Louisiana Real Estate | Diversify Your Income to Protect Your Future

Mitch Stephen chats with
DJ and Jessica Savoy
Episode 116:
DJ and Jessica Savoy have been married since 2006 and have been investing in Louisiana real estate together since 2014 when they opened their HomeVestors®, We Buy Ugly Houses® franchise in Lake Charles, LA. In less than 3 years in the business, they have purchased over 100 properties and currently have a rental portfolio of 44 units, which allowed them to leave their corporate careers and pursue real estate investing full time.
DJ has more than a decade of experience in safety and environmental risk management and Human Resources in the chemical, manufacturing, and oil & gas industry, where he was a manager for multiple Fortune 500 companies. Jessica has been a full-time Stay-at-Home Mom for the last 5 years, after leaving the medical and dental industry where she worked as an Office Coordinator. Jessica and DJ currently have 3 children.
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- Making real estate investing a family business
- Diversifying your income sources to protect your future
- Why taking calculated risks with your career can set you free
- Dreaming large even when you’re facing adversity
- Where to find confidence even when it seems hopeless
- Networking with successful people to draw on their knowledge
- The ins and outs of Louisiana real estate
- Unique legal issues that can arise when starting out in real estate
- Inspiring your business partners with your strategic vision
- Communicating with legal advisors when building your business
- Finding mentors that fit your style and career strategy
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