From Sports To Business With Brian Covey

Episode 498: From Sports To Business With Brian Covey

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REIS 498 Brian Covey | Sports To Business


You can do something great, no matter what area it is. Turn your thoughts into reality and create the business that you dream of. Mitch Stephen discusses the competitive sports mindset to the business mindset with Brian Covey in this episode. Brian is an executive in loanDepot, a wealth advisor, and a speaker. He shares a lot of learnings he gained from being a soccer player that he is applying to his business—from building out teams and setting up systems to hiring the right people and more. With determination to succeed, you could also formulate your idea into reality, but you still have a lot of hard work to do after that. Your innovative idea wouldn’t make a huge difference if you don’t introduce it to the world. Brian shares his learnings throughout his journey and explains effective and fundamental strategies to scale your business.

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I am here with Brian Covey. He’s out of Nashville, Tennessee. He has been a mortgage lender for a long time. He has seen a lot of stuff and has some rental experiences. He goes back and forth between Nashville and maybe Florida. We’re going to be talking to him about taking that sports and competitive mindset and how you move it over into business. I think it is an interesting topic. I’m a little bit fond of this conversation. 

I have often asked myself and wondered what would I have been if I didn’t spend 8, 9 or 10 years on a football field out there, sweating my buns off at 110 degrees while someone else was taking my girlfriend to Burger King. That’s where I learned to get up even when I didn’t want to get up. I had to get up. People are watching and I owed it to myself and my team to not let anybody know that they put a shot on me and I’m hurting a little bit. Get back up, get back in, shake it off and keep going. How are you doing, Brian?

I’m good, Mitch. Thanks for having me on. I love that we connected over the music piece. With you being a drummer and I’m a bass player, I’ve played for many years, we’ll probably lock into some good topics.

I’ve been an avid songwriter for many years and I’m going to get good at it like any day now. Hopefully, you get better and that’s a long time. I should be better than I am for many years, but it’s something I do in the background on the side. That’s my hobby. I take it pretty seriously these days because like competitive sports, if you’re going to do it, let’s do it. My coach used to say, “If you break a play, break it going 110 miles an hour. Don’t stand around or stop or throw your hands up. Just keep going.” That’s the motto. Tell me about this idea of a competitive mindset. When did you connect the competitive sports mindset to the business mindset?

A large part is still unraveling now in a positive way of I’m learning. What did I learn in my youth in sports that now correlates to business? Building out teams, setting up systems, hiring the right people, all that. I was very fortunate. My dad is a psychologist. I learned everything from techniques like visualization to things that would help you prepare your mindset for successes, failures, anything that came your way. How do you deal with adversity? How do you adjust on the fly? All skills you need as a business leader, we learn.

You know this in the market, things don’t always go your way. Whether you invest in the stock market, the housing market, the crypto market, whatever your market is, the reality is you have to have the right mindset and you have to believe in yourself. I’ve been on this journey and I’m continually pushing myself. It’s from sports. I’m always trying to find a better version of myself. I’m trying to be better than I was yesterday, a week ago or a year ago. The things that Brian wants to accomplish in 5 or 10 years, my big dreams and goals, I recognize there are some skills I need to learn along the way. There are people I need to surround myself with that can teach me and help expedite that learning curve.

Lastly, you can take risks. You need to invest. Investing in ourselves allows us to make smart decisions, go back and invest in other areas, whether it’s music where we have fun or it’s in the real estate market where we can make money and we can build a business. All of those apply and we can continue to get better at them.

May I add to also know when you’re out of your league or you got to sub it out because it’s not you. You’re not doing it right, you’re not capable or you don’t want to, which is a big one for me. There’s a lot of things I could do but I was hating them. I was making my life miserable. I said, “Why am I doing this? I need to sub this out to somebody.” It turns out it was I wish I’d learned it a long time earlier because my life would have been a lot easier and I would have gone a lot further. When you’re doing things you don’t like or you’re not good at like they can put you in as a quarterback, but if you’re no good, you’re going to lose a lot of games, “We need to get a different quarterback. I need to move over here where I’m good at.

Surround yourself with people that could teach you and help expedite your learning curve. Share on X

A lot of people struggle with that. I can look back early in my career. There were times where I’m like, “Why was I doing that?” It sucked my energy. I wasn’t probably ever going to be good at it. As much as I tried, it wasn’t who I was. God had given me different skills and talents. That wasn’t me. I will say, as we started to mature in that role, whether you’re leading a small team of a few people or several thousand people, the reality is finding your lane and getting great at that and letting go. It’s the hardest thing for many of us to do. Delegate those out. Be very clear about what the roles are. We talked about a lot with our teams, “Stay in your lane.” If we all stay in our lane, the compound effect of our energy and efforts is exponential, but we start overlapping. Can you imagine if you had five-point guards playing basketball?

I was going to tie that back to football. What if you’re trying to block and run? It’s not going to work.

You can’t be the quarterback and the running back and the wide receiver and block. You need to pick that lane, be great at it, then find people around you that will complement what you do and what the mission is.

Let’s talk about the time in the woods. I wrote a book called My Life and 1,000 Houses: Failing Forward to Financial Freedom. People would read the book. They would call me and say, “We’re so much alike.” I’d be talking to them like, “I don’t see where we’re like at all,” but then I figured out what they were all gravitating to. What they were connecting to was I was talking about my time in the woods and how I fought my way out in the dark, bears and all ugly things around me. I didn’t know what was around me. I found my way through it and I emerged this stronger person. That’s what people were connecting to. I’m going to guess you had a time in the woods. Tell me about it.

The people who know me know that I ended up playing professional soccer. What you don’t know is the years prior to that, I was under 6 feet playing goalkeeper in soccer. If you think of the prototypical goalkeeper size, they are over 6 feet. All of them. I recognized about my junior-senior year that I’m not growing much anymore. This is going to be where I land, under 6 feet. What do I need to get great at?

I figured out my fitness, my footwork, my ability to understand and read plays. I was watching Peyton Manning get inducted into the Hall of Fame. One of those brilliant quarterbacks. Athletically, people could probably argue he wasn’t one of the best, but mentally strong. I started working on all the areas that I knew it would take to be great. I share this story often. It started with soccer. I would run at 11:00 or 12:00 at night because it was so hot in Memphis, Tennessee. The humidity, if you run in the day, you could pass out and we were training. I would always do extra.

I look back on it and it’s not enough to show up to those practices. My time in the woods was I would call friends up like, “Do you want to go training today? Do you want to go training over here? I need to work on this. I need to work on crosses. I need to work on my footwork.” It was all those hours spent and nobody’s watching. There’s not a coach out there. There’s no one pushing me. It’s my time going through and recognizing, “Here’s where I need to improve. Here’s what’s going to be required of me on the field.” I say a lot of times that I wasn’t the best athletically.

REIS 498 Brian Covey | Sports To Business

Sports To Business: Things don’t always go your way as a business leader, whether you invest in the stock market, housing, or crypto market. The reality is you have to have the right mindset and believe in yourself.


I worked on all those skills and yes, you have to be at a certain level, but what helped me during my time in the woods was a lot up here. I noticed that correlation to business. When I first got into mortgage lending and I’m new, I’m learning the business. I’m taking the guides home. I’m highlighting programs. I’m trying to read and understand every lending program that’s out there, so I can give the best advice.

I would go out every weekend. I would literally go to open houses because it was before homes were on the internet as broadly as they are nowadays. I would show up and I would drive around in neighborhoods we couldn’t afford. I would take pictures of the yard signs. That was my call list on Monday to call real estate agents. I would walk through open houses, introduce myself and I spent a lot of time. I called John like, “I’m chopping wood.” I am figuring out how I’m going to build a business.

It’s a lot of work ethic. It’s doing things when you don’t feel like it that most people will say, “It’s Sunday after church. I’m going to go hang out. I’m going to watch some football. I’m going to relax. I’m going to watch some soccer, whatever is on TV.” No, I was out calling on open houses. Where was the business? Where would people show up that I wanted to work with? Where were my customers? Even now, that’s what applies. We have a saying with our team and it’s called actions over feelings.

We talk about a lot that you have to take action, however big or small that action is. When you feel like you don’t want to or you wake up in the morning and you’re like, “I don’t want to go workout today,” or later in the day, you’re like, “I don’t want to make that call today, I don’t want to go to that appointment today,” those are the times that separate people. I don’t think my time in the woods is over. I’m still learning, growing and figuring it out. Each day, if we find a challenge in our life and we can overcome that challenge, what else is going to come at us? That’s how you build the muscle and get stronger.

I had a saying I heard somewhere and I latched onto it. It was, “Action overcomes fear.” I started to recognize when I was afraid of something. Instead of putting it off like I used to do or put my head in the sand or keep walking around it, I would go right to it. The minute I realized I’m afraid of this thing, I stop everything and I’m like, What’s the straight line into the middle of this?” I get nose to nose with it?” I found that 100% of the time, the dragon was much smaller than I thought it was. It wasn’t nearly as bad.

When I started to concentrate on how to beat the problem that I was afraid of, I found that there were sometimes multiple answers and I fixed the one. As you said, you got to push into it. Sometimes, you have to have that sports mindset. I weighed 123 pounds when I started as a tailback for a football team in Texas. When I graduated, I weighed 143. These guys would be approaching around 275 to 280 most of the time on the front lines where I was raised. My dad was an ex-Marine and a tough guy. He grew up small too. He was like, “You can’t be afraid and you can’t even be afraid of getting your ass whipped. Make sure you take a piece of somebody home that they’re never going to get back again, and they won’t mess with you anymore.”

That has gotten me out of a lot of fights. I say, “I know you’re probably going to whip my ass, but let me tell you what’s going to happen. I’m going to take a part of you home like your eye, ear, a finger or something. You’re never going to get it back. I’m going to eat it in the breakfast taco in the morning. If you want to do that, let’s go.”

Most people underestimate what they’re capable of. I’ve seen that time and time again. We all face that where you’re talking about the dragon seem so big. We underestimate what we can accomplish. Sometimes it’s just a small step you’ve got to take. I’ll even say this to my kids now, “Why not you? Why can’t you do something great?” Whatever area it is, whether it’s school or they come home with a subject and be like, “I’m not good at science.” Why? Why not you? Why can’t you be great at that and sports? Don’t let limiting beliefs or stereotypes tell you that you can’t be someone that’s successful. It may not be in your lineage and your family, so what? Why can’t you be the first one who graduates college or goes and invests in housing or goes and gets that great job?

You need to invest in yourself so that you can make smart decisions in life. Share on X

You made me think of something. I don’t play a lot of instruments. I’ve written hundreds of songs and I won some awards for my songs. It’s neither here nor there, but I didn’t play a lot of instruments. For a long time, I thought that would hold me out. I figured out how to hire people that had 40 years on that instrument. They put that instrument on like a pair of pants. You didn’t have to tell them what to do. For a few bucks or a co-writing mention, they would handle everything that I didn’t have. It’s a small observation that you wouldn’t think that someone could write songs if they don’t play an instrument, but you can. You just have to look at it like, “If I can’t play one, what do I do? How would it work?”

We went through that during COVID and some of the changes. I decided to write a book. That was something I was not very familiar with. I hired some people around me to help me. I’m like, “I don’t understand this. I don’t know what to do. Here’s what I know I can do. Here’s what I can bring.” It’s amazing how many people are willing to help you that have expertise. If you can structure it right and you have a good business mindset around this, you can figure out how to turn that into something worthwhile. You don’t make a lot of money in book sales as we all know unless you’re some huge writer, and even in songwriting. You can do something you enjoy, give back, and it’s a way to express yourself. People miss out on that where there are people that are willing to help you. They’re not always super expensive.

Let’s talk about that. I got my fourth book delivered to me in my hand. It’s called The Art of Private Lending. I don’t plan on making a bunch of sales from this book or making money from the sale of this book. What I’m using the book for is to become an expert in the business because it says my name at the bottom as an author and my partner. I put my partner’s name on there to give him that credibility too.

I’m handing that book to people who have excess cash either in retirement plans or in their bank account and saying, “You can make 12%, 13%, 14% if you want to be a hard money lender and go to work. I’m going to show you how to do it. I’m going to tell you how to look at it, how to analyze it, how to stay out of trouble with this thing to the very best of my ability.” I’ve had a hard money loan business since 2003. I had so much money that I couldn’t get out at my underwriting guidelines. I don’t go out and start buying crappy deals just because I got a lot of money.

My underwriting guidelines stay the same. If I can only buy X amount of houses and I can’t find any more, then this other money has got to sit on the sidelines. That money would go away if I didn’t get it involved in something. I learned to loan it out to my competitors at rates or at loan to values that I wish I would have bought the house for. If they didn’t pay me, I ended up with another piece of inventory that was fine.

Through the years, I was able to keep a lot of people and hard money rates are short, six months, eight months, ten months, twelve months. I could keep them occupied but if I ever needed it back, I didn’t extend the loan. I could keep the money in play. What I’m doing is I’m showing them and being very gracious and open like, “You don’t need me. You can go out and make more than I even offer you, but you’re going to have to work to make 12%, 13%, 14% or more. If you want to play golf and be retired, I can give you 8%, 9% or 10% and I’ll send you a check.”

Under the same rules that I’m telling you, it all applies. I’m telling you how to do it yourself. I can use the same rules when you give me the money. Either I loan it out or I buy a house. It doesn’t matter. You still have the first lien rights on this piece of property. This has been my guideline forever. Sixty-five percent of what I can sell or finance a house for. I’ll never borrow over that. If I want to pay 70%, then I got to bring 5% myself to the deal. I only average borrowing 58%. I’m saying the most I will borrow is 65%. That’s because I want to put my lenders in a safer place. You can’t say anything safe or guaranteed by law and all that. I want to give them a real fighting chance with a real piece of tangible collateral that makes sense in a good position.

REIS 498 Brian Covey | Sports To Business

Sports To Business: Find your lane, get great at that, delegate, and let go. Be very clear about what the roles are. If we all stay in our lane, the compound effect of our energy and efforts is exponential.


It’s like in businesses too. Anybody that’s out there, whether they’re in real estate or not, you need to have standards. We talk about this with our team quite a bit. We have standards of people that we will add to our team, whether in sales or processing or whatever the role is. You need to hold to your standards. That’s where most people in business fall short, either themselves or as they scale a team. To your point, you have a standard. As soon as you deviate from that too far, you’re now starting to go into a whole new pond. The risk and everything you said you were going to build don’t look like what you said you were going to build anymore, and you’ve got a different model.

Most people I’ve seen, they’ll come, “Brian, what about this?” I’m like, “What did you commit to? It sounds like you’re not honoring that. You’re doing something else.” That’s where I’ve seen a lot of businesses. That’s probably why the statistics are so high of that first-year failure rate, they don’t stay committed to it because it’s not easy to do that. The research, time, energy and effort, but the returns are there just like any business. Better yet, more people pay.

I used to jump into side businesses and think, “This will be easy because I already know all this,” and I’ll start this other side business. Every side business that I ever started would take everything you have for about two years. I finally decided to quit doing that until I figured out the other side of it, which was I can start the side business if I partner with someone who’s an expert and knows how to do that.

I feed them the sawdust from my salt mill so they can make boards because they’re experts at making boards. I have the sawdust that I’m producing. I won’t go into a business now on the side unless I find the exact right partner who shows up every day at that business to grow the business. I’m supplying some components. I like to use that analogy of if you have a sawmill and you’re making boards, you’re going to end up with a bunch of sawdust. You can pay to have it hauled off, or you can figure out how to make something out of sawdust.

You got to hire and partner with a guy who’s an expert at whatever that is you’re going to make. If you’re going to make boards out of sawdust, then hire a guy that used to run a board-making factory that did it and say, “Do you want to go on your own? I got all the sawdust you’ll ever need.” That changed a lot because I would get spread so thin as an entrepreneur. The hardest thing that entrepreneur will ever do is have one great idea and finish big. Entrepreneurs see opportunity and everything. Tell me about your mortgage business. Where did it start from? Where is it now?

I was looking for a role in finance. When I was coming out of college, I’d played some soccer there. I realized I liked numbers. I liked all of that. I fell into it. I had friends wanting to buy a home. At the time, my fiancé, now my wife, we were looking to buy a home and I started to see this need. All these people wanted to buy a home. They didn’t know where to go to get advice.

I thought, “I’ve grown up around real estate. I like numbers. I understand credit. This is great.” I found a resounding theme. I found somebody that would train me and take me in. I started to learn the business. We underwrote loans and processed them. We did everything from furniture financing to car financing, boat financing, mortgage financing.

I learned from the ground up. It was also more of the call center-type environment where I was on the phone with probably 50-plus customers a day. I got a lot of reps. I think about that correlation to sports. The more reps you get, the better you get at it on the phone and those skills that are required. I’ve continued from there. I originated for a while. I built a team, then I built a bigger team. Over time, we continued to grow our team.

You are continuously learning and growing. You could overcome the challenges that come your way. Share on X

Are you doing mostly homeowners or do you loan to investors? What’s your deal?

Pretty much everything. If you think about it, we’ve got people who that will be their primary residence. It could be a second home or an investment property, all of those together. That’s our primary bread and butter. We think about customers all across the United States and we work with them. It’s been fun. The mortgage businesses evolved quite a bit in my many years. It looks nothing like what it used to look, even from customer acquisition to the loan process, some of the documentation requirements and guidelines. Some of it is the same core but how much has changed.

In customer acquisition alone, with any good business, you’ve got to nail down your customer acquisition strategy. We talk about this quite a bit with our team. You’ll probably get this one, Mitch. If you can’t get a seat at the table, they don’t even know you exist. For you, probably in your markets, if they don’t know you exist, how are they going to find you? That’s that whole thing of a business to be successful over the long run, you have to have a strong customer acquisition. On the other side of it, you got to deliver, and we talk about delighting our customers. We’re still evolving. When you look at where we are in mortgage and the AI that exists, the digital changes that have existed and that now come into light, customers expect more in that process.

The challenge has never been to come up with a great idea or a great product. That was always the easy part. The reason why it takes two years is no one knows how great your product is because they can’t see you. They don’t know. The two years are spent trying to introduce the world or your customer to let them know that you exist. It doesn’t matter what you have. You then have that gamble of, “Am I going to do it grassroots and make the business grow or am I going to gamble $100,000 on some advertising thing and see if I can’t jumpstart this thing?” It scares the living hell out of me a lot of times. When I start getting off into social media and marketing, usually, it doesn’t work out well.

I grow my customers, get my customers, start referring customers, then they refer me to customers and it gets up to a place where the business has made $100,00. I’m going to gamble the business $100,000 to put it up, not out of my savings account. If I ever do that, that’s when the business has earned money and I’m playing with the house’s money. I’ll roll the house’s money back in or maybe jump into that. Do you start grassroots or do you advertise on social media? How do you find your customers?

Ours is a hybrid approach. We do both. We’re showing up online where customers are going to look for mortgage information. They’re shopping for homes. They’re trying to find out, “What can I qualify for? What are the rates? What does the mortgage world look like?” We show up online. We do a local branding strategy in concert with that. Our local team members and team members like myself, leaders of bigger teams, do a lot of personal branding, even to the t-shirts.

We wear shirts that say, “Loan Depot.” We sponsor our kids’ sports teams out of our own personal checks and all that. We show up where customers are. What we’ve seen is this trend of customers will start online but many times, they want to finish locally. In Nashville, they may go online, look around and find all these lenders. If we can show up there and they see, “There’s a local office here in Nashville or Los Angeles,” or wherever it is, they’re going to tend to call us. That approach for us has worked exceptionally well.

REIS 498 Brian Covey | Sports To Business

Sports To Business: Have standards of people that you add to your team. If you deviate from that too far, you’re going to risk everything you said you were going to build.


If you think about it, once you’ve started online, customers are looking, is there brand awareness and can they trust you? They’re trying to figure that out. Some of our sponsorships with Major League baseball and all of that, that’s at a very corporate level. They go, “Loan Depot. Got it.” The next move is, who do I know there? Who am I going to work with? That’s what they’re thinking. For me, who am I going to be talking to? We put on our website the pictures and bios of our team members, customer reviews about our team members because we believe customers are going to look online. They’re going to start to review and go, “I like this person. I don’t like this person.”

The more they can find out about us, we believe that’s going to separate us. When they get on the phone with us, that’s our time to shine. That’s our time to make sure we understand what their goals are, and then to offer expert solutions and guidance. For us, we’re showing up. We use the term ubiquitous. We want to show up everywhere that the customer could potentially be looking, including real estate offices, home builders, all of that. We want to be one of the options, to have a seat at the table. It’s up to us to win the customer over and make them feel good about working with us.

To learn more about Brian Covey and Loan Depot and the way they do things, and if you’re interested in a loan, whether you’re an investor or looking to buy a property for yourself, go to 1000Houses.com/Sports2Biz. We have all the contact information. There’ll be links to anything that Brian deems that you may want to know about and a way to get ahold of them. Maybe do an application for whatever loan you’re looking for. I’m sure they’ll show up and deliver, even over-deliver. I appreciate you taking the time to be on. The mortgage loan business is not right down the middle of what I do best. Is there anything that I should have asked you or that you want to talk about?

I learned this when I started in the business and it still holds true now. Before you go out and look for a property, whether it’s your primary residence, second home, investment property or wherever you are in that cycle, it’s going to save you quite a bit of time and money to get with an expert that you trust and has lots of options. The golden rule is to get with someone before you get too far down the path and know what your options are.

There’s still a lot of misinformation on the internet that people will say, “You have to have 20% down or you have to have this credit score.” The best advice I was ever given when I started and it holds true now is to get with an expert today. You can go with somebody local in your market that you live in. They are going to know the market. They want to give you expert advice, and you’re going to find out you probably have more options than you thought about.

What we want to encourage people is to have that conversation. From the conversation, you know your options, you’re educated, informed and empowered to make the best decision for you and your family. That’s what I would share, Mitch. That is still fundamental to anyone’s success if you’re buying your first home or your hundredth or your thousandth home. It still matters.

There’s some good advice there. Before you’re going out to buy something, if you don’t know how you’re going to fund it, if you’re going to need a loan, then let’s get with somebody so that you could get a preapproval letter. You figure out what your limits are. You can figure out what your rate’s going to be or the terms that you’re going to be able to get so that you can figure out how you’re going to fit in this payment, so you got something to go on. Plus, you have a lot more confidence when you’re walking in and say, “I want that.” You have the confidence to pull the trigger.

Whereas you might miss a great deal, especially in nowadays market. You’re hesitating because you’re not sure even what your payment is going to be because you don’t know what the interest rate is going to be more or less. You don’t know anything, so you hesitate and the property is gone in a heartbeat. It’s very difficult. Do that, get a pre-call, get pre-qualified, find out what you’re capable of and what it looks like.

Before you go out and look for a property, get with an expert you trust that has lots of options. Share on X

Maybe even get the pre-qualification letter because sometimes realtors are even asking for that upfront before they’ll even show you a house. They don’t have time to waste now. They’ve taken so much looking for a house and selling a house. They can’t do that with a deadbeat. You got to be able to hold up and say, “I’ve already been pre-qualified with Brian and his Loan Depot team. I’m qualified for this much.” People will then start taking you seriously, “What are you looking for? We’re going to find it. I appreciate you taking the time to be on.

Thanks for having me. I’m glad, drummer, bass player, we got a good connection here. Thanks for allowing me to share. Hopefully, it adds some value. If nothing else, it sparked something and someone that’s reading this will go, “That’s me. I’m going to do that.”

Limiting beliefs are everything. I have a course called Private Money Changes Everything where real estate investors need to get some private money because banks are too slow. They have too many checkmarks and boxes. When we find a good deal, there are usually some problems and we’re automatically kicked out of traditional lending. The biggest limiting belief that I run across is people don’t think they can find private money because of a ton of reasons. “I’m too young. I don’t have a track record. I filed for bankruptcy. I don’t have any experience in this business, so who’s going to loan me money?” All this stuff. It doesn’t matter which one they do. I can dispel it all. You can see the light bulb go off in their head. It’s like, “It’s not about you. It’s about the deal.”

Charles Manson should have been able to get the loan for this property from prison. It didn’t matter how many people he killed because the prison guard that he’s asking him to loan the money is either going to get paid as agreed or he’s going to get this huge piece of collateral. Either way, it works, so it’s not about you. I always love it when you can help someone get through those limiting beliefs because it changes their lives forever. That’s one more limit that’s gone from them forever. It’ll move them to another limit. Hopefully, they get past that, but that’s how we grow. We keep shedding these things that keep telling us we can’t. I think it’s a wonderful thing.

I appreciate you because you’re helping people. I imagine you helped a ton of homeowners. That’s a big deal in this country. I forget the statistic but a huge amount of people, the bulk of their net worth is in their home. Their entire net worth almost is in the equity that they’ve built up because they’ve owned a home over the years and stuff. You’re changing lives by helping people get homes. It is probably way more dramatic than most people would even think of.

We have a slogan, “Home is everything.” We learned that over the years. Your home, when you can go there, it’s your safe place. It’s where your family eats and spends time, makes memories. Home is everything. We’re glad to be part of that journey and help more people experience that dream of homeownership.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for stopping by to get you some Brian Covey and enjoy our conversation. I would also like to thank LiveComm.com for sponsoring this episode. There’s a reason why I don’t have to put any signs at my houses when I have them for sale. There’s a reason why I have four days on the market with no signs, and LiveComm is a very big part of that reason. If you want to check out LiveComm, go to the homepage and watch some of the videos and let me show you some of the ways I’m using smartphone numbers to solve a lot of problems in my business.

It doesn’t only work for real estate. It can work for any business. If you are looking at LiveComm and are not in the real estate business and you want to discuss how LiveComm can help your business, get ahold of me at Mitch@1000Houses.com. I love to put my brain in LiveComm to your marketing issues and see if we can’t come up with an answer. It’s something I like to do. Get in touch with me. I’ll help you out. We’re out of here. See you later, Brian.

See you, Mitch.


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