Fast & True Rehab Estimate Software With Matthew Hedstrom
Episode 459: Fast & True Rehab Estimate Software With Matthew Hedstrom
Are you a real estate investor who needs a pro rehab estimate software to determine your property value? That’s what Mitch Stephen’s guest for today, Matthew Hedstrom, offers you. Matthew is the co-creator of Rehab Estimator Pro, which helps you calculate the cost of rehab with minimal learning curve needed. It also enables you to come up with an offer to your seller before you leave the house and comes with a checkbox system you can easily follow. Tune in to discover how you can further accelerate your business through the Rehab Estimator Pro.
I have Matthew Hedstrom with me here. We went to a mastermind in Tulum and we met there. He’s a great guy and I’ve got a lot of experience in something that we all need to be better at, and this is estimating your rehab costs. How do you do it quickly? How do you do it effectively? We all know there are two vital numbers that you have to get right. The value of an after repaired property and the value of the estimate of the repairs. If you get those wrong, you’re sunk from the beginning.
There was a little bumper sticker one time and we’ve all heard the saying, “You make your money when you buy.” Mitch Stephen, yours truly, added the little tagline to that bumper sticker that says, “You make your money when you buy and you lose it in the rehab.” I wish I could show these hands out in the audience. Everybody who goes over on their rehabs, please raise your hand. Everyone who’s not raising their hand is a liar or they haven’t done rehab yet. That’s my professional opinion. We get it right every now and then but we’ve learned to pad it so much in our self-defense that that’s the only reason we ever get it right most of the time.
I need to pay homage to my sponsor, LiveComm.com. It’s lead generation and mass texting equal sales and success. It’s all about smartphone numbers and being able to collect the cell phone numbers of incoming callers to your bandit signs or to your billboards or to whatever you have out there. It will be nice if people identify themselves as, “I’m interested in your product. This is my cell phone number. Send me a text next time you have something going on that I need to know about.” I don’t know a business in the world that wouldn’t need to do that.
I can personally tell you that I use LiveComm.com and I have nine days on the market for my last 300 houses. I tied that with LiveComm to a Facebook business page and we don’t even put out signs anymore. We have many people looking for my seller finance homes in our text distribution list that all we have to do is send out a little link to thousands of people for $0.02 apiece. Mind you, they’ve already raised their hand and now, I’m sending them a text saying, “I’ve got more of what you want. Here’s another house coming into inventory.”
As you can imagine, if you have 8,000 to 10,000 people on this list, you don’t need to even put a sign out. I don’t anymore. We don’t put signs at our houses anymore. We just use LiveComm. We also use LiveComm to direct people over to our Facebook page where they can see all of our inventory. On that Facebook page, we train people what it’s going to take to buy our house. “I need paycheck stubs.” “I need this from you.” “I need that from you.” You will put down a $2,000 non-refundable deposit if you’re approved. It’s non-refundable if it’s not approved.
When people come in and they like our houses, they already have the $2,000 in their hands. It’s a neat system. Check it out. It can be used for so much more and it can be used for all kinds of businesses, not just the real estate business. Thank you, LiveComm.com, for sponsoring this episode. Matt, I paid the bills. Now, it’s our time, you and me. Let us tell us a little bit about Matthew Hedstrom, where you’re from, how you grew up, and how’d you get where you’re at.

Rehab Estimate Software: With this software, you can be confident in yourself to go in there without any knowledge or experience doing house surveys.
I’m originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and I’m in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I’m right in between Milwaukee and Chicago, so Midwest is my thing. That’s what I know. I’ve been a licensed contractor for many years now. That’s my field of expertise for sure. I’ve been a full-time real estate investor for many years. I love family as well. That’s what drives me. I’ve got 6 kids and 2 grandbabies. That is a huge part of my life. I’m still a young guy.
I feel young, but I don’t know if I’m young enough. I’m like, “When the hell did that happen?” We’re going to conquer this problem of timely and accurate estimates. What got you to develop this software when you can get a true estimate?
I started out in the short sale business. That’s coming out of that contracting world. I was using a free tool that was on the market and it helped me at the BPO appointment, which is a cheap appraisal if you know the short sale business. That’s the most important part of the entire short sale process. Having a scope of work in your hand with itemized numbers to be able to show repair costs was absolutely vital to show that agent, broker, or whoever came on the scene there. That program crashed and was no longer available.
Since I’ve had all the knowledge, expertise and years of running the remodeling, contracting, building business, I decided, “I’m going to create some software for our own short sale business so that we can use this.” I still run a negotiating company as well. This is a tool that was vital for us to use, then word got out. People started seeing it, asking about it, and using it. The next thing you know, it turned into a full-blown passion of mine to get it into other people’s hands.
Ken D’Angelo, the Founder of HomeVestors, we were friends. His daughter and son-in-law were here in town. They had the first franchise. He was courting me to be the second franchise of that entire company. One day, he stormed into a restaurant where I was eating a breakfast taco by myself and he was shouting, “Who has that truck outside with the ‘I buy houses’ sign on it?” I had a mouth full of taco and I was waving my hand, then this guy ran into my car or something. I don’t know what happened because this guy is excited.
He came over and he said, “Can I sit down?” I still have a mouth full of tacos, so in motion, I’m like, “Sit down.” He sat down and I’m like, “What’s the problem?” He says, “Is that your truck out there with that sign on it?” I’m like, “Yes. Did that become illegal or something? Calm down.” He said, “No. That’s not a magnetic sign. That sign is permanently on that truck.” He says, “You’re in this business. You’re not trying this business on. Aren’t you?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “I want to talk to you,” then he started to court me.
One of the things Ken D’Angelo said in our friendship before he passed away was at a Christmas party one evening. Everyone was knee-deep in eggnog in the living room. We were back in the study with the fireplace, cigars, and fine cognac. We were sipping and we would talk for hours. He said to me one time something that has never left me. He said, “It’s funny how entrepreneurs never end up with the business that they start. It always morphs and adjusts to the most efficient way to the most dollars. It’s rarely the business that you started out with.” I never forgot that. I’ve seen it to be true in my life and you described it in your life. You stumbled into something and now, it’s an ongoing concern for you, so hats off to you.
How long did it take you to put all this together? I don’t think this is probably any easy feat.
I do have a developer partner and we put it out to a few virtual assistant companies. My guy speaks the language so he was going to manage this. Once you get into the software business, you find out, “This is rough.”
I always lose my cool in that because I don’t know how to talk to them. I don’t know what they’re saying to me. I don’t know how to monitor them. I don’t know anything. When I started LiveComm, I did the same thing. I partnered up with a development company and said, “Do you want half of this?” They said, “We want half of it. What do we have to do?” Build it for free and if you build a crappy product, you’ll have half of a crappy product. If you build a good product, you’ll have half of a good product.” I was trying to get something done for myself that I needed to be done because no one else was doing it the way I wanted to do it, so that’s how it turned out. You took on the task of how to quickly and efficiently size up the rehab costs of a potential property. Tell us how it works.
Build your team based on trust. Share on XThere are algorithms in there but it’s overall based on the square footage of the house. This is why it works in every market in the US. The first objection always is, “That works for you but it wouldn’t work for me.” I call bull on that. I work with investors in all states. It’s a checkbox system. It’s going to force you to look at the main components of every house. You have a checklist going in. You don’t miss anything. You don’t need any experience in this. If you’re looking at it, “It needs a roof, kitchen, bath, flooring, and paint.” You’re checking the boxes as you go. That’s how it’s based so that you could send your bookkeeper and you can be confident yourself to go in there without any knowledge or experience doing this. It’s going to start calculating all those repair costs for you based on the market and the size of that house that you’re in.
The old way of doing it was that you go out there and you try to get some time or you’d send the roofer out to give you an estimate but then you lost the deal.
What are you going to send your contractor on? Fifty jobs to go look at, and you get 1 or 2 of them.
I was having to pay him $150 to show up because he wasn’t going to get 9 out of 10 jobs or 9 of the 20. I was having to subsidize him so he would come out. It’s hard to find a contractor that is accurate at everything from flooring, plumbing, electrical, to whatever. We did come up with taking the square foot of the house and based on the square foot of the house, we would throw up a number through the roof.
There were a couple of add-ons if it had 1 or 2 or 3 valleys or so much a valley, and so on and so forth throughout the house. What percentage of the house was tiled? What percentage of the house was carpet? I’m assuming the way you were headed because if you didn’t have time to get an exact estimate from every contractor on every piece of that house, you would lose the house. How do you manage that? How can software do that and do it quickly and effectively in any state? How could it be?
Let’s take what you were saying, even the flooring and think about the time even if you have to get in there. Let’s say you’ve got your business where you want it and you’re looking at 5 to 10 a day or 5 to 10 a week even. If you’re going there, measuring things, figuring out this percentage of tile, and this percentage of that, that’s already getting lost in the weeds. You’ve got to move fast in this market and you have to come up with something quick.
I don’t care what you have for LVT, LVP, carpet, refinishing, hardwood, tile or any of that. I have a number that works across the board to cover your flooring in that house. We all know as investors and if you have any experience, and it doesn’t matter if you do, but when you get an experienced guy, you know that you come up with numbers that work. It’s based on square footage that works across the board and you can make that. You’re not trying to value-engineer it.
There’s a certain threshold that we all have that we can’t go over because we’re never going to get a deal. You’ll overthink everything. If you’re going to spend ten hours analyzing every single property, how many are you going to do versus being able to throw out ten bids that you can send an email right from a software that you can trust those numbers? There is that element of trust and it’s based on these overall numbers that work for every element of the house. The same thing with paint.
That’s an important point too because you can’t take anyone else’s estimate. If you don’t know that already, deal with a wholesaler and then let them tell you what the estimate for the return is. If you buy the house and then try to fit it into that repair budget, it never works out because they’re always slanting everything towards their benefit. They’re always upping the value higher than it should be, deep minimizing the repairs under what they should be, and trying to create a lot of room for themselves. It’s critical that you don’t overestimate the repairs because you could lose the deal based on not being able to give them enough money. I understand how important this is. Do people have to take a course with you or whatever to learn how to use the software? Is it sophisticated? Is it simple? How does it work?

Rehab Estimate Software: The software calculates all repair costs for you based on the market and the size of the house.
When you ask the question, “How did you develop this?” I had to develop this with this in mind. How can I send my bookkeeper out to a property and trust that she is going to bring back an accurate repair cost and a deal with a contract signed? The motivation behind it was I don’t want to be the guy since I have years of experience as a licensed general contractor in multiple states. The business then depends on me and then I have to train somebody to give them all my knowledge and experience.
You can’t build a business that way. You can but you limit yourself, they quit, and you’ve got to do it all over again. I trust anybody to go out and start punching buttons because it’s visual. “You’re looking at the electrical panel.” The learning curve is small on this and there are tutorial videos as well. I love this tool because you can take and sit down with your contractors and do a real brief. What a great way to have an appointment and schedule time with a new contractor and say, “Let’s run through these numbers real quick on the last house I looked at and see how close we are.”
You can adjust them up or down in seconds according to what your contractor is going to do. I call him Chuck in the truck. We’re not hiring these remodeling contractors that are pulling full-page ads out. We’re not paying those guys. We’re not paying a retailer. We’re paying contractors that we know we can get the job done with. It’s easy to sit down with them, go over these numbers, and create that proof to them that they can trust you.
How do you compensate for the fact that materials and labor in Minneapolis might be different than materials and labor in San Antonio, Texas?
Here’s what I found. Let’s separate it first. I have a Lowe’s and you have a Lowe’s. There’s Lowe’s all over. We’ve got a Menards Home Depot. A can of paint costs the same up in Minneapolis than it does down in San Antonio. The same as San Diego and North Carolina. There might be a different tax on it. I work with investors all over the country. We have numbers that work. Let’s take a painter, for example. My painter doesn’t make $40,000 a year on average and then in San Diego, they make $400,000 a year. It’s not the case. They’re making the same amount of money but it’s a 10,000 square foot house that they’re painting versus a 1,500 square foot house that they’re working on for me. Everything is so close. It’s uncanny, Mitch, how close these contractors are across all of the US. They’re all making a standard living wage and these are the guys that we’re paying. These are the numbers that we, as investors, need to make work.
What about labor? Is it the same?
That is the same. That’s what I was talking about the painters. These guys aren’t making exponential amounts more just because they’re in a different city. It is so close all over the country with what guys are pulling for a wage. We’re finding those guys, too. We have to have the right crews to do our flips so it’s important how we build that team.
Does it take into consideration permits or anything like that?
There is a permit function on it as well. Getting into the business and how many you look at that permits are a tricky thing. When you get into most municipalities, there are no permits needed if you’re doing surface work. It’s not often that we find ourselves gutting to studs, adding an addition, or big projects like that. We all know that we’re coming out of this crisis, material prices have skyrocketed, and certain things like appliances and lumber. I’ve had many conversations with investors like, “We’re not buying full lumber packages as investors. We’re doing kitchens, bathrooms, flooring, and things of that nature. It doesn’t matter that lumber has gone up 33% across the United States. That’s not reflecting in our investor pricing because we’re not buying lumber packages.” There are certain things we have to look past and go, “That doesn’t affect us.”
Give as much help as you can. Share on XI also understand that the people reading can also hire you as a GC for a couple of jobs or all their jobs if they want to and have you do it for them. Did I understand that right?
Let me make that correction. I’m not going to GC your project but I am going to a relationship through you, Mitch, that I will become their personal GC in the sense that they can call, text, FaceTime, and run me through a project. I will give them everything I’ve got as far as helping them analyze, looking at something that maybe they’ve never seen before, and be as much of a help as I can, in essence, virtually. I have years of experience. I build all over the world as well but I’ve been a licensed contractor in several states. Consider me as a GC consultant, a briefcase contractor, in essence.
Does this software give a time estimate on how much time it should take to do this job?
No. I try to stay away from complicating things outside of staying true to what we’ve developed. I can go into full Gantt charts and show you timelines. I could do the whole business for you out of this but I don’t want another CRM system or another complicated software. I want to keep this as true to its core as it was designed to be. It’s already robust. There’s a ton of stuff as far as cash-on-cash return calculations and three different kinds of contracts to sell. I want to stay true to make sure my numbers are accurate because that’s my job. I update all the time. Also, this is one of the core items that you need to be in this business. I don’t want to stray far from that.
I can’t think of a more important tool for someone new coming into this business. It’s important to people like me. If this could streamline this process, it would be interesting for me to get my contractor to go out, do what he does, give a bid on something, and then call you up and blindly say, “You tell me now.” Put those two together and see.
I love doing it live and in front of a room because it is hilarious how often I come within a few $100 of guys that are beating their chests and saying they’ve been in the business for 30 years. Those are the guys I trust and love because a guy like me and you, we can walk into any house and we know our numbers. We know what this is going to cost. I’ve put it into a system now and I’ve translated what’s in our brains and our experience. I put it into something everybody can use.
Does it adjust Grade A, Grade B and Grade C finish out?
For certain items, like when you get into kitchens, you’re going to get a high, medium, low. It’s the same with appliances. You’re picking packages like that. The easiest and best way is it’s a percentage, so everything is going to originate at 100%. If you want to toggle that up or down to say, “We’re going to need a lot more landscaping here. Let’s put that at 150%.” It’s fast to be able to get that number up or down, but that’s through experience, too.
I want everyone to go to 1000Houses.com/TrueEstimate. If you decide to make a run at this, we’re getting $1 for the first month. You’re getting some discount because they’re coming through the affiliate link and that’s a great deal. We always try to scratch each other’s back as podcasters and stuff like, “I’ll give a little discount on my products if he introduces me to his audience and vice versa. I’m introducing him to my audience and he’s going to do my audience a good solid.” Make sure you go to 1000Houses.com/TrueEstimate. What else are they going to find there?
It’s ready to go, out of the box. You’re going to jump right into login and be able to create your account right there. It honestly doesn’t need much explanation to start running right through the program.
Get out your credit card, put $1 on it, and check it out. If you don’t like it, it’s just $1. How many thousands of dollars that we spent to find out we didn’t like something? $1 is nothing. Will that get you the first month free?
You’re going to test run it on your own house. Take deals you’re working on. The awesome thing about this tool is that you can run through properties on Zillow and MLS. You’re looking at the pictures and you’re just checking the boxes of what you see that needs an update or needs to be repaired. You can come up with a one-page offer right there. You can come up with a cash offer. All your repair costs and your scope of work are completely built out for you and itemized individually. You can send that right from the software through an email.
I’m going to call my acquisition managers and say, “I’ve got something I want you guys to try out. This will make your life easier.” I’m also going to call my contractor who’s been with me for many years. He’s probably done over 500 houses for me and says this will make his life a little easier. At this point, he may be stuck in the mud and don’t want to change. That’s fine if he doesn’t want to, but if it helps him and makes him move a little faster, I’m all for him taking a look at it. I would like to do an A/B comparison on the house blindly. That would be fun.
I love when all the pieces are trusting each other. When your contractor trusts the investor, the flipper, which trusts the wholesaler, and now your private money guy trusts everybody that’s been working together to bring this contract to the table, we all need to trust the numbers. You have to trust your ARV. How do we trust our repair cost if we’re all pulling a number out of our rear end?
That would be a great comfort to have a standardized system that was accurate. Where do we go from here? I may not know enough to ask about this or I may have asked everything they need to know. Is there anything else we need to know?

Rehab Estimate Software: It’s hard to find a contractor that is accurate at everything.
It’s one of the basic tenets of getting into this business. Whether you’re starting out brand new, I want this to remove fears. This is one of the biggest fears that I watched many people coming into the business. They’re so scared to send contracts or pull the trigger because, “What if I’m wrong?” You can’t get deals unless you send offers. I want to remove the fear about this process. I want to make it simple. I want you to be able to trust it.
I’ll add one more thing. The social proof when you’re in the house, Imagine this. Your acquisition guy is out on an appointment or you’re getting out and looking at houses and I’ve got my tablet, iPad, or whatever you have with my Apple pen and I have the software pulled up. Here’s what happens a lot, Mitch. It’s comical and fun. The seller immediately is interested like, “What are you doing?” The other guys at the walkthrough didn’t even have a notepad or a yellow pad. They just started looking at everything and coming up with numbers in their head.
You’re using a system like, “What is that?” You’re checking things off. Do you know what they do? I hand it to them and say, “You can do this. Here’s the pen. As we go through the house, you tell me.” I asked them, “What do you think about this bathroom?” They say, “It hasn’t been touched since 1973.” “Do you think we need to update it?” “For sure.” They’re checking the boxes having fun. We get down to the kitchen table and they’ve told me everything that needs to happen in the house. They’ve checked all the boxes.
They can’t argue my repair number because I’m the only one who can get it done for that price. If they were to hire a contractor, they’d pay double. Now you have a tool that has been put in their hands. They trust you on a different level because you’re using something that nobody else has come through, especially with all the competition out there and the other investors. I want to take this thing down right now at the kitchen table. That proof is done well.
This is simple. Go to 1000Houses.com/TrueEstimate. Get out your credit card and pay $1. Get this system and walk over to a house. Preferably a house that you think you know what the repair costs are. Walkthrough the house again with this software, click the boxes, and then see for yourself. It’s well worth a $1 try. I’m going to try it. I’m fascinated. You’ve got my attention here because no one else has done this.
I know that HomeVestors tried to do this through regions and stuff. I don’t know that they were that accurate so it’ll be interesting. I’m going to get my guys to do it, too, and we’ll even do a video where I take my contractor through. I’ll show you what his estimate is and then I’ll get Matt on the phone. We’ll walk through the house, start checking boxes, and see how they compare it. A blind test. That would be fun, will it?
I love it because I trust it. As you told that story about you had a permanent sign on your truck, I do deals every day. I have flips going. I’m also a new construction builder. There are all kinds of new construction pricing in it as well but that’s on the backside. We don’t even need to bring that to the table. I use it every day and I close deals with it every day. I’m living proof of it. I’m not some guy that is trying to sell something all over some guru. I’m a guy that’s using it and it works. I trust it and I want everybody else to trust it, too.
You were talking about, “If I was to get it, I would be able to have my four acquisition people have their own logins.” I can see all of my acquisition guys’ projects, but the other acquisition people would only be able to see their projects and their numbers on their deals.
That gets into more of a master accountant. I like what you said that you take somebody that’s brand new to the business. Maybe they went to some weekend hotel deal and they teach you how to run numbers comps. When it comes to the repair costs, how do you teach that? You can trust this on day one but we also have teams all over the US that have full acquisition teams. This is up to ten people that you can put on an account.
In the master account, which is you, you can see your guys and the projects that they’re looking at and running numbers on. They can’t see each other’s deals so that there’s no conflict between them. That starts for the basic user all the way to guys that are running huge operations that have up to ten acquisition people on their team. If they trust the numbers and are running their business based on it, you can trust this as somebody jumping into the business.
I want to tell you where this might come in handy or would come in handy. I have some people that live in California but they can’t do the rehab business well in California. There are some states like New York and stuff that is too tough. They live in California and New York but they’re going to set up shop in Alabama or Georgia and this will drastically change their confidence level of being able to do business from afar.
We’ve seen so much of that like virtual wholesaling. We were doing that long before COVID where I can get into any market in the US. We’ve got recordings that we do where I have a seller that’s taking their phone walking through their house recording a video and I can send them a cash offer during that phone call right into their email. It’s fantastic that way.
I don’t want to miss anything here if I got this wrong. Is this software also dealing with the ARV, or no?
We do have a heavy front-end that will give you an ARV and it’ll give you three different comparisons. I always like to run numbers in multiple ways. That’s how my brain works as a contractor. Granted, it’s using Zillow. I don’t want to make that the point. We’ve developed a unique stacking software for Zillow where it finds a good comp and then it comes that comp, so it’s stacking. We also create a color code system where if you’re getting a little too far in the weeds with bedroom-bath count square footage the year it was built, it’s going to give you yellow and red tags. It says, “This isn’t a great comp. Just keep in mind.” It’ll show you. It gives you a map, it shows you the Zestimate, a square footage number for ARV based on comps, and then gives you an average of the comps you select, which will spit out dozens of comps. It also says, “Please do your own due diligence and enter the ARV you want to use.” Our ARV is close, but I still want you to do your own due diligence.
We always look at a lot of different numbers. We look at the tax assessment, which is not a true number or anything but it’s still a number. You get the Zestimate and then if you have access to MLS, you get on MLS and pull some comps, too. Get some confidence, plus or minus, what this ARV is coming up to. You might find it to be extremely accurate or give or take, 5% but it’s something you could do right there quickly. I like it a lot. Anything you want to say to people out there before we wrap it up? Did I cover everything? Is there something else we need to cover?
This is a tool that will become a standard across the US. We need to trust something. As a way to develop relationships, it’s such a great tool to sit down with your contractors and start those relationships. You know how hard it is to find good contractors, keep them, and trust everything.
Not that they got a DWI, so they’ve got to make an extra $1,500 on this job.
That’s how they’re bidding it. How do you trust that? I want something that everybody trusts. If people know that you’re using it and if other investors, buy and hold, flippers know that they can trust you with numbers, that becomes a superpower. If you know or they know what you want or what they want, that’s a superpower to have in this business. People have to know who you are, what you’re using for tools, and they have to be able to trust you.
You mentee the guy in my market who’s a good go-getter who’s been using it for years and has a master account. I’m going to say if he’s still using it after all that time, that’s one of the things that piqued my interest when I talked to you. I was like, “That guy is using it. It must be accurate because he wouldn’t be with it for that long if it wasn’t.”
I spent a lot of time with him going through a lot of the stuff that he experiences because you get into different parts of the country. You’ve got the East Coast and they’re on oil. They’re not on natural gas like we are in the Midwest. Down where you are, Mitch, you’re digging these holes and jacking up floors to level them. When you screw that up, if you miss that when you walk in a house, there are parameters in that to account for that. Up where I am, it’s all basements but we have to drain tile systems because there’s water that comes through the foundation so we have to account for that. You guys have no idea what the problems that we experienced up here and yet, we don’t have any idea of what you have to do to jack these floors up in the houses, which can be expensive if you miss it.
The demise of many a deal, I would venture to say. I’d like to thank you for stopping by to get you some Matthew Hedstrom. I want you to go to 1000Houses.com/TrueEstimate. Get over there, get out your credit card, pay the $1, and then get out there, run it through some houses, compare what your contractors are telling you to this, and see for yourself. If you want to chime in and let me know how that’s going, hit me up at Mitch@1000Houses.com, and tell me what your experience is like. We’ll post it up, we’ll talk about it somewhere, and let people know what we’re finding out there. I’d like to thank LiveComm.com. Thanks for the sponsorship and for sponsoring this episode. Matt, as always, it’s a pleasure. I’m glad I met you in Tulum. Our mastermind was great. By the way, you’re a humanitarian and you’re doing a lot of great things around the world. I would like for you, if you don’t mind and if you’d like to, tell them what you do in humanitarian service and invite people who are interested to join you. Plug your website or whatever you want to do on this.
I appreciate it. I wasn’t expecting that, Mitch, so thank you. I do build all over the world. Part of the reason is this software, you are helping to support that. We have a specific program where you are buying blocks that we’re using around the world. I’ve got a trip that’s heading out to South Africa and we’re building an orphanage out there for an area in South Africa that is 90% HIV infected. A city or a village or whatever you want to call it is working with the people that are planted there as missionaries and telling them, “We need you to build bigger because we have a big problem here.”
I do 5 to 6 of those trips a year. At least sometimes, I’m gone as much as a cumulative total of three months. I build orphanages, schools, and churches. It is their community service buildings that bring hope. We dig wells and we bring water to communities that are in the bush. We go all over. That’s my why. By supporting this product, you are giving directly to that. I do have a Facebook page called Kingdom HOPE Builders.
If you do check that out, Kingdom HOPE Builders, that’s where we post all of the trips. This is a time where everybody has shut down as an organization like churches. They’ve all stopped these trips. I’ve got my rogue teams that were doing it. We got back and we’re heading out into another one. It’s a Bahamas build. It will be a great spot to be but we’re rebuilding a youth camp that a hurricane wiped out. We have trips going on.
If you guys are interested in giving back, or you’re at a point in your life where you want to do something in this humanitarian style, go out and help underprivileged people, people that don’t have much, don’t have what they need or don’t have water. If you’re interested in that, what’s the Facebook page?
Kingdom HOPE Builders.
It’s important. When you support this product, you’re supporting that. Is there a way for them that like to give more or you’re taking it out of your pocket and doing it?
People have quit giving after you go on so many trips for many years. If they want to message me and work directly, we do have a program that we’re developing where you can see your dollars directly going towards something you pick.
If it’s only for that one reason, I’m glad you’re here, but there’s a good reason here too with this 1000Houses.com/TrueEstimate. Check it out. We’re out of here. Thank you, Matt.
Thanks, Mitch. I appreciate it.
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- 1000Houses.com/TrueEstimate
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About Matthew Hedstrom
With over 20 years in real estate and contracting experience, there isn’t a problem that Matt can’t find a solution for.
Matt Hedstrom has owned and currently operates several constructions, general contracting, and real estate rehabilitation businesses in the Midwest USA, in communities ranging in size from the Chicago Metro area, midsized Milwaukee, down to smaller communities in the middle of the US.
In close partnership with Short Sale Experts, LLC, Matt, a licensed contractor, runs a successful General Contractor business. He has extensive experience in rehabbing residential homes (whether for purchase or rent to own), acquisitions/sales of investment property both residential and commercial and managing large-scale commercial projects. He ran a very successful residential remodeling company in Minnesota as a licensed contractor.