0 To 70 Doors In 24 Months With Colin Douthit

Mitch Stephen chats with

Colin Douthit

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Colin Douthit           Colin Douthit          
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    Episode 393: 0 To 70 Doors In 24 Months With Colin Douthit

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    REIS 393 | Miracle Real Estate Investor


    How does one get from zero to 70 doors in 24 months? It takes a miracle real estate investor to do that, and today’s guest is certainly one. Joining Mitch Stephen on the show is Colin Douthit, a real estate investor, contractor, and property manager in the Greater Kansas City area. A professional engineer, he runs a pretty decent business with property management and local construction on top of real estate investing. Two of the businesses he runs are Atlas Property Management (KC), which has been working with buy and hold investments since 2017, and Atlas Construction, LLC, which recently started in early 2019. Listen as he shares the story of his amazing run in real estate investing and take away from the lessons he learned from that incredible experience.

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    I’m here with Colin Douthit. He’s in the Kansas City area. He’s a buy and hold guy who had a miraculous start right out of the shoot goes from 0 to 70 doors overnight. I thought he’d be an interesting guy to talk to. He has a local construction company and a local property management company. If you’re going to manage that many properties for yourself, why not just pick up a few customers and help them cover the overhead? Exactly, what I did when I encouraged my daughter to start MoatNoteServicing.com.

    I was servicing hundreds of notes that I own, why not take on some other customers to help pay for all that software and all that good help? If you’re in the state of Texas and need your note serviced and don’t want to do it yourself, check it out. This episode is brought to you by TaxFreeFuture.com. If you don’t have an IRA, 401(k), a Solo 401(k) for solo business people, a health savings plan, which defers taxes on your gains, or an educational savings plan or any kind of retirement plan, you are missing the boat. You won’t believe what your financial advisors are not telling you. We’re going to tell you what they’re not telling you. We’re going to tell you why they’re not telling you.

    You can do with what you want, but we’re going to give you 37 little video vignettes to explain to you how powerful these programs are and why you can be one of those people that everyone’s cussing because you don’t pay any taxes. I want all who are bitching about that to stop because you can use the same rules that all those people use. There’s a reason why it’s done. It proliferates a lot of different things in a lot of different areas. Those guys that use those, you can call them loopholes if you want, but they use the laws and they pay minimal taxes if any at all because it’s designed to promote an economy. Colin, tell us a little bit about your background. Where are you from and who were you before real estate? How did real estate come into your life?

    I’m born and raised in Kansas City. Educationally, I went to college for engineering, pretty well overqualified for this job. I’ve got two undergrad engineering degree as a Master’s in Engineering and a PE License and sputtered around in the corporate world for about seven years. They decided they didn’t want me around anymore. I was already under contract on my first property and let it ride from there. It’s like, “Let’s see what we can do with this,” and started building aggressively after that.

    REIS 393 | Miracle Real Estate Investor

    Miracle Real Estate Investor: A lot of overeducated people have degrees that aren’t really worth anything, while a lot of people that don’t go to college are extremely successful.


    How much did you spend on your education?

    My parents spent some money. I had a football and academic scholarship, so I didn’t keep tabs.

    What do you think it was worth?

    People that were paying full tuition where I was about $20,000 a year. Probably about $100,000 in undergrad and then another $15,000 for the Master’s.

    I’m an advocate for those who maybe aren’t college material or didn’t go to college. I didn’t go to college. I’m not slamming college, but I also think there’s a tremendous path for people that don’t and they shouldn’t beat themselves because you don’t have a college degree. It could be your greatest asset, which is what happened to me. No one wanted to pay me any money because I didn’t have a college degree. I looked in the mirror and said, “If I can’t make X amount of money by myself out in the street, then shoot me because I’m tired of people telling me how much I can make and I’m tired of telling me when I can go on vacation for that little bit of money that they’re letting me make and how to dress? When to wake up? When to go to sleep? When I have a Saturday off and when I don’t? Screw this.” I bound to be able to make $15 an hour by myself. I went out and did that. Luckily, I didn’t make any money. It was easy to not need a boss, which was great. It freed up 2,600 hours a year that I could work out myself.

    I’m at the same school when it comes to college. We have a lot of overeducated people with degrees that aren’t worth anything. I’m saying, “If you’re going to go to college, get yourself a tangible degree that gives you a skill that you can use for the rest of your life.” I know that it’s not for everybody. I know that a lot of people that don’t go to college are extremely successful and that there are a lot of different opportunities out there for that. As I’m raising my son and my daughter, my wife and I are thinking like, “Do we want to promote the college route?” It was where we grew up in upper-middle class. It was forced on us almost, it’s like, “This is the only option, you go to college and you work on the corporate world.” I disliked the corporate world.

    We’re never in control, but sometimes we have no control. You need to have some say over how things go but in the corporate world, you don’t. Engineers seem to do well at this business if they don’t have parallelization from over analyzation, and that seems to be the thing they have to conquer, but then once they get over that, they are move to take action quicker. They’re good at sizing up all the data that you need to make a decision. It comes from that engineering side of you that needs a bunch of graphs, charts and numbers.

    They teach critical thinking and teach you analysis of numbers, stepping back, and problem-solving. For me, when I was able to start figuring out, “This is how income-producing properties work. This is how they make money. This is how they lose money,” I was able to build out a pro forma and then start to analyze properties. Once you’ve got numbers on paper, it’s pretty binary. It a good investment or it’s a bad investment.

    Never stop growing, whether it’s in your job, own business, or side hustle. Share on X

    You start off pretty quick. You have your back against the wall, someone let you go. Do you have an extra pay or they cut you off?

    They gave me an extra two weeks’ worth of pay.

    You’ve got this one house under contract. This is where you’re starting from?

    It was a seven-unit apartment building. That was the first one.

    You got to be a little wide-eyed at night at this point.

    I’ve always had an entrepreneurial bug. For the past years before that, I knew that I didn’t want to be in the corporate world for the rest of my life. My wife and I had made a very intentional decision to keep our cost of living very low or you could live off either her or my income so that planning on me making the jump someday. When the jump gets forced upon you, we’re glad that we were in that spot financially where we could still survive off of her comfortably.

    I always tell everybody, “I don’t care who you are. You’ve got a day gig or you’ve got a corporate gig. You’ve got to have a plan B or at least an extra credit plan that can turn into your plan B. You’ve got to be ready for when they decide to throw your ass away because you don’t suit them anymore.” We can always have something on the side that you’re honing or working. The other thing is, never stop growing.

    Don’t stop growing in your job, but after you’ve mastered what you need to do to make someone some money, why don’t you get on an educational path to master what you need to do to make yourself some extra money. Maybe you can get independent faster and be able to enjoy this life and be who you’re supposed to be. Not everybody’s meant to work for someone until they’re 65 and then retire on pennies.

    That last year before my termination, I had been avidly reading books, Audible, podcasts, consuming as much information as I could about real estate, real estate investment, buy and hold investments knowing that after I started getting to it, I think this is the route I want to pursue with the goal of, I was under contract on my first seven-unit when I got terminated. I had already put the ball in motion and there was no looking back. I was like, “We’ve got some savings. Let’s make a run at this and see how the next 6 or 12 months goes. We can get back in the corporate world if I need to.”

    What ballpark was your job paying you when they let you lose so people can understand?

    I was at $99,000 that year.

    What was that seven-unit going to pay you?

    We live out in a rural town, and that’s where I bought it. It’s not quite as much. I’d have to look back, but I think we’re forecasting about $800 a month.

    REIS 393 | Miracle Real Estate Investor

    Miracle Real Estate Investor: After you’ve mastered what you need to do to make someone some money, you might want to master what you need to do to make money for yourself.


    You’re a long way to $100,000. Do you have low overhead or high overhead or medium overhead? What did it cost you to live at the time do you think?

    We were probably about less than $2,000 a month to live.

    You had done the job of doing that. $800 a month is a big chunk of that. I got that far to go. You’re halfway to your freedom number. You need someone and before you don’t need the job anymore.

    We always kept our freedom numbers as low as possible knowing that we’re going to make this jump. We had four sites. If I could say, “$2,000 a month, we’ve got under $1,000 mortgage, health insurance we do and Christian Medi-Share’s $500 a month and that gives us $500 additional.” We live out on a farm. We raised a lot of our own meat and food like that. We kept some of that overhead low as well.

    I find that to be a common thing too. A lot of people that can stay with it long enough to figure it out and to get all the wheels turning have a low overhead and they have low expectations. I don’t say that bad. I’ve always had low or no expectations when I go to try some things so I’m not disappointed. If I have any size victory at all, it can be celebrated. Those people that go and say, “I’m going to start in real estate. I’m going to make $1 million a year.” You’re setting yourself up to be disappointed here, right off the bat because not many people can pull that off. You’re putting yourself under a lot of pressure. How about you figure out what’s your overhead every month? If your overhead is $3,000 or $4,000 a month, how about we get that off your plate first? Let’s make a goal to make $4,000 a month so that you don’t have to have a damn job, which will free up 2,600 hours a year.

    You can’t learn how to make that million with an extra 2,600 hours a year that you don’t have to spend making someone else money. The first goal that I always told everybody, “How do you feel about it?” You have these people say, “Think big, write these big plans. If you shoot for the moon, at least you land at the stars.” I’m like, “No. Give me something I can accomplish in a week.” I’ll sit down and I’ll get another goal. My goal was always to do better this coming year than I did last year, which has taken me places I never dreamt of. How do you set goals?

    At the beginning of the year, I did some goal setting. We officially started our property management company in August of 2019. That’s when we said open for business. I already had it seated with 70 to 80 of my own doors. Once we got started, I was like, “Let’s grow this.” We’ve had this amazing growth curve. We’ve put on 270 doors under management and ten months. We’ve added that, in addition to what I already brought on.

    You had one seven-unit place. You had seven doors when they quit your job. How long did it take you to get to 70 doors?

    About 24 months.

    Maybe a little luck and timing in your market and all that jazz, but probably 99.9% of the work and everything you did made you lucky.

    You create your own luck. It’s all hustle. It’s all building relationships and developing all that.

    You’ve got to manage these 70 doors. Why not manage some stuff for some other people? You’ve already got the construction crews. You’ve already got the plumber, the electrician, the roof fixer guy, the hot water fixer guy. You’ve got all these people, you know who to recommend if you can make it a little money, offset some of your overhead by sharing your expertise with some people that has a onesy-twosy house, doesn’t have time to get all this stuff done because they have a job and this is part-time for them.

    Also, working with out of state investors as well.

    This is how people say, “You’re all over the place. You have eight businesses, Mitch.” I said, “Not really. There are things I was doing anyways and I decided to parlay it or it was exhausted that was running out of my tailpipe and I was wasting it.” I like to give the example, if you own a sawmill where you turn trees into boards, part of the result of that is you’re going to have a big pile of sawdust over there. You’ve either got to pay to throw that sawdust and take it away somewhere because it’s going to eventually bury your whole job site or you can figure out what to make out of sawdust. Are you going to make ant poison where you’re soaking poison, put it in bags, and then you sprinkle it around people’s houses for pest control? Are you going to glue it together and make boards? What are you going to do with this damn stuff? You’re getting it free.

    You create your own luck. Share on X

    We’re actually looking at that. We are probably going to spend about $100,000 with an HVAC sub. My partner and the construction company were like, “We should probably buy an HVAC company. We would have so much additional work for this company that it’s potential lost revenue that we’re having to pay to somebody else.”

    If I was going to do that, then I’d be partners with somebody who owns HVAC company that’s not doing well or that could do better. I don’t want to learn all the ins and outs of HVAC company.

    We do not want to become HVAC technicians. We want to focus on having somebody run the day-to-day operations and we’re essentially owning the business and giving it a few directions and more business.

    That’s what I do too. I have a hard money loan business. My role is to raise private money. I have $26 million out in the street from private people. Sometimes I have so much money that I can’t buy houses at the underwriting that I need to. I can’t find that many good deals in a row. Just because you have a lot of money, it doesn’t mean you go out and make crappy deals. I’ll keep my underwriting bar the same. When I have too much money, I’ll loan it out. I started off to my competitors who found deals before me that I wish I would have found, but I didn’t.

    I’ll loan them the money to buy that deal and if they don’t pay me, then I end up with the deal. I’m not hoping for them to fail, but I’m saying it’s win-win for me. Mostly, I keep my private people’s money occupied until I need it. I picked the partner that was fifteen years as a CPA and had taken companies public. He was with Coopers & Lybrand for fifteen years as a managing partner in Austin, Texas, a major educated brain. I teamed up with him. I was bringing the business, bringing in the money and he was keeping it organized and watching the details and doing all the stuff that I suck at.

    We’ve been looking at EOS and they’ve got the visionary, the integrator and I’m on the visionary side. It’s like, “Here’s the big picture idea. How do we get it implemented?” We have to build out the team to help implement and integrate the ideas.

    How did you move so fast from 0 to 70 doors? What have you been studying? What even gave you the audacity to think that you could go out there and do that in such a short period of time?

    I didn’t think I could do that many. That’s probably part of the issue. We looked at the numbers and I liked the numbers. I brought in a partner on about twenty of the doors. I’ve got a 50/50 partner on twenty of them. We did some beg, borrow, and steal for some down payment money with family and stuff like that. We were able to structure the financing advantageously. We did take down some chunks. We had a package of sixteen homes that were for sale, and then we found a seventeen. Six almost abandoned, dilapidated duplexes that we took on as a big rehab project.

    Did you find those in bank repos or were you looking for a distraught landlord?

    I got tagged in on a couple of them on Facebook and then six duplexes a realtor brought me.

    If you’re out there asking every day, it shows us from every direction people, “Which way do you find the most houses?” I’m like, “There’s no one way. Everything combined that brings it in.” If I wore a shirt that said, “Cash4Houses.net.” I like to put it right below the collar and between your shoulder blades because we’re a nation of lines. You’re always standing in some line. People more likely to read things when you’re not staring at them. That might buy me two houses a year. If I work five days a week, that shirt at different color every weekday, 1, 2, or 3 houses. Also, signs on my car maybe 2 or 3. If everything combined, it starts to add up.

    We’ve looked at what advertising do we need to do out here for some of our business? Do I want to put Atlas Property Management wrap on my truck? Ninety-eight percent of my investors are out of state and word of mouth and referrals. It doesn’t get me anything. Like you, maybe give me 1 or 2 single-family houses a year under management. It’s not going to blow me up.

    I always drive a pickup truck. I’m down here in San Antonio, Texas. The tailgate pulls 4 to 1 over the doors. We’re a nation of lines. Everywhere you’re at, you’re in a line. Always pay attention to the back because that’s where it is. I inserted certain numbers so I would know. Is there a special thing you are doing for advertising to find landlord type doors or apartments, small apartments?

    REIS 393 | Miracle Real Estate Investor

    Miracle Real Estate Investor: When you go out into real estate without expectations, every small victory can be celebrated.


    It’s been networking for me. The biggest boom to my business is networking with high producing realtors. In my world, commercial brokers that are bringing people to the table that want to buy 20, 30, 50 units and building their trust to become their preferred property manager. Also, out there on BiggerPockets, but at this point too, I’ve got guys referring me on BiggerPockets. I almost don’t have to advertise, do anything on that except respond to the direct messages I get.

    I did some things in BiggerPockets years ago. I still get people from that deal. I don’t know how that works. A lot of that stuff though was out in California and they can’t fathom seller financing. Half of them think it’s against the law. I had to move away because there were a lot of negative people out there in the world and I seem to find a lot of them there on my topic. That was 2,500 houses ago. I’m pretty sure it’s working. They’re like, “I’m not sure this will work in my area.” I said, “Yes, that won’t work in your area.” The only thing that doesn’t work in your area is you. What does your wife do? Was your wife always on board with this or did you have to drag her a little bit or push her? This is a major problem too I see all the time. Sometimes spouses are not on board and they have different pain thresholds or risk thresholds. Sometimes, when they get up with an outrageous entrepreneur, it stresses life for a little bit.

    My wife blessed her heart as a risk-averse and very conservative on these things. She has believed in me from the very beginning and part of my missteps in getting to success where I’m at now has been trying different ventures and not focusing on them long-term. She was like, “Colin, I knew you would be successful if you stayed focused and stuck with it.” She was absolutely right on that. She’s always like, “Do we need to move a little slower?” but she hasn’t ever been involved in the day-to-day operations of it. She’s been a part-time nurse now for a while. She’s at home with our kids too.

    I’ve started mine with all family. My daughter still works with me for many years. My wife was taken care of books, check writing, accounts receivable, and accounts payable. Looking back, I wish I would have done it differently, although I don’t know if I even could have because I needed people that weren’t charging me a lot of money to get me off the ground. They were putting in their time and not asking me for a lot because it was our business. As soon as we got off the ground, there were some problems. It took a little while for everyone to figure out that it wasn’t a democracy that I was running it.

    Sometimes, I would make decisions against their will. It’s like, “You guys are supporting something I’ve created, you’re not creating anything.” I made the mistakes too. My creative person has getting into too many different strategies, too fast, and everyone’s saying, “We told you so,” and I learn my own way. The other thing was once you started being successful, which was years out, I couldn’t go on vacation without shutting my whole damn office down, because if I took my family on a vacation, nobody left. That wasn’t good and part of the whole reason that you want to be successful so you can have the time freedom to be with your family.

    With the birth of our second child, my wife was on maternity leave. We started toying with the idea of her coming to work with us at the property management company. She decided, “I don’t want to interact with tenants. Maybe I’d be more of the internal stuff,” but we decided it probably wasn’t going to be the best option. Advice from other people that had seen other partners work with their spouses, it’s very stressful. Knowing the way that my wife and I which isn’t bad, different that it would, it would probably cause some tension points in our interactions. I made the decision when I was like, “You can continue nursing. You can stay at home. It’s your decision, but I don’t know that us working together is the best long-term solution for the family.”

    She could be instrumental because I find women are good at this. Sometimes, they can judge people faster and easier. Maybe she’s to help you hire the right people to get them going.

    She does have a good intuition on that I lack off. I’ve been accused of having a Pollyanna complex. I only want to see the good in people. She’s like, “Hold up a second on that.” We had a learning experience. If I would have listened to her, I probably wouldn’t have been in the headache.

    We started testing people, giving them the DISC test, and looking for certain things. Mostly, we want them to be all the good stuff, responsible, honest, timely, punctual, organized, and then we want these two things. It depends if they’re salespeople, then I wanted to not have good personal money management skills. If they make a lot of money, they take it right up. They’re living right up to the top. The other thing is I don’t want them to have an entrepreneurial bone in their body. It turns out I can’t stand people not to do well. If I see someone who’s not a good personal money manager, I can’t help myself. I have a talk with them and say, “Let’s open up a 401(k). Let’s get you some direction.” I don’t want them to have entrepreneurial tendencies because I don’t want to deal with the turnover very much. I want people to be with me for 10, 15, and 20 years.

    I don’t want to have somebody that’s trying to compete with me and wanting to leave. I do want to develop that continuity and longevity as well.

    In 70 doors, how many people you got? Mostly subcontractors or anybody that’s on the payroll?

    Now, we’re at 350 doors under management and we’ll have 400 by the end of August 2020 before we’ve seen in the pipeline. We’ve got two property managers, a bookkeeper, office admin, and a maintenance coordinator. I have a partner on the construction company that’s in charge of all the operations and we’ve got five maintenance guys out there.

    Don’t be afraid of failure. Treat it as a learning experience. Share on X

    These guys also a lot of payroll.

    Also, a leasing agent. She’s commisional, but everybody else’s payroll.

    I tried to get as many people in my organization as I could paid upon success. I’m paying for the money to hit the table. I have a small nucleus at each company that, “You’ve got to have someone who shows up no matter what.” There are pros and cons to both ways. What’s in the future for you? I know you’re trying to grow your property management company. Why don’t you give a little pitch here? Where are you looking for business and what are you doing?

    We’re focused probably within about an hour radius of the Kansas City Metro area. We’re looking to continue to work with out of state investors that are looking to invest in the Kansas City area. We’re getting a lot of having a lot of success with out of state investors. There are a lot of good opportunities with high returns in this area, single or multifamily. We’re hoping to be at 500 doors by the end of 2020. If this trend continues, our goal for the end of 2021 is 1,000 doors under management.

    We have a goal of 3,000 notes to manage. We’re getting close to 1,000. Tell me how you feel about this. I didn’t advertise and started out tremendously slow so that I didn’t get overloaded. I figure out that I was not equipped yet or not mentally ready or didn’t have things in place. I was trying to grow slow so that if I had a chink in my armor, I would find it without disappointing a whole lot of people at one time. I was trying to build up grassroots slowly so that I was prepared to handle the weight every time I would add another 100 people.

    We did that for the first two years because I implemented my property management software about month twelve. I had time to develop that and figure out how all that was working before we brought on additional investors.

    Did you invent your property management software?

    We use Buildium. We’re happy with it. It’s all web-based. They do a great job and the clients like it, we like it.

    That’s a landlord software?

    Full-service property management. When we’re on the go, we can handle that. It does tenant background checks, online payments. It does retail cash payments, distributes money, remote check printing, remote mailers, printing all features.

    Why would you go invent that? That’s a whole other thing.

    If somebody else spent a lot of time doing this and a lot of money, I will gladly pay them a monthly subscription fee for it.

    Part of the secret of successful people, they know when to delegate. I’m going to send everyone to the show notes to 1000Houses.com/atlas. You can go there and learn more about Colin Douthit. If you’re in the Kansas City area and you want to talk to him about either his remodeling company or property management company, all the details will be over there. Colin, that’s an evergreen situation. If you ever write a book, have a seminar or whatever you want to post it back in there, we get about 24,000 downloads a month. The average download per episode for the beginning months is like 800 or 900 per new episode. Anything you want to add there, have your people call my people, and they’ll get it all put in there. What words of wisdom do you have to the person that’s out there that desperately wants to quit their job or wants to be in control and they’re having a little trouble getting off the fence or moving?

    Don’t be afraid of failure. You’re going to fail at some point, everybody does. Just treat it as a learning experience.

    In my book, My Life & 1,000 Houses: Failing Forward to Financial Freedom, I didn’t know exactly what I was doing at the time. As I wrote this book, I already knew I was going to fail. I was trying, “How can I fail but not go under? What’s the difference between laying everything on the line, your house, your car, and then when you don’t make it, you’re out in the street on your ass and this causes a lot of stress for your wife, your relations, and you probably will get divorced if you’re 9 out of 10 times under that kind of stress.

    How can I fail without going under, and then learn from my lessons and go back out? I had created the moat theory. You build a moat around your basic needs or your freedom number, and you get that coming in and never risk that again. All the money you make over that you can go out and gamble. If you lose it all, “It’s okay. Let’s come back.” Over the drawbridge and everything’s paid for in there. Your house, your electricity, your cars, your insurance. How I figured out how to fail forward was to bust my butt and get my $3,500 a month coming in and then never gamble that.

    When I make more money, I put that on the side. I got research and development money. I can go out and try a new strategy, or I can take a seminar. Maybe I waste that $3,000, but it doesn’t matter. I go back inside my castle to pull up the drawbridge, stay inside my moat, “I’m okay. I recover. I save some more money and figure out what I did wrong last time.” When I dropped the drawbridge, I’m better smarter and I go out because I learned. Learn from your failures. You only waste your time if you don’t learn anything from one more, you quit.

    Another one that I heard that they go hand in hand and similar was fail fast forwards. Get the failure out of the way. If you’re rolling out a new product or a new service, they said put out your minimum viable product. Just get something out there to at least get it started. You can refine it along the way. If you’re going to wait for it to be perfect when you roll it out, you could be 180 degrees off of what the market’s demanding and you spend all this time perfecting it and to have to rebuild whatever you did.

    REIS 393 | Miracle Real Estate Investor

    Miracle Real Estate Investor: Part of the reason you want to be successful is to have time freed up to be with your family.


    Not to mention that you could be bringing in a little bit of money while you’re perfecting it. Instead of bringing in nothing for a long time. That’s especially true when you want to develop software of programs because the offshoots and the things that you could make it do never end so you need an MVP. Colin, I appreciate you coming on. You seem like a cool guy. How old are you?

    I’m 33. I feel like I’m behind the curve a little bit, sometimes too. That’s the bad part.

    I didn’t start until I was 34 or 36 from the beginning, like my first house. You’re way light years ahead of me. I was a very late bloomer. I did everything between 36 and 59. I found where I belonged. I was always a hard worker. I always had my day job or my bartending job, and then the entrepreneurial thing of the month to try to get on the system. It took me a long time to find myself. We didn’t have this kind of stuff. No one was sharing anything with us. We would go to school and they would tell us what they tell us. No one told us how to make it in the world. They taught us how to add and subtract and how to speak English and write English. Other than that, they didn’t teach me.

    They still don’t teach you. You have to go and find it on your own.

    Probably, the greatest thing I got. You took the same path was athletics or football. That’s where I learned to get knocked down and get back up.

    I had quite a few injuries and torn both my ACLs and playing college football and stuff hurts on a daily basis. I looked back, I’m like, “Would I do it again to have a healthier body?” I was like, “I wouldn’t be the person I am without what I was taught through football and sports.”

    When it’s 107 out there, you’re in full pads and you’re watching some who get on the bus with your girlfriend while you’re sitting on the field, you get tough fast. You don’t want to be there, you’ve got to be there every day and make it 3 or 4 hours sometimes. Back when I played, they didn’t give you water for four hours, 107 full pads. If you needed water, you were a wimp. It was my junior year when someone died of dehydration in the state and they finally pass you, I pass along. They had to have buckets of ice at every workout station on the field for practice. We were all out there that day. There were all these buckets of crushed ice sitting around on the field, and no one would like to get a handful of it. We were all looking at it like it was a rattlesnake, like, “What is that over there?”

    Someone says, “I don’t know, but I sure want some. I am not going to get any ice.” This is a test. They are trying to see who whips out, goes, and gets ice. They came up and told us that they had to put ice in every station. They explained to us how it was going to be and that we can have ice. You’ve got to be mentally tough no matter what you’re doing. This episode is brought to you by TaxFreeFuture.com. Please go there, watch the 37 little video vignettes. You won’t believe what your financial advisor are not telling you. If you do not have a tax-deferred or tax-free retirement plan in which you can grow your finances tax-free or tax-deferred, you have no idea the size of the tool you are missing in your tool belt. Please check it out. It’s free. There’s a lot of information there. You’ll be impressed.

    Thank you.


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    About Colin Douthit

    REIS 393 | Miracle Real Estate InvestorI specialize in working with investors that are looking for a single point of contact to help them with the acquisition, renovation, and property management of buy and hold assets in the Kansas City market.

    I am an investor, construction manager, and property manager.




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