BALANCE: Mind – Money – Muscle With Ben Sturgill

Episode 351: BALANCE: Mind – Money – Muscle With Ben Sturgill

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REIS 351 | Having Balance In Life


What are you saving for and why are you working so hard? This was a question Ben Sturgill got asked while he was working on a farm for a teacher. Ben came from a hardworking, blue-collar family that never talked about money in the house. In this episode, Ben joins Mitch Stephen to talk about the influence the book Rich Dad Poor Dad had in his life, the importance of having good mentors, investing his spare time into real estate, and how to have balance in your life so you have time for yourself, your family, and your work obligation.

I’m with Ben Sturgill and he’s from New Hampshire. He’s been around a couple of places but he’s living in Florida. We’re going to put him in the entrepreneurial section because this show specializes in real estate investors, entrepreneurs, motivational and inspirational. He’s not a real estate investor. However, he has done his share of real estate investing. What he does is he trades IPOs or Initial Public Offering online and he also does some day trading. For those of you that are interested in that, we’re going to talk a little bit about that, but we’re mostly going to delve into the mindset of the entrepreneur and how you get started and the confidence and everything it takes to jump off that cliff-like, “I’m going on my own. I’m going solo. You’re going to fire your boss.” We’re going to be talking about that.

Before we start, I got to pay homage to my sponsor, TaxFreeFuture.com. If you do not have a tax-deferred or tax-free entity in which you are growing your retirement or your finances, you have no idea of the size of the tool you’re missing in your tool belt. Please check out the 37 videos at TaxFreeFuture.com. You have to fill out a little bitty tiny piece of information. We will not beat you up with it. We want to know who you are and we’ll open up the 37 video vignettes. You’ll find it amazing. You won’t believe what your financial advisors are not telling you. We’re going to tell you what they’re not telling you. We’re going to tell you why they’re not telling you and then it’ll make perfect sense. You can choose which way you want to go from there, but it’s worth looking into. Ben, how are you doing?

I’m doing great. I’m excited to be with you, Mitch. Thanks so much.

I appreciate you coming on. Tell us a little bit of the cliff notes. Where are you from? Where have you been? How did you get to where you’re at?

I grew up in the Midwest in Southwest Ohio. I am about 6’8”. I grew up in a basketball family. I played basketball growing up. I ended up going to New Hampshire to play college basketball. That’s where I met my wife. After playing college basketball, I went overseas and I played pro for several seasons. That was certainly good and amazing for me. I had these great mentors in high school that were school teachers, but they taught me about investing. They gave me a great book. I’m sure many people have referred to it, Rich Dad Poor Dad, where you get the first concepts of what it means to have assets and liabilities. I saw these two teachers doing so well and my parents, who are teachers, are not doing so well financially.

That’s what set me on my course to start understanding investing in real estate being a part of that. I rode that basketball train as long as I could and then when that was done. I had this time overseas playing professionally where I dove into investing and understanding it. That’s where I gained a lot of information and knowledge about real estate investing was overseas while I had this time playing ball. By the time I came back, with a little bit of money in my pocket, I was looking to get into investing, in making some of those investments. Real estate was one of those. I started several small businesses in my twenties. I’ve moved on from New England to Florida and since divested of those businesses. I sold them. I sold my real estate and live in Sunny Florida and get to trade full-time. It’s been a nice transition, especially my kids have gotten older, I get more time for them.

There’s a lot to cover there. One is you are very fortunate to have those mentors in your high school because that’s the territory of where you forge who you are and you had some good mentors. How important was that?

It was vital. I believe for many people it’s about worldview how they see the world around them. For many people, it’s about exposure. I had two parents that were great. They loved me. They were hardworking, blue-collar folks. They’re both teachers but didn’t know a thing about money or investment and I had no exposure to it. It wasn’t until I started working for this other couple who were teachers. They owned a farm because they wanted to. They had their dogs running around that farm. I got to see contrasting how much better they were doing financially, how much more savvy they were, how much they even talked about money. We never talked about money in my house. It was vital that I had someone there to ask questions to and to ping them with. There were so fundamental in my life and I was very grateful. Not that I sought them out, but that they were there and I saw that opportunity and I took it.

I’m interested in this. Did you read Rich Dad Poor Dad first and then start noticing the differences in this family or had you noticed that difference and then the book was brought to you?

People generally want to help if you come prepared with questions that show that you're interested. Share on X

They brought me the book. They saw I was a hard worker and they were very inquisitive like, “Ben, we are glad you want to work on the farm. We are glad you want to help us out with this stuff. What are you saving for?”

The family that has the farm was the one that introduced you to the book.

Yes, they gave me the book. They were asking me great questions while I was working for them. A lot of people aren’t interested in it. They could see I was interested. They’re asking me what I was saving for and why I was working hard. As I talked to them more about my interest, they said, “Check this out.” They gave me a little bit, I ate it and I enjoyed it. They gave me a little more, and before you know it, I was begging them for anything they had to offer me.

That’s interesting because you read the book and then you started noticing the differences in your family and their family. It was the same that was in the book.

Robert Kiyosaki’s father is in education with a limited income. I saw these people enjoying the farm, sitting out, drinking tea and making thousands of dollars in their portfolios. I said, “I got to figure this out.”

It’s like when you buy a certain car. If you buy a Corvette, you notice Corvettes on the road. You read this book. You started noticing these different dichotomies. It is interesting. I came from the same background as you, hardworking and great parents. I couldn’t ask for anything more, but I didn’t have a clue about entrepreneurship. We never talked about money, not that they were avoiding it or they were fighting, but I guess it never dawned on them. It wasn’t the center of their goals. They weren’t money-motivated for whatever reason. They knew they had to make a living. You’re out there and you’re doing your thing, but you’re not just doing your thing like many entrepreneurs. You invested your spare time knowing that basketball wasn’t forever. You invested a lot of time in research and delving into what comes next and what’s plan B and getting educated. Many people don’t do that. What pushed you to use your spare time that way?

I think it is a mixture of three things. One was boredom because when you go from playing collegiate basketball to professional basketball, all of a sudden, this four-course workload is off your plate. Coming from parents who are teachers, I love to learn. I’m a lifelong learner. I’m always consuming and wanting to learn more. I enjoyed what I learned and studied in college. Then you get out and you have nothing to fill that gap. I had an internal desire to learn. Two, is this recognition that, “When I got back, I was going to have this money from playing.” One of the biggest things that my mentors taught me, they showed me this scale about the value of compound interest. They said, “Ben, if you could invest $2,000 from the age of 18 to the age of 30 and never invest another dime, you would have more retirement than if someone started at 30 and went to 60.”

That lesson, I saw that table in front of me where they gave me this with the book and it blew my mind. I said, “I have to be able to invest early and the compound interest will do the work for me.” I was motivated by recognizing I was young and I had a lot of time ahead of me and money to be used to invest. Thirdly, I realized basketball was not going to last forever. I was good enough to play overseas, but not good enough to go to the NBA. You’re one injury away from having a career change. I wanted to prepare for that whenever it came.

Say that formula again about compound interest.

REIS 351 | Having Balance In Life

Having Balance In Life: What are you saving for and why are you working so hard?


They showed me this basic chart and they said, “Here are two guys, Ben and Steve. Ben invested $2,000 from the age of eighteen every year to the age of 30 and stopped at 30. Steve started investing $32,000 and invested every year from 30 to 60. Ben would still have more money when they retire at 65 because of the compound interest of the money already invested from Ben.” They showed me this. You couldn’t deny the facts, compound interest, 7% a year over the next 35 years until you retire. Ben, in accumulation, had only invested $24,000 and that made him a millionaire when he was 65. I said, “I’ll have $24,000 and I’ll deal with this. I got to be wise about where I put it so I could get that compound interest to work for me.”

Heaven forbid you to put in a little bit more in your early years. When you’re doing good, heaven forbid, you pay extra. I want to say something else too, “If compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world,” if that is true or if it makes an impression on you, then add this to the back end of that bumper sticker. It says, “Investing tax-free or tax-deferred maybe the ninth wonder of the world.” Take that theory that he said and start investing early, but try to do it in a tax-free or tax-deferred environment and compound that effort.

My mentors kept banging Roth IRA, have your tax-deferred, assets grow and pay it on the front end. That was helpful for me to hear early on.

Here’s the new rule, Ben. The next time you talk about compound interest, you also add the thing about the IRA and the tax-deferred or whatever tax investment vehicle, and then you talk about TaxFreeFuture.com. You went through and bought the real estate. You separate from being a landlord. You did all this stuff and then you sold it, but I would like to know what a day in a life with Ben Sturgill looks like? Tell us about your routine.

I’m up early because one of the services I provide is a day trade. I’m up probably about 4:30 in the morning. I have three little boys, 5, 7 and 9, so I’m trying to beat them up, not physically, but get up before them because they like to try to get up before me. I like to spend about a half-hour waking up to the day that quiet in the morning. I pray. I read my Bible. I try to meditate and think about the day a little bit and start with this idea of gratefulness. I’m a very blessed guy to have what I have and I want to reflect that heart of gratefulness and start my day, fill myself up with that. It’s that appreciation for all that is. I go to the gym at about 5:00. I like to work out for about an hour. Trading can be stressful times and I like to stress my body before I stress my mind. It tends to help. I get back around 6:00 and I start doing my research in the markets, what’s happening overseas, what’s the headlines, what’s the things that are moving the S&P 500 because I’m going to take a day trade on that as the market opens.

I’m doing research on that. I am preparing emails from my members and generally getting ready for the day. About 7:55, I stop. I take my boys to school, we ride our bikes to school. They have a school a couple of blocks down the road. I get to walk them up to the door, give them a hug and send them off. It’s an important time for me. I’ll come back and catching my wife before she goes to work and gets to give her a hug and pray for her for the day. I take that half-hour again before the market opens to see what’s happening in the markets. I’ll prepare my trade of the day for 9:30 and then dive in from there.

Throughout the day, the trading day from 9:30 to 4:00, I’m scanning here and there, seeing what opportunities present themselves, maybe doing research for upcoming IPOs that I’m going to be trading. I might have a lunch out with friends. I try and connect with somebody because I work from home and I’m an extrovert. I like to give someone a call or send someone a note. Then by 3:34 when the market closes, I shut down. My boys are at home. We get to go outside and play for a couple of hours for dinner. I usually end up taking one of them to some sports event for basketball or baseball. I’ll get to bed early with my wife and do it all over the next day.

What time do you usually go to bed?

The boys usually go down at about 8:30. I try to spend about an hour with my wife and I like to get to bed about 10:00.

Pain is a great motivator. The pain of staying the same has to be greater than the pain of changing. Share on X

The reason why I’m interested is I quit smoking and drinking at age 58.

It’s good for you.

Thirty days later, cold turkey, no disaster, no intervention, no anything. I am highly functional, just more excessive habit and I was handling it, but it was becoming a bigger weight. I had things I wanted to do. I decided I could go no longer with that anchor and go where I’m going. Through a lot of prayers, years of being afraid to take on the challenge, I took on the challenge. I started working out 30 days later, two days a week. It was the most simplified workout ever because I hadn’t worked out for 40 years. I used to be an athlete. Then, 30 days into that, I went on the keto diet. I’ve lost 27.2 pounds, then I got inspired by somebody. It’s funny how the Lord works because I started getting up at 4:30. It is funny because you hit the number right on the head at the beginning of the month. I want the go-getters and the want-to-be go-getters out there to understand. I want you to chime in on. I’ve always had this belief that you can almost measure your entire day by what you get done by 10:00. If you hadn’t done anything at 10:00, that plane’s not leaving the runway very well.

They got all kinds of planes and flight control is busy. They don’t have time for you and you’re stuck on the tarmac. As a rule, I was at it by 6:00 or 6:30 at least. We’re entrepreneurs and when we have time, we fill it up with more. I decided to start getting up at 4:30 myself and I’ve tried it. It’s not that bad. I think the key is that you do have to go to bed a little earlier. Part of what I measured by was what am I getting done between 9:00 PM and 12:00 AM? Not a thing. I’m getting a lot of TV, another mental decision, too much of this and not enough reward for it. I started changing the hours. I’m amazed at how much I can get done now by 8:00. You have kids to get off to school and I don’t have any children at home. I have that full 3 to 3.5 hours. It’s amazing. The phones aren’t ringing and it’s quiet. I also wanted to let you know that I noticed your commitment to Christianity and that you’re taking the time to give some time to it. I could not have accomplished the quitting smoking and drinking cold turkey with no help, no pills, no patches, no nothing. I did that. I physically took the steps, but I give that to the higher power. I asked for it for a long time and I’m glad to see your walk.

I appreciate you mentioned that. It’s at the core of who I am. I certainly feel like there’s been a lot that’s been accomplished in my life that I’ve been very grateful for. When I keep that in perspective of who God is and what he’s given me, then my response to it isn’t pride or arrogance. It’s gratefulness and a desire to give to others because I’ve been given so much. That allows me to enjoy life in a way that is significant. Seeing myself for who I am, not who I’d like to make myself up to be.

I’ve noticed a lot of successful people are the ones that have longevity. There are always people that are successful to a point, but if they’re not living by a certain set of rules or trying because we’ll never make it stay with all the whole big Ten Commandments. If you tried to live that way, you would have a smoother life than you would have when you don’t because breaking those rules cause chaos. If you are better at not breaking them, then you have a less chaotic life and then you can accomplish more. That’s how I see it. That’s how I look at it.

Even trying to aspire to live in that way, for many years, I think I was just religious. I was trying to do it because that’s what I was supposed to do. For me, finding a deeper faith, that’s why I practice that gratitude in the morning because I want to do it out of love and gratefulness, not out of an obligation and a need. In the same way, my wife wants me to give her flowers because I love her, not because if I don’t, she will be mad. When I can live out of that gratefulness, it both creates a desire in me to do the right and good things, but it also creates a deeper enjoyment in doing them. That’s the heart and attitude I try and bring to it.

That was fine. I was trying to get to the same point was that you could lessen the troubles in your life. A lot of it is caused by us. There’s no car wrecks and plane action. This is exactly what we’re supposed to talk about because that’s your mindset and we’re here to talk about mindset. If that’s part of it, then we will bring that on the table. Did you ever make a conscious decision to start hanging around with different people?

I believe I did. I am not sure if I said, “Here’s the day I’m going to hang around different people.” For me, I grew up in a hardworking blue-collar family. My dad’s side is from Kentucky. That’s where I spent most of my time with. They come from the farm and the hollers of Kentucky. You’ve got to love salt of the earth people, but you also realize what you’re not exposed to. My wife, who is an amazing woman, our father is in business. Even dating her in college, I got to continue to be exposed to entrepreneurs, to the salesman and to people in the world who are growing their money and doing something with money. The more exposure I got to people with different ideas and things I recognized grew my worldview, the more I wanted to be around those people.

REIS 351 | Having Balance In Life

Having Balance In Life: When you can live out of gratefulness, it creates both a desire in you to do the right and good things and a deeper enjoyment in doing them.


I’m not sure if I woke up and said, “I got to go change the people I’m with. I got to go find more people to be with that can give me this view and that view and this experience and that experience.” The more people I talk to, the more their experience to shape my own. I didn’t necessarily have to go and do that thing. I got to learn from them. I kept adding those people and certainly learned the value of mentors in high school. I kept adding mentors, people in real estate, investing, entrepreneurship and very specific. Sometimes we think mentors are people that need to shape our whole life rather than being like, “Here’s someone that knows something about this thing and they’re going to mentor me in that thing and I’m not going to talk to them about their marriage.”

This is a theory that I heard not too long ago. You need to have a mentor all the time, but not of the same subject. You have a mentor for this. You get a handle on that, then you move to a different mentor, to a different part of your life or different part of the business aspect that you want to accomplish, but keep changing. Maybe there’s always one life coach at the top if you’re fortunate enough to be able to afford two mentors. A lot of people can afford only one. I thought that was very sharp of that person to say, “I always have a mentor, but I don’t have them for very long, only for six months to seven-month increments. I got it. I can move on to the next one.” It’s not to say that they don’t circle back sometimes if they need a refresher course, but I thought that’s a great theory. Have you had a lot of mentors?

I have a lot. That’s one of the things I think about mindset is that people want to help. I find that people generally want to help. When you go to someone and say, “I’m interested in what you’re doing, I see that you have success in what you’re doing. I’d love to pick your brain about that. Can I buy you lunch? Can we talk about this?” You come prepared with questions that show that you’re interested. Someone has perhaps given their lives to this whole thing. You come with a passion to know more about it. Generally, people will help you in that way. I have picked up many mentors over the years because they have the knowledge and experience that I want.

I don’t want to have to pay for over my life with losses. I’ve learned most things the hard way, so I’d love to learn it from them the hard way and learn what not to do. I enjoyed the people. At the very least, I get to have lunch with an interesting person. At the very most, maybe become a lifelong friend and someone that I can go to. As you said, circle back in six months and say, “How are you doing? Let me ask you about this. What are your thoughts here?” We make it symbiotic in the sense they helped me with their information experience and I help them by being a friend and caring about them.

That’s one of the reasons that I still do this show. I started this show for other reasons, mostly monetary reasons. I learned that the show was way more than the monetary aspects or equal to the monetary aspects. I get to talk to a lot of intelligent people. Usually, it’s up to me if I want to make that relationship go further, that I forward the relationship or make some offers to meet next time they were in town or next time I’m in their town. I make notes of them and reminders on my calendars if there are some cool people that I would like to know better. It’s about the network.

All the clichés, network is your net worth and all that, you can tie it to finances, but you can also tie it to your well-being and having balance in your life. It sounds to me that you have a pretty good balance and getting up early is part of that balance because if you didn’t get up early, you don’t have any time to yourself, especially with three kids and wife and then the work obligation. Let’s talk about the book that you’re giving away. I want everyone to go to 1000houses.com/Sturgill and you can get a free book. It’s called IPO Jackpots. Tell us about the book and describe the IPO.

IPO is Initial Public Offering. They are companies that are privately held and they’re coming to the market and they will be publicly held. Everyone could buy a piece of that company. As an entrepreneur and real estate investor, what appeals to me about IPO is that in the same way you might do research on a company and say, “Is there a market opportunity here? Is there potential for me to enter and to take market share?” Even about real estate, “Is this a good investment for me to own this, to run it, to manage it?” I find it similar to IPOs in the sense of I can do the research and say, “Is this a company that I want to own a piece of and I want to own a piece of it early?”

A lot of the same research I used to do to be able to evaluate my business or real estate opportunities, I get to bring to IPOs. We’ve heard the name of IPOs that have hit the market. Big names that come out for the first time and people get excited about those. I love to do research. My background undergrad is in history and my Master’s is in teaching. I love doing the research on these companies to be able to ask the question, “Is this going to be a good investment?” If so, I would be excited about getting in early. The book walks through three strategies that I have found over ten plus years of trading IPOs to be effective in terms of how to profit from them. Oftentimes, people trade them because they know the name and they buy it. That doesn’t always make it a good investment. I try and give people the knowledge they need in this book to be able to understand the strategies I use to say, “We believe these to be the most effective ways to trade IPOs for profits rather than name recognition.”

Do you teach people how to research these companies?

Mindset matters. Check that mindset first and everything goes from there. Share on X

Absolutely. I walk them through like, “Here are the three key moments in a life of an IPO that you need to look for profit.” Day one, they trade and they are publicly available for the first time. Step two, oftentimes, when options become available on them. Then step three, when all the insiders who hold shares are allowed to sell those shares, it’s called the end of the lockup period. We walk through those three key moments and say, “Here are our strategies in these areas that will help you. Here’s the research you need to do to figure out if it’s going to benefit you.” In my service, I offer all that research because not everyone else is getting up at 4:30.

That brings us to the next point. You do offer as a service where you help educate people on what you’re doing. It is interesting. One of the services is a subscription where people get to watch you trade live online on the IPO. They get to see what you’re doing and see your moves. They get to see the good and the bad and the ugly. You made some money. You didn’t make some money, whatever is going on. Is that true?

That’s correct. It is a live feed of my account in terms of what I’m doing and what I’m trading. My parents were teachers. I have a Master’s in teaching. I believe you learn by doing. When I can show them my account and I can walk through a trade, explain what I’m looking at, explain why I’m buying, and explain where I’m looking to sell it. There’s that difference between giving a man a fish and teaching to fish. I want to empower people. The thing about it is that it’s an amazing feeling when you gain a new skill and before you looked at a chart and saw candlesticks and ups and downs and lines and charts, it made no sense. Then someone gives you the eyes to see it by teaching. It feels powerful. I know what’s going on here and now I have the knowledge to do something with it to better my situation.

You also offer the same service, but in a different arena where you also day trade. There’s a subscription so they can watch you day trade. They can see your moves, what you’ve bought at, what you sell at, and see how you did. They can learn why you chose that company and why you bought when you did and why you sold when you did.

The day trading service, I try to simplify it as much as possible. There are tens of thousands of tickers out there and everyone tries to find the right one and to know when to trade and what to do with it. I stick with one ticker over and over again. It’s the SPY, the S&P 500. Every day, I look at the same indicators and say, “These are the things I’m looking at and it’s going to make me make this trade on it and here’s why.” I alerted people at 9:35 of the trade. I told them why. They got a video at 6:30 explaining the premarket. An email at 9:00 talking to them about what trade we’re taking. I alerted them at 9:35, the trade is happening and that trade is up 40%. You caught me on a good day, people who like to day trade like that action.

Here’s an easy question. You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to, but what is the most you made on an IPO and what’s the most you ever made on a day trade in one day?

The most I’ve ever made on an IPO is $19,000 and the most I’ve ever made on a day trade is $7,000. I’m pretty conservative. There are people who have made more because they go in bigger. I have money management rules that backstop me because otherwise, I feel like I’m gambling. I believe in base hits. A lot of people get in trouble because when they invest, they think, “I’m going to have that grand slam that’s going to triple my account.” That’s not how it works. When you can have a base hit after base hit, those things increase your account by 1% continually. It adds up over time versus the higher risk grand slam you look for that might not work 99% of the time. If you have any money left, it’s not going to make that much. You probably get back to even. Other than that, it’s a mindset of, “Is this gambling or is this trading?”

What’s the most you ever lost on the IPO and what’s the most you’ve ever lost on day trade?

I’ve lost $15,000 on an IPO and that was the thing that made me jump in and say, “I need to have my stop losses in place.” You learn to become very disciplined in your trading because pain is a great motivator. The pain of staying the same has to be greater than the pain of changing. I’ll tell you what, losing like that will cause you enough pain to say, “What are my rules?” I’ve also lost $5,000 on a day trade before and that was pretty much the whole position. I went in at $5,000 position, ultimately had expired, worthless. That was that. It was a real bummer.

REIS 351 | Having Balance In Life

Having Balance In Life: Oftentimes, people trade IPOs because they know the name and they buy it, but that doesn’t always make it a good investment.


I would like to thank you for taking the time to be on. I can probably talk to you all day long. It is pretty interesting what you do. It would be interesting to follow you. I’d probably be more inclined to myself watched the day trade thing because it’s more of an immediate answer, I would guess. I don’t do good waiting and watching it go like that. I’m getting it in the morning, I’m getting out in the evening and I’m going to know what happened. That would be good for me. Go to 1000houses.com/Sturgill. Ben has a podcast. You can also learn more about the podcast over there. You can get your free book IPO Jackpots. Ben, if you have any speaking dates or you got anything new that comes up be sure to let our people know. Let Julie know if you’ve got something you want to add or if something passed, we’ll pull it out and put something else in there that’s relevant. Do you ever speak anywhere?

Yes, we do Investor Summits for our members and then for others outside. We have one coming up in Orlando. I’ll be speaking there talking about my services. It’s a great place. I’m not the only trader in our company. We have several more and most of them are better than me. They’re going to be speaking, I’m going to be speaking and we try to do that a couple of times a year.

I want to thank you and I’m going to tune into your podcast to see what’s going on. Please check out my sponsor, TaxFreeFuture.com. Those little 37 video vignettes there are eye-opening. You can start with a little bit of money and the biggest question is, “If I start with a tiny bit of money, $200 to $250, what the heck can I do with it?” Believe me, I’ve seen people turn this $250 into a lot of money using some real estate strategy techniques. Who knows? Maybe you can get in with Ben and get on one of his subscriptions and learn how to do the same thing through online investing. Either way, it’s eye-opening what you can do. If someone says, “There’s not much you can do,” then turn the page and find someone else who says, “There are lots of things to do” and see if one of them fits you. That’s about it. Ben, thank you very much. I appreciate your time.

Mitch, it’s been a pleasure. Thanks so much for having me.

One last thing. What would you say to people that are thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, but haven’t taken the leap yet?

I would say that mindset matters. Desire has to be there. If you desire to do it, I believe that it’s a matter of putting the right people around you, with the right information in your head and then having enough guts to jump because you’re never fully ready for it. No one’s ever ready. You can be ready enough to where you have the confidence in yourself, the confidence in the people around you to help you and the desire. Entrepreneurs grind, sometimes it’s a grind, but if you wake up and you’re willing to put in the time with the people around you and grow yourself, success is possible. I’ve seen it with many people in many timeframes. Check that mindset first. I think it all goes from there.

I’d like to add one thing for those of you that have an opportunity, but you’re scared or it’s not the right time. Opportunity tends to never knock when you’re ready. It always knocks too late or too early. That’s hardly ever perfect. Getting the jumping mood if you want to be an entrepreneur, because you’re going to have to answer the knock when it knocks, not when you’re ready. Thanks for everybody out there. Thank you for stopping and get you some Ben Sturgill. Be sure to get your IPO Jackpots over 1000houses.com/Sturgill.


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About Ben Sturgill

REIS 351 | Having Balance In LifeGrowing up in smalltown Southwest Ohio, Ben watched as his parents taught at school during the daytime, and worked multiple jobs after school to provide for their family. This instilled in him the value of hard work, and of doing whatever was needed to progress and survive.

When he was 10, Ben started to discover the true reward of working for himself when he made over $150 in a day selling baseball raffle tickets in his neighborhood. On that fortuitous day, Ben’s entrepreneurial passion was ignited, and from that moment on he explored his passion for entrepreneurship and its vast potential. He began by cutting grass as a teenager, started a vending business in college, a software company in his early 20’s, a real estate company a few years later, and an equipment rental company. Ben’s direct experience of these many diverse businesses gives him a perceptive insight into the many different facets of business and entrepreneurship.

In addition to his entrepreneurial experience, Ben played collegiate and professional basketball which taught him the importance of effective teamwork. Ben’s ability to bring together a great team allowed him to run his businesses efficiently so that he could pursue other passions like working as a chaplain to college athletes. Ben has since sold his businesses to spend more time with his growing family of 5.

Over the last 20 years Ben developed a profitable trading system targeting IPOs, and he now leads a stock trading service at RagingBull.com focused on trading IPOs.

Ben is the host of the WeathWise podcast and enjoys hearing guests’ stories and learning more about how they each built and live a wealthy life.


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