Louisiana Real Estate | Diversify Your Income to Protect Your Future

Mitch Stephen chats with

DJ and Jessica Savoy

Mitch Stephen chats with         Mitch Stephen chats with        
DJ and Jessica Savoy           DJ and Jessica Savoy          
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    Episode 116:

    Louisiana Real Estate | Diversify Your Income to Protect Your Future

    DJ and Jessica Savoy have been married since 2006 and have been investing in Louisiana real estate together since 2014 when they opened their HomeVestors®, We Buy Ugly Houses® franchise in Lake Charles, LA. In less than 3 years in the business, they have purchased over 100 properties and currently have a rental portfolio of 44 units, which allowed them to leave their corporate careers and pursue real estate investing full time.

    DJ has more than a decade of experience in safety and environmental risk management and Human Resources in the chemical, manufacturing, and oil & gas industry, where he was a manager for multiple Fortune 500 companies. Jessica has been a full-time Stay-at-Home Mom for the last 5 years, after leaving the medical and dental industry where she worked as an Office Coordinator. Jessica and DJ currently have 3 children.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • Making real estate investing a family business
    • Diversifying your income sources to protect your future
    • Why taking calculated risks with your career can set you free
    • Dreaming large even when you’re facing adversity
    • Where to find confidence even when it seems hopeless
    • Networking with successful people to draw on their knowledge
    • The ins and outs of Louisiana real estate
    • Unique legal issues that can arise when starting out in real estate
    • Inspiring your business partners with your strategic vision
    • Communicating with legal advisors when building your business
    • Finding mentors that fit your style and career strategy


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