward it back to the right person and not lose the number and all the contacts again. You spend a lot of time training people to call these specific phone numbers. Don’t let your employees walk off with the number that they’ve been trained to call and don’t make your number permanently that number because you don’t want to wear every hat for the rest of your life. Those are the things I’m talking about. The 31 pages, if you read it, you would be off to a good start and you’d never have to go, “I got to change my business cards. I got a change website and everything again.”

    It makes sense to think it through upfront.

    When you build the sites, it’ll have the pretty face and it’ll have your pretty special name on it. It’ll have the design you want I’m sure that you’re like. Beyond that, what are some of the backend stuff that people don’t see with their eyes? What do you build into these sites?

    There are a few things. Like you were talking about earlier, a microform. There’s landing page that say for example, you’re targeting motivated sellers. There’s a page that asks for a couple of pieces of information. Their name, maybe email, phone number or a couple of pieces of information so that if they don’t give you anything else, at least you have a way to contact them, a way to follow up. Once somebody submits that, then they’re taken to a page with a longer form. There’s a message at the top that if you want to speed up the process, then give us more information basically. There’s a longer form that they can fill out. One thing I like about it too is it has conditional questions. Let’s say it asks, “Is the house listed with a realtor?” If they say no, then they just move onto the next question. If they say yes, then more questions automatically appear like, “When was it listed? What’s it listed for? When does the listing expire?” Those questions that you would need to know but if it doesn’t apply, then it doesn’t ask the question.

    That’s important too because you don’t want to waste people’s time and asking questions that don’t apply to them.

    The same thing about a mortgage. If they don’t have a mortgage on it, then you don’t need to ask all these details about balance and all that stuff. I make it conditional so that it is not longer than it needs to be. Some of people look at a long form and it’s overwhelming. They just leave because they don’t want to fill it out, but if you don’t make it longer than it needs to be and there’s ask questions as needed, then it makes it less intimidating for them. All of that can be sent to your CRM or email marketing system wherever you want that to go. You can have those leads going into whatever you want.

    With a website, people can access you any time 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Share on X

    It’s exciting when you get a lead from your website and someone saying, “I want to sell my house.” You’ve got their name on their phone number and the address of the house at least on the microform. That’s cool. I always teach that you’ve got to have a lot of avenues to find houses because it’s getting more and more competitive out there. You may not buy 100 houses off of your website, but if you only buy an extra four houses because you have a website that works and each one of those houses, let’s say $15,000, that’s $60,000 that you weren’t going to have if you didn’t put some thought into this. Heaven knows how many people you might have lost and that’s always the unknown. If someone would have researched you and didn’t find a website, you would never know that you never got that lead.

    I’ve seen a lot of people that think that if they set up a website, it’s going to take the place of marketing. They’re going to automatically get leads if they put up a website. That’s not the case. It’s one little part of your marketing. It’s a way somewhere to send people, but it’s not to replace marketing itself.

    Let me tell you how I look at it and then you can tell me your experience or correct me. I got these two websites. I got a buy website and sell website. At one point, I decided I was going to try to get my website up in the top three on the Google search. I was going to do a bunch of SEOs. I did and it cost me plenty of money, $25,000, $30,000. It took a while to get there as part of the expense is they’re doing this work and it’s creeping up. Finally, I get in the top three. I think this is going to be great. It’s time to earn back the money that I’ve put in and get the lead. I’m getting a decent amount of leads that above and beyond what I was getting before. It was notably different. What happened was as I was going into the house, four investors were coming out and as I was coming out of the house, four were going in. It got into this bidding thing. It’s like the people that went to the internet to sell their house, they called everybody on the first page, if not the first two pages and told them to go out and look at the house and give them a price, which was not where I wanted to be. I didn’t calculate that.

    Maybe this is a personal experience or maybe I didn’t handle it right, but I decided I was going to take that money and do something else and try to do something else. The website was there for credibility and for a few people that would take the time to fill out the form. I’d try to see if they hadn’t called everybody in the world and to put some testimonials up there from other people that had sold me houses. The credibility wasn’t just me saying I was great. There were some other people up there that were applauding. What do you say to that scenario? I paid all that money and SEO. I did buy a couple of houses. I didn’t make some money off the ones that I could finally negotiate a price because there’s a bunch of people out there paying way too much for houses. I’ve found a couple that I could manage to get and I profited about $40,000, so I didn’t lose any money on the SEO, but I didn’t make any money off of it and I didn’t choose to stay with it. Am I wrong?

    You shouldn’t ignore SEO, but it also shouldn’t be the focus. It is more of a long-term strategy. I’d say do little simple things that will get you started in that direction, especially if you’re just getting started. Don’t spend a lot of time and money on SEO. Focus on other marketing. Don’t completely ignore it. Do some basic things. There are simple little things you can do. A lot of it takes time. If you have a brand new website, it’s hard to get a new website to rank well.

    The part is this business is so lucrative that the keywords are very expensive. The advertising, that’s part of the problem. This is a high dollar, high gross business. It can be a hugely financially beneficial business. People will pay a lot of money for these words. It’s getting to where I’m hearing people say they’re paying $5,000 a lead on the internet. I understand how the math can work and I understand how you can still come out ahead at $5,000 lead. I’m like, “I get it, but what if there is some other way that you could get the lead down to $2,000 and you weren’t competing against all these people all the time?” I went off the beaten path trying to find some little tiny trail that hardly anybody was on and it started to exploit that with the money and left my website as another piece of my credibility package.

    People are searching for you, they’ll find it. You’re not relying on that it’s the only way for people to define you either. That’s another reason not to do that. Stuff changes all the time like how Google ranks websites. You might be number one today but tomorrow you might be on page three, which is pretty much like not even being there at all. You still want to put all your eggs in one basket and if you’re going to, I wouldn’t say SEO to be that one thing you’re going to put everything into.

    I don’t think you do, but do you do SEO?

    With our websites, we have an SEO tool built in and we’ve done some basic SEO to the pages. Let’s say when you go in and you put in your investing in San Antonio. It’s going to automatically put San Antonio throughout your site that you buy houses in San Antonio. It’s basic stuff. That’s probably enough for most people getting started. Focus on other marketing.

    That’s one of the reasons not to build a website yourself because if you don’t know, you won’t know how to put in basic things inside your website that helps with the SEO naturally, for organic growth. That’s a big thing. You can go over to whatever those websites are for free and make a template website. Some of those will have to suffer through ads if you don’t pay a monthly fee and you don’t want that.

    It’s not a good use of your time either as an investor. You should be focusing on other things because you can easily spend weeks or months trying to build a website if you’re doing it yourself and then still end up with something that looks like a do-it-yourself website, which doesn’t help your credibility that much.

    It looks like a do-it-yourself website and the backend is not set up to maximum organic SEO. There are two major reasons right there not to build your own website. One is if you want to be on the website building business, get out of the real estate business. Two, if you’re not a professional website builder, then you’re just not going to put things in the start the way that they should be.

    REIS 305 | Buying And Selling Websites

    Buying And Selling Websites: Don’t spend a lot of time and money on SEO. Focus on other marketing.


    You’re going to do things the hard way. You’re going to realize, “I need this and I can’t do that with this website service that I’m using.” You realize that, “I’m not getting any of my leads because something isn’t set up right.”

    I got the selling site, Homes2Go.net, and it was a place to display my inventory. I didn’t need to SEO it as much hardly at all because I sell houses with owner financing, which shrunk my competition down to almost nobody. I rank very well at Homes2Go.net in owner finance homes or people selling homes in San Antonio. If they put seller financing or owner financing anywhere in their search criteria, I’m there because A) 24 years but B) There’s just a small, tiny field of people that do that. I never had to SEO that site. Mostly, I was driving the traffic to that site. People would see my ads or see my signs out around town. I put twenty bandit signs around the neighborhood when it’s for sale. They learn about my website, so people are going there all the time just to look at my new inventory. What does he got for sale? We still want a house. That has a decent amount of traffic for what it is. I spent no time on SEO for that. Do you get any opinions about the selling site?

    I think that makes sense on what you’re saying to do your own marketing and get people there. With the signs you’re putting it on, I’m guessing you put your website address on there and the phone number is that right?

    No, every one of my houses, I have a LiveComm number designated to it. When they call it, it goes to a recording and it tells them everything about the house because that recording, once done right is right every time. That recording answers at midnight and 6:00 Sunday morning and it will give the people information and it captures their cell phone number. That’s when I elect to get them over to the Homes2Go.net site. Actually, it has an autoresponder. When LiveComm recognizes a caller that’s never called before into our system, it sends out a hello message that says, “Thank you very much for your interest. We are Homes2Go.net. Please go to that site to check out our inventory anytime you want. Here’s our personal contact information to be saved in your phone.” It’s automatically happening and they get to my website, but not right off the bat.

    With a website too, the same as that phone number. People can access it any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When you’re not available, they can go there and they can get information and they can submit their information. I think also if you use it in your marketing in some ways it’s a little bit lower pressure than a phone call. Sometimes when you make a phone call, you’re expecting somebody to try to sell you on something.

    The website is nonconfrontational, personal faceup meeting is confrontational. Sometimes people aren’t ready for that confrontation.

    I think in some cases, depending on your marketing, you might include a phone number and a website so that people have the choice. Some people hate talking on the phone. If you have a website you can go to, they can do it.

    They’re getting more and more like that. There are people that don’t talk on the phone anymore. They’re a little younger, but they won’t make a call. If you don’t have a nice website, because one of the main things you need to do in a mailing is have your web address on the mailing. I use this example all the time. I usually use it for LiveComm, but we use it for both the website and LiveComm. You should always have two phone numbers on your mailing and you should always have your web address on the mailing. The one phone number says, “To call Mitch and talk to him, here’s the number.” The other one says, “For a free recorded message about your house, call this number.”

    The recorded message is not a matter of what you say. It’s there to capture their cell phone number. What if a guy’s bowling on Saturday night? He comes in at 11:45 in the evening, he’s half drunk and wants to smoke one last cigarette before he goes and there’s the mail sitting on the table. He’s looking and there’s your postcard. Is he going to call you at 11:30 at night half drunk and smoking cigarettes and getting ready to go to bed? No, he’s not going to call you. Will he might call the recorded message and you capture his phone number? Maybe or he might decide to check you out on the internet but he’s not going to call you at 11:30 because he doesn’t expect you or your business to be running it that time. You’re missing a lot of chances. The other thing is if they hit your website, you can capture their IP address and then you can start to do other neat things like retargeting, remarketing whenever they get on the internet and hit them with ads when they get on social media sites and stuff. That is fun.

    It’s amazing all this stuff you can do with technology.

    Do you stay specialize in these websites or do you help people build websites if they want to retarget? Is there stuff to be built in the insider?

    It can be done with it. I don’t specifically offer that, but it can definitely be done with the websites. It’s just a matter of getting a little piece of code from wherever you’re doing your advertising to put it on your website and that can be done. We can help people do that too.

    Every avenue that you fill is another avenue that you can receive a profit from. Share on X

    You only want to do that if you’re ready to spend some money on retargeting, which means pay-per-click. That’s a whole other level of game and a whole other level of sophistication, which I haven’t had a ton of luck with myself. I found simpler ways to find people that I’m not competing with so many other competitors with.

    It’s a competitive market lane. Like you were saying earlier, the keywords are pretty expensive a lot of times for real estate investors because there is a lot of competition. A lot of people are willing to pay a lot for it. That’s another thing where you don’t want to probably start off. That’s something maybe down the road.

    When you get a little bigger budget, you want to go out there and hit a frontier, go ahead. You’re going to be giving away a free motivated seller website template to show people what it looks like. I want people to go to 1000houses.com/donewebsite. You’ll get over there and take a look at this free motivated seller website. I was reviewing your prices. You’re very reasonable for what you do, and I think it’s a great value. I think you could be a good asset, especially a new investor on a budget. Your stuff looks good and works good and it’s a fair deal all the way around.

    I try to keep it as reasonable as possible.

    Do you offer any other kinds of websites? We’ve got the buy and sell website and the selling website. I understand you can combine them. There is one website but the URLs could be completely separate, so you do keep that division between buyers and sellers.

    Everything is built in it and I tried to include all the pages that an investor might need. I know everybody is doing things a little bit differently and so they might have a different combination of pages that they might need. It has landing pages who are obviously motivated sellers and then different types of buyers. You’ve got wholesale cash buyers or rent-to-own buyers, retail buyers. A page for buying land and page for buying commercial or multifamily properties for buying notes or investors.

    There are a lot more choices than just seems on the surface, which is why you might want to go to 1000houses.com/donewebsite and get a consultation or check in there and see all the choices that you have or get with someone. There’s no question you have to have a website. There’s no question about that or your credibility is nonexistent.

    It goes from you looking somebody that may not know what they’re doing. People are skeptical, especially sellers of somebody wanting to buy their house. You have to gain their trust and a website can do a lot to help with that process.

    Every avenue that you fill is another avenue that you can receive a profit from a house. I always like to say I keep as many lanes open as I can, and that’s one of the lanes. You need to pay attention to it and do a little bit of homework. You could help them with the little bitty things they can do to organically grow or keep relevant out there in the Google world. Just doing ratings or testimonials. Every little thing helps a little bit. I’m sure you can coach them on what to do. Customer reviews helps a lot.

    That’s true. That gives people confidence. When they see other people have had good experiences with you. We tend to trust those more than the person selling something.

    My book reviews for My Life & 1,000 Houses, the first ten reviews are me and my family. Just count those. The same thing with your website, you’re going to have to call up ten or fifteen friends and say, “Go post the review, get me kicked off here.” After that, there are ways to solicit your happy customers, “Would you mind going over and giving me a good review?”

    That’s important to take advantage of those. Sometimes people naturally send an email or phone call or whatever and thanking you for what you did, but don’t miss that opportunity to capture that.

    REIS 305 | Buying And Selling Websites

    Buying And Selling Websites: People are skeptical, especially sellers, of somebody wanting to buy their house. You have to gain their trust, and a website can help with that process.


    Could you go over there to Yelp or wherever you’re supposed to go and put that in writing? Just something short and sweet.

    Just say, “Can I use your comments on our website?” Get their permission but use that because that adds a lot of trusts in people’s minds.

    We’re not going to talk a lot about this, but you also have some websites for people that want to get in that are involved in syndication for apartments or would like to be involved in syndication of apartment complexes and bigger projects. You also specialize in that. Over at 1000houses.com/donewebsite. If you’re into apartment syndication and you think you need a website so you look more like a pro, then you can check that out. Anything you want to say to the audience?

    Thanks for reading. I appreciate it. If anybody does have any questions or needs any tips or anything about building a website, we’re glad to answer any questions.

    Are you going to have a phone number over there that they can call or you prefer to get your stuff online?

    I do prefer email because a lot of times we can answer even if it’s after hours. If somebody has a question, send it through any time and we’ll get back to them.

    I like to tell people that this real estate investing thing is a marathon. Don’t get overwhelmed with all the things there are to do. Just pick one thing and then get that thing done. Once it’s beautifully finished, then move on to the next thing. One of those things is your buy site and the next thing is your sell site and then you move on from there. It’s done. It should be running in the background. Everything sometimes takes a little maintenance but not much, but you’ve got it there working for you. What’s the next thing? What’s the next thing after that? You just keep building up and you look up after a year or maybe eighteen months and you’ve built quite a formidable company with a lot of different key pieces that are in place operating. Many of them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, which is what a website does. It doesn’t ever sleep. You might pay a little upfront for this stuff, but it’s yours forever. You can modify it. You can adjust it over time. It can grow with you. I want to thank you for taking the time to be on, Todd.

    Thanks for having me. I appreciate it.

    I’d like to thank everybody out there for stopping by to get some Todd Heitner and taking time to read about the websites that he’s been passionately building for twenty years. I’m hoping you are achieving your goals. I’m sending you best wishes. We’re out of here.

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    About Todd Heitner

    REIS 305 | Buying And Selling WebsitesTodd Heitner has been building websites for over 2 decades, with a focus on real estate investor websites for the past 15 years. He wanted to make it easier for real estate investors to get a website up and running that will capture leads and make them look more professional without breaking the bank. His business, Done Deal Website, aims to do just that. 

    Todd and his wife live in Virginia and like to hike the Appalachian Trail and play music. They’ve designed their lives to be able to travel and spend time doing what they love and enjoy helping investors do the same. On this episode, Todd shares the importance of having a professional website as real estate investor, and some of the elements of good website design.


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