Nomi Yah: Notes To Notes

Episode 324: Nomi Yah: Notes To Notes

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REIS 324 | Transition To Real Estate


Real estate is a lucrative industry, and it can be a great fallback or a great partner with any profession or job you have. In today’s episode, Nomi Yah, the author of the book From Notes to Notes: How I Went from Music to Real Estate, shares her transition from music to real estate. Nomi was a professional musician her whole life and finally decided to reinvent herself and venture into real estate – leaping from creating music to buying and selling homes.

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We’re going to be talking about reinvention. We’re going to be talking to Nomi Yah. She wrote this book Notes to Notes: How I Went from Music to Real Estate. Nomi is a professional musician her whole life. She decides she needs to reinvent herself and decides she’s going to go into real estate. Somewhere, somehow, she gets out there and starts looking at all the different options. She narrows it down to this guy named Mitch Stephen, who she thinks is brilliant with his owner finance strategy in creating notes out of thin air. She called the guy up one day and he said, “Maybe we could have a teacher-student relationship and I could teach you how to do this.” She said, “I’m in,” then she started studying. This lady is a prolific studier. She’s way into the details. I don’t think of musicians as that detailed. I suppose there are all different kinds of musicians, but I suppose if you have to read those little bitty dots on a page as they go by at whatever seconds per second, then you have to be detailed. Let’s talk about the book first and then we’ll talk about whatever we want to talk about. Nomi, how are you doing?

I’m doing great Mitch. Thanks for leaving me that great review on Amazon. I appreciate it.

I know it was good. I got a hair’s breadth away from the end of the book, but it was already good. I’m going to finish the last little bit here. I saw my name in the book a couple of times, thank you very much, but that’s not why we’re doing this because my name’s on the book. We’re doing it because it was a good book and this person reinvented herself. I think there’s a whole bunch of people out there in the world that would or should contemplate reinventing themselves because they’re not happy with what they’re doing. Give us the bullet points of your life. Bring us up to you sitting here in front of me.

That’s partly why I wrote the book because my life was quite long and meandering. People would always say, “Give me an elevator pitch,” and I’d be like, “I don’t know where to start with this.” That was one of the reasons I wrote the book is to be able to give people that background of where I came from because it was a long story. I guess if you’ve done one thing your whole life, it makes it easier. I did do 25 years of music touring around the world and doing different things. As you can imagine, I know you’re a songwriter and at a certain point in your life you look at, “Should I do songwriting or should I do real estate?” You’re like, “The money is in the real estate.” I went the other way. Now, that I went through the music world, I’m back on, “Real estate is where the money is.”

There’s some big money in the music business if you’re the right person at the right time. You can force your success in real estate. It’s hard to force yourself sometimes in the music business because it’s a very tenuous business.

If you’re on the road touring and performing, it’s a way to make a living. When you take away the glamour of the music industry and you just call it a job, you’re out there working a job and as soon as you stop, the money stops. I have had some songs that have done well and I get royalties, but I can get 100,000 listens and make $2. It’s a ridiculous industry.

People say, “You got paid $500 and you played for two hours.” It took me a three-hour plane ride to get here and it’ll take me a three-hour plane ride to get back. I had to practice the songs for hours and hours with the band. I stayed in a hotel. You’re getting paid for a gig, but it takes a lot to get to that gig.

I coach a lot of young artists in their teens and twenties and up. What I tell them is, “If you love music as an artist, just do music as an artist and get another way of making a living.” If you want to make a living, that’s like a real job. You’re out there doing it 100% of the time and barely keep a family together or anything else together.

It’s a brutal lifestyle. I’m supposed to get $0.05 every time my songs played on the radio. Who is keeping track of that and how do I know?

You don’t get $0.05. You get $0.035 or some stipend and that’s only when it’s playing on the radio. If it’s streaming online, it’s a fraction of that.

I was looking at the metrics. I’m supposed to get a nickel every time you get a side or a cut or you’re pressed on. It used to be an album, but now it’s a CD or whatever. You used to get a little bit for that. I said, “How do I know how long that run was? How many did they print? How many did they stamp out?” I don’t know. I said, “I’ll go buy a house and I’ll keep music as the last bastion of my childhood and I’ll just do it for fun.”

You are a very good songwriter. If you can do your art as art itself, it can be your lifelong vocation and career without necessarily forcing it to make money.

I’ve been trying to write a good song for 40 years. I’d like to tell everybody I’m going to get good at it any day now. In a chronological, biographical discography of songs by Mitch Stephen, go to MitchStephenMusic.com and there you can listen to your heart’s content. You have a music site out there?

I’m at SongBrigade.com/Nomi. You can put my name in Google and you’ll find all kinds of stuff popping up.

REIS 324 | Transition To Real Estate

Transition To Real Estate: In music, as long as you are on the road, you are making money.


You wrote this famous song that we’ve heard in church forever back when you were thirteen or fourteen years old. I got that out of your book. What’s the name of that song?

The song is called King of Kings and it’s performed by tons of people all over the world. It’s been translated into a bunch of languages. It’s considered a staple, like Amazing Grace or something, but I don’t get paid for any of that because when people sing in a church, you don’t get paid. The only way I get paid is if it’s in a hymnal. You can look for King of Kings in a hymnal and I’m in a lot of them, I get paid for that. I got paid when Petra recorded it and they got a gold record, but I don’t get paid for the performances in church, which is fine. I don’t mind.

How crazy is that that Petra recorded King of Kings, your gospel song? You’re going along in the music business. Did you make a fair living? Tell us about that time of your life.

The first couple of years were tough, but I made a good living. I probably got up to about $700 to $1,000 a show or I’d be paid blanket like $7,000 to $10,000 a month. I was making pretty good money and getting some royalties and getting side jobs in recording studios and writing. As long as you’re out there on the road, you’re making money and I was. I had a kid. I became a single mom and I decided I had to get off the road. Either that or he was going to get raised by a bunch of people that weren’t me.

You couldn’t just put him like a papoose on your back and carry him around?

I did include in the book, the part of the story where I tried to take him on tour with me. It was a little rough because I had to drive my own vehicle behind the tour bus. Because if he was on the tour bus, they’re all drinking alcohol, smoking weed and cigarettes, swearing and talking about who knows what. I can’t stop them and make them all childproof. I had to drive my own vehicle. That’s a lot of work when you perform at night and you drive all day.

I won’t mention any names here, but I was on the tour bus of a very prominent well-known band one time. I knew one of the players and he invited me to ride to the show at the Niagara Falls Amphitheater one night because I happened to be staying in a hotel right across the street from where the band was staying. I saw the band and I called my friend and he said, “Get on this bus. We’re leaving.” I got on there, and one guy was drinking whiskey straight out of a bottle. We’re all sitting at the same table, just about right around. Another guy was smoking a joint. Another guy was reading the Bible and did not drink nor smoke. Another person was drinking his favorite beverage and Coke and everyone was just letting everybody live and let live.

Which is great as adults, but as a kid, it’s a little different.

You decided to get off the road because you have this responsibility and this ache in your heart to not leave him alone and rightfully so. How scary was that?

It’s extremely scary because I had spent every moment of my waking life from the time I was a young teenager working on this one goal. How do I become a successful musician? How do I get on tour? How do I get something on at someone’s album, write another song, do another thing? My whole orientation was around success in the music business. Dropping that and suddenly having nothing was like this giant abyss.

It’s like you had this huge master’s or doctorate degree in something and all of a sudden, you’re throwing it right in the trash.

What it turned out is I wasn’t able to get another job because people were like, “Where is your resume?” I’d be like, “I don’t have a resume unless you want to count the different twenty bands I played within the last few years.” I couldn’t get a job, even a low paying job in a coffee shop. It was very difficult during that transition.

Doing it on the road and doing all those bookings and handling the stuff is pretty sophisticated. Certainly you could make coffee as a barista, but if you don’t have the resume, they’re not going to. You can’t explain that you played in a band. There’s a lot more to playing in a band than playing in a band. You’ve got to map out logistics for the equipment and everything else.

I was a recording engineer so I can do that technical stuff. I have that whole side. There’s a lot to be a musician, but people tend to write us off as just a bunch of partiers. Some of us are.

With real estate, you can make a lot of money and not do anything else once you set up your properties. Share on X

Was there a way to come home and still do something like give piano lessons or something? Is there a way to still drag in some money while you were trying to reinvent yourself?

I wasn’t good at piano lessons because you’re always going back to those same beginners and I just found it very frustrating. I did make a living and still make a living writing songs and doing stuff in my recording studio. I get stuff on people’s albums. I get stuff on film and TV and I do artists coaching and stuff like that. I do make a living still to this day. I still get royalties. It’s not something that I can control. I can keep throwing myself at it and things will happen, but I can’t control it. If I go and create a note, I’m actually in control of that stream of money.

What did you consider doing when you were trying to reinvent yourself and get off this road? What went through your mind? What did you give a chance to or what did you consider?

I thought of everything. I did start doing piano lessons and thought about doing that stuff in music. I ran a club for a while. I tried to do something in music and then I thought about buying a franchise, like a Subway sandwich or something. My mind went all over the place trying to come up with something. Pretty much everything I tried didn’t work. You can read it in my book. I did start a successful business doing office organizing and document organizing for people. I did some other things before I got into real estate.

What pulled you over to the real estate side? When did real estate start to raise its head?

When I first became a single mom and I got a divorce. I bought my own house. I converted part of my house into a separate apartment. When I did that, I could rent it out and then the rent paid for my entire house note. That’s when it started being like, “I’m making a lot of money off of this,” and not doing anything once I set it up. That’s what started my interests. I was interested in real estate since I was a child. I kept looking at real estate. I just didn’t know what to do with it, but I’ve always been interested in it.

That was like me. I bought my own place. They seller-financed me. It was $28,000. It was an efficiency apartment right by the pool and it got smaller. A place came up down the way. That was a two-bedroom, two-bath, two-story with a vaulted ceiling. It had a fireplace and a sunken living room. I thought, “I think I could move over there.” I rented out my first place and then I moved into that place. I rented out the spare bedroom and I was making money to live, not much different than yours. Nomi and Mitch, we got to get hit in the head with a baseball bat before we understand the concept. I started getting afraid about special assessments and if they came up with one of these $7,000, $8,000, $9,000 or $10,000 special assessments to fix a roof, because what I had bought was a condo. If they came up with any of these special assessments, they were going to crush me because I had very little savings and now I had two condos and both of them come up with a special assessment. I got scared but there weren’t any special assessments on the horizon at that point. It got brought to my attention that it could happen.

I started looking at how old the roofs were. They were going to need something in the near future. I went and sold them all and I looked up one day and I had $45,000 in the bank. I went to this place and I signed some papers and I came back and my bank account had $45,000 on it, something like that. That’s when my light bulb went off. I said, “That’s more than I make in a year of working 365 days. That’s way more than I even make. It just happened in the stroke of a couple of pens over here in this room. How do you make that happen again?” That’s when I started studying. It sounds like you.

Before that apartment, I bought my first house in the ‘90s and then I found a house for $90,000 in California. By the time I sold it, it was worth $150,000. I was like, “How did I make that much money in just a few years?” I didn’t know what appreciation and all that was. I was like, “That is an unbelievable amount of money for doing nothing but just living in the house,” compared to the $0.035 I’m making off of a song. That’s why they said, “I’ll let you have it for a song.”

Did you buy a course or go to a seminar? What was the first “I’m going to get serious about this” like? Which direction did you go when you decided, “I need to look into this” or “I need to pursue it?”

That was only a few years ago that I started. I started saying, “I need to do more real estate,” but I couldn’t figure out how. I was like, “If only I could buy multifamily or just another house that wasn’t my own house, that could purely be income,” but I couldn’t figure out how to do it. As you can imagine, being a musician on the road, you’re not going to be able to get a bank loan. I still to this day can’t get a bank loan to save my life.

It may have been your greatest asset because when you can’t get a bank loan, you learn how to do something else. Something else might be better than getting the bank loan in the first place.

It took me a couple of years and I kept talking about it and thinking about. It wasn’t until my dad came along and said, “I got this old property, I don’t know what to do with it. Can you help me? Because I know you’re interested in real estate.” It’s one of those things that you prepare. When the opportunity comes, you’re ready to take that opportunity. Because he literally offered this to my other brothers and they didn’t know what to do with it. I knew what to do with it. They tried to figure out what to do with it. They couldn’t figure it out because it was like, “We could sell it, but then what?”

My dad’s a doctor, he was like, “I don’t need the money. What are you going to do with the money?” I had this whole concept, we’ll buy a multifamily unit and we’ll split the profit. I just came out with this plan. Also, I’ve had some experience. He was like, “Let’s try this.” I put this property up and we couldn’t get a loan. It didn’t have a water source. You had to drive in with a water truck and it had all these issues. It wasn’t a real house. It was like a big warehouse. My real estate agent said, “Why don’t you do seller financing?” That was the first time I ever heard of owner financing. We did it and then I was like, “That was easy.” That money started flowing in and then I was like, “I’m getting paid.”

REIS 324 | Transition To Real Estate

Transition To Real Estate: Restructuring a note can offer great benefits.


Let’s back up. You couldn’t sell it because the bank wouldn’t loan on it because the property didn’t fit in the bank’s box. They’ve got these little checkmarks I got to make. It didn’t have a water source and it was a warehouse and the bank said no. I could probably have predicted that the bank wouldn’t make a loan on it. You may have had to go up there and find out that they wouldn’t. You think, “This property is not worth anything. I’m dead in the water,” which is what a lot of people do. It is one way of finding some deals as people get to one roadblock and they say, “The property is not worth anything.” They then walk away and they sell to someone like me or know me. When you say, “I can solve the financing problem. I’ll just finance it myself.” You put the price way back up to where it should have been, and then you make payments. You sell it to someone and let them make you a down payment and payments and that’s what you did. Tell us the deal on that property if you can remember the numbers, more or less.

We sold the property for about $185,000 because it has an ocean view, a tiny little peek of the ocean. You think in California, that should be valuable, but the property was so funky. I can’t even emphasize that enough. It was really bad. It was made out of corrugated tin and it had rusting holes in it. I couldn’t even get someone to get up on the roof to fix the roof because it was so rickety. They wouldn’t even send someone up there. They throw a big tarp over it. It was in bad condition.

You owner financed it for $185,000, zero down or how much did you get?

They put down about $60,000. I think our owner finance note was $115,000.

In what rate and how long?

Originally, I could only get a 6% because Californians, they focus on the interest rate. I was like, “Let’s just raise the price a little and lower the interest rate a little.” My dad wanted to do a five-year balloon because he was like, “I don’t want to do it forever. Let me just do five years.” I think older people don’t want to think that far. What I did is at a certain point he assigned the whole note to me. I restructured the note, which is something I recommend. I took the balloon out and turned it into a 30-year note, but I upped the interest rate to 7.75%. Now it’s a 30-year note at 7.75%.

Which is great because the first five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten years of that, they’re not going to pay anything down. That’s pretty smart. I’m going to guess that your father was impressed with your on-your-feet thinking. You ended up with that note. You’re the only one that cares about it. You’re the only one who knew how to do it. You’re the only one who hears it. “Go ahead and have it. I don’t need it.”

He knew what I was doing. I kept telling him, “I’m starting this note business. This is part of my business.” He’s helping me to start a business and he still gets some profit off it.

What’s the incoming payment?

It was $1,167, but when I restructured it, it went down to $858 or something like that.

Was that one of your first deals?

Yes, that was my very first note.

Do you remember your second deal?

I do. I don’t know if I should talk about that, but I have the numbers for the ideal that I’m working on, if you’re interested in hearing about that. I bought this property in Austin. This is the model I’m working on. The asking price was $190,000, which was already below market. We figured the market was $210,000 and they were selling it for $190,000 because it was a medical emergency. The woman had lived there forever. She had to be out of the home in an assisted care and the family was trying to get rid of the property to pay for her medical. We got it. They were offering $190,000. We saw it was $30,000 under and then we negotiated another $20,000 off. We bought it for $170,000. We improved it. We put about $15,000 into it. Now our cost basis is $185,000. We’re putting it on the market. We’re offering to sell it at $240,000. The market comps say $230,000 because we put the improvements in and we’re selling it for $240,000 because we’re using what I call that MMM, the Modified Mitch Method.

You have to be always ready to grab any opportunity that comes your way. Share on X

Tell us about the MMM, the Modified Mitch Method.

The Mitch Method would be the OFV, the Owner Finance Value. You’d figure out the rent comps around $1,600. The tax and insurance are around $500. You would take the rent comps $1,600. You’d subtract the tax and insurance and you come out with a payment that they could afford of $1,100 a month. Their PI payment is $1,100 a month. If you included a 10% down payment, that gives you the OFV of $125,000 of $150,000.

Back into the rent, it comes out with an OFV of only $150,000.

What I’m doing with my MMM is I’m modifying it and I’m saying, “I looked at the rents in Austin and last year, they went up for $700 average rent and the year before, it went up $500 average rent.” What I did is I said, “If it goes up another few hundred dollars next year and then the year after that, who knows how long it keeps going up? I don’t have to stick to the current rents. Let me pop on an extra few hundred dollars.” That’s my Modified Mitch Method is I throw a few extra dollars onto that rent comp.

Austin’s an anomaly in Texas. It’s like California in the middle of Texas. It has these whole different dynamics in real estate and rent. It probably will go through a boom and bust cycle like California, San Francisco, Las Vegas or parts of Florida because it skyrockets up and skyrockets towards the bottom when it happens. It hasn’t happened yet, but Austin has enjoyed this rise so far as it turns into whatever Austin’s turning into, which is a techno hub center and a music center. Music’s not driving that place, it’s the technology businesses. You just used a different multiplier to arrive at the price that your people are going to deem as normal in Austin. You’re having a different multiplier because the multiplier I use which is $115 to get to the plus 12% for a down payment is apparently way low compared to what you can get for yours. What we’re saying in short is in my town and the towns around Texas, they usually want to own a house for the same as rent. People in Austin are willing to pay way more to own the house than they could ever rent it for.

In our case, we added about $700 in monthly payments to this. We don’t consider $700 to be that much more than rent if the rents are going up that fast because we’re doing a 30-year loan. Imagine ten years from now, that $700 is going to disappear. It’s probably going to be below what rent is if it keeps going up.

To get to your calculations and modify the formula, you chose to add $700 to the rent that you can prove so that when you did the math, it would be more in line of what prices were at. For those of you that don’t have the formula, it is you take the rent minus the monthly insurance minus the monthly taxes times $115 plus 12% equals the OFV or the Owner Finance Value. It is basically figuring out a value based on the rent like a cap rate or like you would, a commercial building. Your cap rates are based on what is the net operating income. We’re finding a value of a home-based on what is the typical rent for a house like this in this neighborhood. We’re backing into a price that way. Nomi was smart enough to figure out that Mitch’s formula doesn’t even come close or work remotely in Austin. It doesn’t work. My formula wouldn’t work in New York or downtown Los Angeles either. She just modified the multiplier. How she did that was she took the rent and added a bunch of money on top of it before she went through the rest of the equation.

On this particular example that I’ve given you, it looks like if this thing pays to term, I am going to make a total of over $488,000 over the course of 30 years. It’s a 264% return. Annualized, it’s 8.80%, which is still way better than what you’re talking about a CD or a long-term treasury bond or something. It’s still higher.

There are some good things that can still happen too. I don’t count on it. I don’t wish for it. I don’t hope for it. I got back a house that when I let go of it, I was owed $100,000. I’m getting it back after several years and it’s worth $250,000. I don’t wish that for anybody. I would have worked it out if they would’ve called me, but they just left. They didn’t call and say, “Can we work something out?” There’s nothing I can do about it.

That didn’t even account for the second thing I do, which is the Mitch Method, which is I get a private investor to come in. I figured that within five to ten years, I’m going to have my investment completely out. I’m going to have that $185,000 completely paid back to me within five to ten years and still give my private investors 8%. The last twenty years of the loan, I never put any money in. It’s free and that’s how I’m going to be retiring.

You sold a partial. Is that what you did?

I’m going to.

It is a rather long complicated conversation, which we’re not going to get into right now. The point is we got this lady who was playing in a band once upon a time and now she’s dealing in millions of dollars of real estate. It wasn’t that long ago she decided she needed to change and she’s making that happen. It’s pretty impressive, Nomi.

Thank you. I would hope that my book inspires people to do that thing. There are a lot of people that feel dissatisfied but they’re afraid to take a step because there’s this big jump without a net thing where you’re like, “This life isn’t great, but at least I know it.” I would encourage people not to be so afraid of that abyss but to just step out into it sometimes.

REIS 324 | Transition To Real Estate

Transition To Real Estate: Feel confident to go out there and be an active investor.


You did the right thing. You sought a lot of counsel, you studied a lot of people and you read a lot of stuff.

I know you didn’t do this interview for me to give you compliments, but you are an outstanding teacher. When I was first formally learning with you, a lot of it didn’t fit with what I wanted to do, so I got a little frustrated. Although, some of it did make me a lot of money like how to sell a house without an agent and stuff like that. As I’ve been listening to you for about two years, stuff has soaked in and your wealth of knowledge is crazy.

You’re going to come to the conclusions I came to. I’m trying to shortcut them, but you may have to go through it to understand why I think like I do. I tried all that stuff. I know what happens.

I made $200 off of you. I’m in escrow. The seller said, “Can I ask a favor? Can we close a few days early?” My first thing was like, “Sure, no problem.” I was like, “No, Mitch says you don’t ever give something without taking something.” I couldn’t think of what to take. I was like, “Can you do extra gardening and broom sweep it before the close of escrow?” He’s like, “Sure.” That was probably $200., so thanks, Mitch.

“If I can, will you?” which I think Zig Ziglar or one of those monster negotiators always say. You always ask for something in return.

There are a lot of details and a lot of little tips that you’re giving because of your wealth of knowledge. I encourage people whether to train with you formally or to study your books. Not just you, there are other teachers too, but it’s important to learn.

I’ve been in the business for many years. I specialize in seller financing or creating notes and collecting mortgage payments, not necessarily rent. Although I’ve collected my fair share of rent and I do collect rent because I convert my wealth into storage facilities where all we’re doing is renting spaces. I appreciate the time. You were a very good student. You’re a doer. When you got uncomfortable, you didn’t stop. You would keep going. You would like to say, “Mitch, I’m going to trust you on this one.” You would go ahead and go anyway, even though you might be reluctant and there were other things that you were willing to jump into like a lion.

We’re both alumni of the same university.

You’re my first alumnus of La Calle U. Is there anything else you want to say to the new people out there? Maybe people that need to reinvent themselves. Maybe they’re contemplating a life change or something.

It took me a couple of years to feel confident to go out there and be an active investor. Meanwhile, whatever little money I had sat in a low yield savings account ready for me to go into business. What I would recommend for people to do is go ahead and put your money with an active investor. Go find someone who’s already in the note business and be a passive investor while you’re learning to be an active investor. At least your money is earning something. At the same time, you’re picking up tips. That’s what I did. I started working with established people to see what they were doing and meanwhile my money was earning something. That’s what I would recommend for people that are learning.

As always, do your research on them. Make sure that people that you’re learning from or that you’re lending to or that you’re in business with are the person that you want to be on and off the field. They may look separate, but they’re not separate. Somewhere, it all turns into a great big mesh. I would like to thank everybody and check out Nomi’s book, Notes to Notes.

I do have a little gift.

You’re going to give away to anybody who wants a digital copy of this. I want you to go to 1000houses.com/Nomi and my people will get with your people, Nomi. They’ll have whatever they need to get their digital download of Notes to Notes: How I went from Music to Real Estate. She traded in the musical notes for some real estate lien notes. Are you able to slow down now a little bit and enjoy a different pace or are you still building this business?

I’m still building the business. I’m working on an audiobook. I’m in my studio every morning when it’s quiet. I found a lot of people don’t have the time to sit down and read a book so I’m doing an audiobook.

A lot of people like to double-dip like me. Most of the time I won’t sit down and read a book. I did sit down to read yours, but I would prefer to listen to it in my car in my 45 minutes to and from town. I can take in a lot of books. I’m coming out with my fourth book in the My Life & 1,000 Houses series. I’ll have my fourth book out. It’s called My Life and 1,000 Houses: Random Thoughts and Stories of a Serial House Flipper. Do you know how I do my books, Nomi? I go to 99Designs.com and I have a competition and they build the cover of my book. The first thing I do before I even start, I have the cover in my vision before I typed the first word. I say, “I’m going to this book right there. There it is, it’s beautiful. It has the title that I picked out and it doesn’t have one page in it yet.”

I designed my book cover. I did all my own design and my own editing and stuff, but that’s because I’m crazy. I designed my book cover first too because I was like, “I want to be able to start promoting it so I need to have the image.”

I’m not smart enough to start promoting ahead of time. I did it so it would be staring at me going, “What are you going to do about me? Here I am, I’m empty. I have nothing in me.” I want to thank you for stopping by to get you some Nomi Yah. I want you to make sure you stop by and visit TaxFreeFuture.com. If you do not have a tax-deferred or tax-free savings, retirement account with checkbook control, you have no idea the size of the tool that you’re missing out of your tool belt. It’s huge. It’s gigantic. Watch the 37 video vignettes there to get a taste of all that can be done. I’m on there with a Tim Berry. He’s a 24-year attorney who specialized in tax-free and tax-deferred savings accounts, the do’s, the don’ts and the possibilities. Please go there. You will not believe what your financial advisors are not telling you. We’re going to tell you what they’re not telling you. We’re going to tell you why they’re not telling it to you, and then you can take it from there. We’re out of here.


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About Nomi Yah

REIS 324 | Transition To Real EstateA private lender’s personal story offers a fascinating close-up look into the life of a professional musician. It follow the evolution of a child prodigy who becomes a punk, pop, hip-hop, reggae artist