Cracking The Code To Travel Hacking And Credit Leveraging With Yan Stavisski

Mitch Stephen chats with

Yan Stavisski

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    Episode 406: Cracking The Code To Travel Hacking And Credit Leveraging With Yan Stavisski

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    REIS 406 | Credit Leveraging


    These days, being able to travel around sounds like a luxury. Yan Stavisski, the CEO of King Credit LLC, has cracked the code to travel hacking and leveraging credit and has put it to good use personally. In this episode, he joins Mitch Stephen to share the inspiring story of how he rose from being in debt to the top. He emphasizes the importance of meeting the right coach and mentor for you and warns to keep an eye out for coaches who have no experience in the field they’re teaching. He believes that if you’re going to fail big, it’s best to do it at the beginning, so you can make the changes to put yourself in a good position. Learn what you need to master in life if you’re thinking of putting up a business. Yan also shares the very strategy he used to get his life back on track and build his business.

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    I have Yan Stavisski, and we’re going to be talking about some travel hacks and how we can make money using our credit cards or other things available to us if we have good credit. I need to pay homage to my sponsor, TaxFreeFuture.com. If you do not have a tax-deferred or tax-free account in which to grow your finances, you have no idea the size of the tool that you are missing from your tool belt. It is a gigantic advantage. There are 37 little video vignettes. My favorite videos are the part where you have a little bit of money to start your account, and you grow it into a whole bunch of money using certain strategies. You can make a lot of money with little money. You just have to know the strategies and you have to stay within the rules.

    Mitch, thanks for having me on.

    You look young. How young are you?

    I turned 26.

    You already got your collective crap together. I was 34 before I found my butt with both hands. I was a hard worker. I had tried a lot of things and it didn’t work out. I paid everybody back, even when I failed, but it didn’t click for me for a long time. From my vantage point, looking back, I’m seeing all these young men in their 19s or 20s too, they’re coming of age about the youngest ones that are setting it on fire are coming of age around 25, 26, 27. It’s refreshing to see that. I wish I had to come along earlier, but we all have a different path to travel. Mine started a little later, but I don’t have any regrets. Tell us a little bit about your background for the whole 26 years. I don’t want you to leave anything.

    I think the faster you fail big, the faster you’re going to make some big changes to get to a good position or start figuring shit out as opposed to being complacent and have a little bit of money here and there be comfortable and then not make any serious change. I’m 26 and the last years have been crazy. In 2019, I took 147 flights, 25 or 27 countries that I’ve traveled to. My business hit over seven figures in late 2019. Life has changed in those years. At 22 and 23, I was a completely different person. I was not living in the mansion that I’m living in now. I was not traveling. I did not have any business that was not making seven figures. I didn’t even have a business that was making even $10,000. I was at $82,000 with the credit card debt at the time. I got two degrees, one from Berkeley, one from San Francisco State University on Marketing and Finance. It turns out that they’re completely useless.

    I’m not an advocate for all this bullshit unless you want to be a doctor or a lawyer. I shouldn’t say this but there have to be people like us that are advocates for people that aren’t college material or didn’t have the opportunity or for whatever reason they didn’t get it. There’s still great hope and not only is there a great hope, but it might also be the best thing that ever happened to you because not having a degree was the best thing that ever happened to me. They put a ceiling on my income because I didn’t have that piece of paper and it pissed me off so bad that I had to go on my own. I passed everybody that was telling me I couldn’t have a raise or telling me I couldn’t work for them or that I couldn’t move up the ladder. They all wish they were me now. That was because I didn’t have the degree or those velvet handcuffs, the insurance, the car allowance, the cell phone, and all those little things that keep you from going and conquering the world.

    The faster you fail big, the faster you're going to make some big changes to actually get to a good position. Share on X

    I knew how useless these things were and when I got it in the mail, I sent it to my parents. I didn’t even want to see the grades. I happened to be there. When I opened the envelope and I put it down on the table to use it as a coaster for my plates and my parents got mad. I’m like, “This thing is useless. I wanted to put it to use.”

    I guess you did it for your parents because your parents were pushing you hard.

    I was about to drop out the last year, but I ended up going back and saying, “I’ll finish up the last year to say that I finished it and I didn’t waste three years or whatever.” At the time I didn’t have a concrete idea of what I wanted to do.

    Those are two good things to study if you’re going to study marketing and finance. That’s two excellent choices. Do you draw on it at all?

    I did not use anything from either one whatsoever. It’s 100% useless.

    What’s your first move? You graduate from college, you get this degree, they mail it to you in the mail. You use it as a coaster for your drink. What’s next?

    My first move was to go take a trip, to go traveling. I’ve been traveling here and there and that’s how I got into one of our main topics now which is travel hacking. I’ve been traveling my entire life. One of my first mentors said, “If you want to experience the world, get new experiences to open up your mind, get creative, go travel. Go to a different country, different culture, and meet people.” That’s what I did and I enjoyed it. That’s what I was doing during the time that I was in college. Any opportunity I got, I went to go and take a trip. I never had any money to travel every single month. That’s how I got at the travel hacking.

    I had to figure out how to get free flights, how to get free hotels, super cheap car rentals, and I did so with credit card points. I started doing that when I was eighteen. I’ve been doing that religiously since that time. Until I was 23, I had no money whatsoever. When I finished school, I’ve been traveling during the time. I thought, “I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur. I’ve always wanted to start my own business, my own company. I want to go and do whatever it takes to go and make some income by myself without working for anybody.” At this point, it’s my only option. I’ve applied to 100 different places with my two amazing degrees and not a single person even got back to me. My degrees are Berkeley and San Francisco State, they’re decent schools.

    No one even calls you back.

    I had a stellar resume or whatever you call it.

    REIS 406 | Credit Leveraging

    Credit Leveraging: If you want to experience the world, get new experiences, open up your mind, get creative, travel to a different country and culture, and meet people.


    Did you have a good grade?

    I had good grades. I have a 3.7 GPA. I was like, “I’ll have one way to go and that’s the entrepreneurship route.” What I did was I went to YouTube. I went to Instagram and I found all these people driving Lambos. I’m like, “What do these people do?” Some people do Amazon. Some people do real estate wholesaling. They do dropship on Shopify. They do all these different businesses and my idea was, “I’m going to start all these at once and I don’t have any cash or any capital to start these businesses. I’m going to use my credit cards.” I have a lot of credit available because I started travel hacking early. By 23, I probably had 25, 26 credit cards and about $120,000 in available credit.

    My credit was on point. Everything was good. At this point, I’ve only used it for the purpose of travel hacking. I go and start five businesses or startups at once. None of them work because my focus is dispersed across five different things, not happening. I got no skills. I got no experience. I’ve never worked for anyone that has a successful business in any of these areas. Six months later, I’m at $82,000 with a credit card debt. I’m paying the banks probably $4,000 a month in interest. I’m not paying them. This is accumulating my debt even higher and higher. I’m making whatever payments I possibly can. Some stuff is going to collections. I’m getting late payments. Keep in mind, I’m still not making any money. I’m living in San Francisco and barely making payments for food or the guacamole on my burrito. That was a big decision for me. Am I going to put guac on my burrito or am I not? I’m going to save $2.50.

    That’s not a cheap place to live.

    It’s not, but luckily, I house hack my way into not paying rent in San Francisco. I got a house, we rented the rooms for a more expensive price. My rent ended up being about a $100, $200. That part saved me quite a bit living in San Francisco. It’s something I recommend people do is I saved a couple hundred thousand dollars over the course of six years.

    You’re creative. It sounds to me like you’re single at this point because if you had a wife and kids, this is not probably as achievable. Not to say that it couldn’t be done.

    I have no wife. I had a girlfriend at the time.

    Hats off to you though. When I made my decision, it was like, “I ended up single. I didn’t have anything to lose and I decide I’m never going backward again. I didn’t care if I had to sleep on the floor and eat pork and beans every day. I didn’t care. I was not going to go backward anymore. I was going to start being worth more every day than I was yesterday.” You can do that when you’re single and especially when you’re single and at the bottom, you don’t have anything to lose. I don’t know if you call it vision or drive or both. You’re living free, you’re worried about $2.50 guacamole or not. You’re $82,000 in credit card debt. Where did you go from here?

    That was my rock bottom at that time. I sat down and said, “I’ve got $82,000 worth of debt. I’m accumulating $4,000 of interest every month. My credit is going in the gutter.” I had 750 months ago. I now have 490 because I got every possible derogatory mark on my credit. Everything I’m doing, I’m losing money. I’m using my credit to go and try to hire people, run ads, all that stuff is losing money. I’m doing five different things. I don’t even know which direction I should even go because nothing is working. The only thing that’s working is my fitness classes. I’ve always been into fitness and I was doing training every couple of days. That was keeping me afloat, but I made a decision at that time.

    If you want to run a business, you have to understand sales. Everything in life is sales.Credit Leveraging Share on X

    That’s what I mentioned in the beginning. You’ve got to get into a shitty situation to make some drastic different moves. That’s what I did. Instead of going and applying for 100 different places online to get a job. I started going to every single event that I possibly could that a company was hosting. Luckily, I ended up at a sales job. I was always thinking after listening to some podcasts. I think it was Grant Cardone’s podcast and he’s like, “If you want to run a business, you’ve got to understand sales. You’ve got to know sales. Everything in life is sales.” I’m like, “I’m going to trust this. I’m going to get a sales job.” That’s exactly what I did. I landed up at a sales job. I stopped doing all those things that I was trying to do, all those five startups.

    The other thing I did was learn credit. I’m doing a sales job. I’m spending 80 hours a week on it, trying to become the best person at that company. I’m not doing it for the income. I’m more doing it for sales skills and to understand how to run a business. How do I hire a team? How do I get the exposure? How do I become the number one salesperson? My clients weren’t like some schmucks that were buying $100 products. These deals were $50,000, $100,000, $150,000. My clients were people that if I spend time around them would better my environment quite a bit.

    In the third month, I ended up at Mike Tyson’s house to do some hedge fund things at the house in Las Vegas. The tiger cage is still there. I’m like, “The third month in. This is what’s happening.” I’m talking to a couple of guys that are worth maybe $250 million. I’ve never been around those kinds of people. Month three of killing it at the sales job, I even got to that position because I became the number one salesperson in that company.

    What were you selling?

    I was selling placements on cryptocurrency exchanges for companies that were going public and wanting to sell their tokens. This was during the cryptocurrency boom. Everything was on point. Everybody was making money, raising money. It’s perfect timing for me to get this sales job.

    How long were you with that company?

    I was with the company for about a year and a half. I ended up running operations in the US. A year and a half later, I left that company for two reasons. I started making more money leveraging my credit to fund real estate and econ deals.

    How much were you making at that company when you left?

    I was making about $150,000, $160,000.

    REIS 406 | Credit Leveraging

    Credit Leveraging: lf you’re not killing it, you’re probably going to end up in a very average situation or you’re going to go back into the same situation that you would have been if you failed your business.


    Tell us the numbers. How did leveraging credit business work?

    That business started because I had some colleagues that were doing real estate flips in the Bay Area. Their problem was the money that they were getting from the banks was too expensive to fund their flips. How I started was when I saw the opportunity. First, I got my credit straight. I did credit repair, I got my credit straight from a 490, 750 to 760. What I learned in the process is you can go and get a 0% capital from the banks on the business side, and you can get a decent amount of it. You can get $100,000 and probably up to $200,000 at the max as your percent capital. It’s 12 to 15 months. I saw an opportunity where I can take that capital and fund these real estate deals. Give the money and fund these deals at a lower rate than the bank was providing to my colleagues at the sales company. I said, “I’ll fund the deal. $50,000, $30,000 and I’m going to take 13%, 15%, whatever it was.”

    You made yourself part of the bottom line. You weren’t loaning on the rate, you were loaning on the profit.

    I made this deal safer because I was thinking collateral for the money. I was like, “I’m not going to end up in the same situation I was a couple of years back or a year ago.” I would take mostly car notes. That was probably the best and easiest thing to do. Six months in, I’m probably pulling in near $7,000 to $10,000 a month scaling that entire business. I pulled in some money from friends and I taught them to do the same thing. My capital increased from being able to use $150,000 to $300,000.

    It’s all about access. It’s not necessarily the cost because it doesn’t matter if it’s an 18% annual interest on the credit card. If you’re going to buy a house for $200,000 and flip it for $400,000 in six months, who cares how much interest rate it has? The old saying in the businesses goes, “It’s not the cost of the money, it’s the availability if you’re making over the top deals.” In your case, you’re getting 0%. You were taking this introductory credit card offer thing to the limit, which is exactly what I did when I bought my first houses. I bought my first 100 houses, my partner and I on credit cards. We had 45 credit cards each. It wasn’t unusual for us to be $500,000 in a credit card debt, but we’d have $1 million worth of real estate that was up for sale.

    It was going in different phases of closing. It almost cost him a divorce because we tried to hide it from our spouses for a long time, but they finally caught on. The average person to go rack up $250,000, or even in your case, $82,000 in credit card. If you’re married, that will freak your spouse out, they don’t understand. She was going to divorce me. She’s had her bags packed and I said, “You’re being irrational.” Whenever you get married, this is what you don’t say to a woman. “If you want me to prove it to you, I need 60 seconds that you listen to me.”

    She looks and says, “Ready? Go.” I said, “This is not gambling, but I’ll put it in your pretext because you think about gambling with your future even though it’s not. We’re playing in a game of poker, we’re playing five cards draw. I’ve got $250,000 in on a table and they’re going to give me three cards and you’re leaving before I get my cards. That’s not smart. You can leave me when I lose the $250,000 but I haven’t lost yet.” She got back out of the car, put her bags back in the house, and said, “You better win.” I won big.

    Before you do that and accumulate that day, you’ve got to have a good understanding of how everything works.

    I knew how much those houses were when I bought them. When I paid $50,000 on that credit card for that house, I knew it was worth $120,000. It wasn’t a guess. I had the comps in the neighborhood. I was nervous. I had visited every one of the comps to compare the inside and the outside to what I had. I knew I was not gambling. I was taking a highly-calculated risk, which to me wasn’t even a big risk because I had learned enough about that game to know what I was buying for what price and what it was worth. This is like the way you operate. Sometimes we can fall into the trap that we think we know what we know and that we don’t know some things. Have you ever fallen into that trap?

    That was the trap that I fell into. That’s why I even say that because what you did is you made a work. What I did in the beginning, I failed. I learned afterward and then I started to make it work.

    Failing is going to happen, and it's better to do it in the beginning. Share on X

    Do you think you would have been successful right out of the shoot with that $120,000 available credit? If you would have narrowed it down to one of those five companies and immersed yourself completely in it, you probably would have made money. You seem like a quick study. Even though you might’ve learned that it’s not lucrative enough for you or they have you kept somewhere or it’s not exactly what they told you, but you would have made money.

    I probably would have made money, but I certainly wouldn’t be in the position I am now. I wouldn’t have the thought in the back of my mind, “If you’re not killing it, you’re probably going to end up in an average situation or you’re going to go back into the same situation that you would have been if you failed at those businesses.” What I went through was always in the back of my mind. Every single day, I’m like, “If I’m not hustling and getting better and bettering my skills, hiring a team, expanding my company, getting more exposure, you’re going to end up in the same situation.”

    Your model is like the sooner you fail big, the sooner you’ll make it big. That’s all predicated on the fact that if you don’t curl up in a ball like a baby and start sucking your thumb after you fail big, because some people do that. They fail big one time and then they go on a hole and labeled themselves a loser and they don’t ever come out of that hole. I do get it. I think everybody in most of the stories I hear on this show, the large majority of them, there’s this moment or this time in the woods where they’re lost. They start to learn to fight out of that and figure where they are and then they get out of it. They’re much stronger because of the life experience and that’s what you’re saying. The life experience of failing big will get you to your finish line faster if you don’t quit running.

    Failing is going to happen and it’s better to do it in the beginning. If you’re going to curl up in a ball in the beginning, you’re going to crawl up in a ball later on too.

    The other thing is if you have the chance and you’re single, go do it while you’re single. It’s easier to fail by yourself than to fail with a wife and two kids. I recognize that when I was single like, “Now’s my time to jump off a cliff and find out if I can fly and not carry in three other people with me.”

    If we don’t have any ties or whatever, that’s the best time to go and do it. I did it when I was 22 or 23, luckily my situation got so bad I quickly maneuvered and adapted my way out of it. Now at 26, I think I’m on a way to set up in life by the age of 30. Most people consider I am, but to me, I’ve got much bigger goals.

    I have this philosophy but it doesn’t go for everybody. I don’t gamble everything every time. I keep a certain amount of stuff sacred. I take everything above that when I make some money above that, that’s like R&D money. If I go out and try something and I lose that money, I’m still in this nice place. Some of the ones we know, the huge ones, they are gambling everything on the line all the time. I don’t want to live like that. For every one of those guys we know, there are a million of them that died and are buried somewhere because they didn’t make it.

    We just hear about the ones that did make it.

    REIS 406 | Credit Leveraging

    Credit Leveraging: Listen to very few people. They should be or should have the life that you have, or do whatever that you want to do.


    I prefer to keep certain amounts sacred. If I make a stride, I’m a little higher up the mountain. I make another stride, I’m higher up the mountain but I don’t want to put myself in a position to be at the bottom of the mountain and starting over, but I do want to grow. If I was a lot younger like 26 then you have some more time to recover. I still say personally, don’t risk everything on the next deal all the time. Do some incremental stuff. That’s my opinion. How do you feel?

    I agree. In the beginning, I was risking everything like any income and any capital that comes in.

    You didn’t have anything.

    I didn’t have anything but now I’m setting aside a decent portion of something that is not going to be a risk. Something that is in a long-term investment. I’m more focused on cashflow than anything. A big part of my story is after I went and left the job, I started making more money. I got back to traveling. I mentioned that I took 150 flights in 2019, and I got back to travel hacking. My whole philosophy for the years going forward is to leverage credit to make money so that I don’t have to go and do that in-person job anymore.

    Two, go back to traveling which is the one thing that I wanted to do in the beginning and use travel hacking to not spend the money on the flights, hotels, and car rentals. Instead, put that money back to the business. That second business that I started aside from the real estate funding is an online education business about credit repair. About leveraging, credit, personal and business, and travel hacking and that business started in 2019. I got about 1,000 students, and that business has done nearly seven figures.

    Tell us about what your educational program is about? What can they expect? What does it cost? He’ll talk about what it costs and when they pay that price, what do they get?

    The program is called the Inner Circle. Everything is not on a website, not on a funnel. Everything’s on Instagram and is easily accessible. Inner Circle is a $1,000 program, lifetime access and it’s not a course where people can go and just learn some videos or content, and if they understand it, awesome, if they don’t, whatever. It’s not the case. I made it so that they have access to support. They have access to ask questions and get immediate answers and it got three main parts. One is credit repair. All the walkthroughs, all the methods. Primarily that I used to get out of the 490 credit score out of the $82,000 with a debt, collections, late payments lawsuits. The second main part is leveraging personal and business credit for businesses like real estate and eComm. One of them was the ATM business.

    The third part in which the fun part is travel hacking. How do you get free flights, free hotels, super cheap car rentals? Those are the three main parts of the Inner Circle. Funny enough because I’ve never done ads for this business. I’ve never had a website up until recently. I’ve been doing this for about a year, nearly 1,000 students. Everything is directly on Instagram, all organic, all about word of mouth, or if they see my content on Instagram. To give you an idea of where this business is going. Everything from here is going to be scaled to multiple products. $1,000. With everything that’s going to be included like a biweekly Zoom call videos and all that stuff. The whole program is going to be scaled.

    First of all, fix your credit and then leverage your credit. Maybe you don’t need your credit fixed. You already skipped step one, but if you need it fixed, learn how to fix it. There’s probably a business in credit repair too if someone’s into that. There are a lot of people who need their credit fixed. Leverage your personal and business credit, which is saying people don’t have enough money. You have a way to access to money and you mark your money up and rent your money out. Lastly, learn how to travel hack. If you’re into traveling and these things appeal to you, this is a bonus and learn how to travel virtually free.

    Every single person needs a coach. Share on X

    I want everyone to go to 1000Houses.com/yan. Get over there and there will be all the links to anything and everything that you need to know or to get connected up with Yan and find out if this is for you. The main goal of this show and I started it so I could pick up more one-on-one mentoring students for my real estate investing knowledge that I have many years and over 2,000 houses. It turns out that I’m more interested in connecting people with whatever it is that sets them free. I don’t care if this is what it is or that the next show is what it is.

    I’m trying to help people find their place. Where do you fit? Where is your financial freedom so that you can be the person that you’re supposed to be instead of a slave to some company or some boss? When we become financially independent, we free up about 2,600 hours a year that we get to work on ourselves or do what we want to do. That’s where I’m trying to get people. If this sounds interesting to you, go to 1000Houses.com/yan.

    The best thing to do is to go to Instagram. Its @KingCredit and they’ll learn free value every single day about travel hacking, credit repair, and leveraging credit. The majority of the stuff that I put out is all free. They can go, you can learn. I don’t care if they buy, if they do want to learn the advanced stuff, they can learn the advanced stuff. I mostly do it for free.

    That’s me too. I give away a ton of stuff and if you’re smart enough to figure out you need a coach, then we’re there for you. How many people need a coach?

    Every single person.

    I bought a semi-truck. We bought twelve acres with a couple of 6,000 square foot buildings on it but there’s all this extra land and it’s on a highway frontage. It will park 250 to 275 semi-trucks. It’s a semi-truck parking business. They’ve got to take a day off and they’ve got to park this truck somewhere when they take the day off and a lot of truck drivers live in neighborhoods and they can’t park their truck in their driveway. Our idea is to rent out parking spaces for $100 a month so that people can park their semi when they’re not driving it. Even then, it sounds simple enough but this guy comes by and he says, “There’s a lot. You’re going to need to learn about this.”

    He charged me $10,000 to be my consultant for a year. It’s only been the first day and he’s already paid for himself. I had it laid out where the place would get 150 trucks. He said, “You’re too far apart and you’ve got the wrong angles, do it like this and you can get 250 trucks in there.” That’s $10,000 a month difference. I paid this guy $10,000 onetime and he opened his mouth for only 30 minutes far and I got him for a year. If you get the right coach, which you need to do your homework and make sure it’s the right coach for you. Coaching should not cost you money. It should be like you put the money out and then you see it come back plus in a relatively short amount of time.

    You got the right coach, but that’s something people have to do the research on to watch out for. I’ll give you an awesome example. Not every single one, but the majority of the teachers in college are teaching something that they did not do. When I was in my finance courses, I got this idea. I’m like, “Do they do what they’re teaching me, investing the real estate? I’m going to ask them.” I went to ask every single one of my professors. I’m like, “How long have you been doing this as a business?” They’re like, “I’ve been doing this for twelve years.” I’m like, “No. the actual business.” They go, “Every single one. I’ve never done the business.”

    I went to one semester. Long enough to go and then my teacher volunteered that he was filing bankruptcy and that he was having a hard time financially. I’m like, “Why am I paying to listen to this man?” I was disgusted. I said, “I’m out of here. I’m done. If I’m going to listen to someone, they better be making $1 million a year.” That was years ago. Now they better be making $5 million, $6 million, $7 million, $8 million, or $9 million a year because why would I pay to listen to someone who’s going to stand up there and cry to me that they’re in bankruptcy? I’m not saying you can’t learn from anybody who’s been through bankruptcy, but probably not at the level he was filing. There are probably people I do listen to that have filed bankruptcy, but they filed bankruptcy over $20 million or something. This guy will be back in a minute. He’s going to catch his breath and he’ll be back.

    If I got a big corporation that’s $20 million to $100 million and they filed bankruptcy, I’ll listen to them. I’m not going to listen to the person filing bankruptcy over $13,000.

    It’s been fun to talk to you. Anything you want to say to the audiences before we wrap it up?

    Look at my simple formula about the coaches, the mentors. Listen to a few people and the people that you listen to should be or should have a life that you have, or do whatever that you want to do. Don’t take advice from somebody that’s giving you advice and that’s not doing whatever you want to be doing. A simple formula is going to get people far.

    I say the same thing, but I add one little tag to it. Find someone who’s already doing who’s successful at what you want to do. Make sure that that the person that you want to be on and off the field, because if they’re not a good person or not a good fit off the field, then it’s going to bleed over into the business. It will show up somewhere. Make sure they’re a good person on and off the field and that they’re someone you want to be on and off the field and that’s a good coach. I appreciate you taking the time. Go to 1000Houses.com/yan. Check it out. He’ll show you how to get to a ton of free information on Instagram over there.

    I like to thank my sponsor TaxFreeFuture.com. You won’t believe what your financial advisors are not telling you. We’re going to tell you what they’re not telling you. We’re going to tell you why they’re not telling you, and then you can make up your mind. You’re going to be much wiser after you watched these 37 little video vignettes. Please check it out. I’m here with Yan Stavisski and he showed up in Los Angeles to talk to us. I’d like to thank you for coming out to get you some Yan Stavisski. Go out there and start conquering some mountains, brothers and sisters. We’ll see you next time.


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    About Yan Stavisski

    REIS 406 | Credit LeveragingYan Stavisski is the founder and President of Third Wave Revenue LLC. He is a millennial entrepreneur who is quickly being recognized for his work in the field of Brand Strategy and monetizing Social Network Advertising for the professional service industry.

    Yan has co-created proven methods and techniques widely used in the online digital marketing industry. Since 2015, his company Third Wave Revenue LLC. has consulted numerous multi-million dollar brands and continues helping Bay Area businesses in the professional service industry grow their brand and monetize their potential with Social Platform Advertising Growth Hacking.

    Today, while running his company, Yan is a big supporter of the cryptocurrency community and strives to be a proponent of the financial revolution. He has also been named “The Digital Nomad” because while running his company and actively participating in the financial world, Yan travels the world with a soon-to-be met goal of visiting 50 countries.


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