How to Buy and Sell Land

Mitch Stephen chats with
Mark Podolsky
Episode 9:
Mark J. Podolsky (AKA The Land Geek) is widely considered the Country’s most trusted and foremost authority on buying and selling raw, undeveloped land within the United States.
He has been actively investing in Real Estate and Raw Land since 2001, and has completed over 5,000 unique transactions. Mark’s company, Frontier Equity Properties, LLC, is an A+ rated BBB real estate company.
Mark has achieved this level of success largely due to his core business philosophy – “Happy Customers Guaranteed.”
Mark is the host of one of the top rated podcasts in the Investing Category on iTunes, aptly titled The Best Passive Income Model. He is also the host of the Land Geek Podcast- Work Smart. Earn More. Learn How.
By sharing his sharply-developed business acumen and his proven, time-tested strategies, Mark helps students break free from Solo Economic Dependency. Mark and his top students make money even when they’re not working……in fact, even while they’re sleeping. That’s real financial freedom, and that’s something worth striving for.
On A Personal Note
Mark and his wife, Rachel, have been married for over 17 years. They have three children – Noah, Elan and Ella – and they reside in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona. Mark is an active member in various charities, including St. Vincent DePaul, UMOM homeless shelter and Boys Team Charity.
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- Solo economic dependency
- Mark’s journey from working a job he hated into finally being a financially free entrepreneur
- How to buy and sell land the right way
- How Mark deals with selling property he doesn’t see himself
- Mark’s acquisition manager and his automated virtual team
- Mark’s happy customer guarantee
- How Mark finds his VAs
- What typical land notes look like
- Why Mark doesn’t use private money
- How to take the emotion out of money
- Finding your freedom number
- Finding your own niche
Mitch: This is Mitch. The Real Estate Investors Summit podcast has begun. I’m your all-knowing and wonderful host, Mitch Stephen. And, I have a special guest today; Mark J. Podolsky (a.k.a. The Land Geek). This guy is widely known as the country’s most trusted and foremost authority on buying and selling raw and undeveloped land within the United States, kind of virtually, as I understand it. Certainly, he doesn’t drive to all of this places.
He’s been actively investing in real estate and raw land since 2001. So, I guess that’s a decade and a half or so. That’s long enough to know what you’re doing. He’s completed over 5000 unique transactions in his company, Frontier Equity Properties, LLC. He has an A rating at the Better Business Bureau. You know I like to check these guys out. Don’t want to bring any bums, or anything. Mark is a good guy. I’ve known him for a long time. I don’t even have to go to the Better Business Bureau, I know.
Mark continually explores new ideas and technologies that make his systems work faster and more efficient. And, just on a personal note, he has been married to his wife, Rachel, for 17 years, has 3 children, and resides in Scottsdale, Arizona.
How are you doing, Mark?
Mark: Mitch Stephen, it is just always a pleasure to see your smiling face, to hear you voice.
Mitch: [LAUGHTER] You’re always so fun man, you’re just like always on a high, man. You’ve got something on your cereal that we need to add to ours, or what’s going on?
Mark: You know, I think it’s the bulletproof coffee. I going to try to get you to do the…
Mitch: So, you do the bulletproof?
Mark: Yeah, yeah.
Mitch: Ok, so, Mark, correct me if I’m wrong now, but you virtually buy and sell raw land, lots and developments all across the United States, correct?
Mark: Correct.
Mitch: Right. And, you talk about a concept called, “Solo Economic Dependency”. Tell me about “Solo Economic Dependency”. What does that mean?
Mark: So, “Solo Economic Dependency” is, if you’re not working, then you’re not making any money, right? So, I used with dentists, and if a dentist didn’t have his hands in somebody’s mouth, he wasn’t generating any real income.
Mitch: Guy wouldn’t get paid.
Mark: He wasn’t getting paid. So, you know, solo-preneurs, freelancers, doctors, lawyers…
Mitch: Hey, wholesalers.
Mark: …wholesalers, anyone who is reliant on their efforts to make a living is what I call “Solo Economic Dependency”. Right? So, if the dentist has an accident, losses a hand, they’re out of business, right? There’s no passive piece in their business, and a lot of people don’t think about it like that. Like, “Oh, I’m a graphic designer. I love doing graphic design, but they’re freelance.
Mitch: What about when you don’t? What about when you’re tired of doing graphic design?
Mark: Well, that’s the thing is, what if you’re tired of it? What if you don’t love it? One source of income, you’re “Solo Economic Dependency”.
Mitch: Ok, so, when did the notion of cash flow, or residual income, or owner financing first strike you? When did that light bulb go off?
Mark: So, in 2000 — well, first of all, in 2000, I was an investment banker. I working mergers and acquisitions. I had a 45 minute commute to work and back, and I hated my job, right? Like, I would get the Sunday blues, right? I would get the Friday blues, anticipating the weekend going so fast, and then being back to work on Monday.
Mark: I knew I needed a change.
Mitch: That’s a hate your job blues right there.
Mark: It was a hate your job blues. I mean, I was micro-managed. I really hated it. So, I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there right no in a cubicle listening to this, like, “Yeah, I know how he feels.”
So, this is 2000, we hire this guy at my firm, and he’s telling me he’s doing going to these tax deed auctions. And, he’s buying and selling raw land, and he’s making 300% margins. And, so Mitch, you know, look I’m from Saint Louis, “The Show Me State.” I don’t believe him.
Mitch: Like, show me, show me that 300% margin.
Mark: So, I go to this tax deed auction. I’ve never done a deal. The only thing I’ve ever done in the real state is buy my own home. And, sure enough, I buy these cheap lots in Mexico, on average for 300 bucks cash, and I flip them online the next month for over $1,200, 300% right? He was right.
So then, I did it again, and I was flipping, flipping, flipping and then finally, I quit my job in 2001 after doing land part-time. When that land investing income exceeded my investment bankers income, that’s when I quit, right? So, now we’re going from 2001 to 2006, and you know what the market was like then, right?
Mitch: In flipping, right? You exceed, like, you did a deal and you put some money in the bank. You did a deal and you put some money in the bank.
Mark: I was overwhelmed with cash. The market was white hot. But, Mark wasn’t very smart at all, right? It’s just the market, right? So, I’m making all this money, flipping all this land and doing what I’m doing, but then I’m thinking to myself like, I’m starting all over again, right?
Mitch: With every deal, you got to start over again, right?
Mark: So, I’m like, there’s got to be a better way and I thought, oh I know; I’ll do it the Mitch Stephen way.
Mitch: [Laughter]
Mark: I didn’t even know you. So, I created a note. So, I started doing owner financing. So now, instead of making 300% on cash flips and having no relationships and starting over, I got into the relationship business and started making 1,000% on owner financing. Which is way better, right? Because now, I’m not lumpy every month.
Mitch: You still probably made enough in the down payment, so the upfront money for — you know, that you sold, when you’re selling to people with owner financing. You still get a down payment. And, if you get multiple down payments in a month, or sometimes even just one really good down payment, that’s enough to live on, right?
Mark: No, absolutely. So, I would have the down payment, and then I have the cash flow. And, if I really needed cash, I could sell a partial note to an investor, 12 months in that cash flow. Then, that note reverts back to me. But, that way, I get money to go ahead and buy more property, right? If I needed it. So, once the passive income exceeds my fixed expenses, Mark’s free. So, Mark became free.
Mitch: So, how long did it take you to become free?
Mark: It took about 2 years. I have big overhead.
Mitch: Yeah, you’ve got big overhead.
Mark: I have 3 kids, Mitch, and a wife that doesn’t work.
Mitch: You may have big overhead, but you also were dealing in a low, low priced product, relatively low. You know what I mean? Compared to some.
Mark: No, absolutely, and that’s why I love my model so much is that it’s affordable for everybody. It’s a car payment, right? Everybody can afford my land, for most part.
Mitch: There’s a lot of people that can afford your land to buy.
Mark: Yeah, just about everybody can afford my land to buy, absolutely.
Mitch: There’s also a lot of people that can afford to get into this business because buying lots for $300 is not like buying a house for $50,000. I mean, trying to find $300 is a lot easier than finding $50,000, or $20,000, or $100,000, so.
Mark: You know, the buried entry to get in this business. is nothing. I mean, you could option property and put no money. I’ve got clients that do a closing, they get infinite returns.
That’s not the issue with this business. The issue in this business is consistency, like any other business, right? It’s showing up every day, making offers and getting through the learning curve and going through that hustle. It’s a hustling business.
Mitch: Two things: Number 1 is a lot of people are finding that doing deals from a distance is always some mental hurdle for them to get over. How did you scale the wall of distance? Like, you’re buying this stuff, and you’re not walking on it, you’re not seeing it. How are you getting over that problem?
Mark: Yeah, so, I crowdsource everything, right? So, I’ll have somebody local go out and complete my property report, take pictures, shoot video and answer some questions.What are the neighbors like? Right? Was it hard to get to? What was the road like? Right? Take some pictures of the road. What’s the terrain like? And, you know, you get all this information. I don’t go out there physically. So, I can’t tell you the last time I looked at property, honestly.
Mitch: Well, that’s the magic of it. But, that is a bit of a hurdle for some people I know for sure, because…
Mark: Yeah.
Mitch: …they’re thinking, “I’m going to buy something that I haven’t ever seen.” But, you get over it. You learn how to use the technology. Also, are you, you know, — I’ve learned, and what’s changed my business a ton, a ton is using virtual assistants to scout, scour, bring all the information back that I need, so I’m really only dealing with the upper echelon of the problem, which is basically talking to the owner and see if I can get a price and get him to sign a contract. You know, I’m not doing all this research. I’m not trying to find people out there to take videos of these things. I’ve got VAs that do this for me, and they just hand them over. Is that how you do it, or there’s something else to it?
Mark: That’s exactly what I do. I have an acquisition manager, who runs a virtual assistant team, and we’ve got this thing 85% automated. So, literally, we’ve automated our deal flow, we’ve automated our marketing, we’ve automated the closings and the documents. The whole thing is automated, 85% of it. So, the 15% that’s not automated is what you just said. Someone’s got to get on the phone, negotiate, close, sell.
Mitch: You’ve got to win over this guy. You’ve got to win over this seller. You’ve got to make them smile and be happy. Because that’s one of you motto, right? “Never an unhappy customer.” Is that right? Was is it?
Mark: “A happy customer is guaranteed.”
Mitch: So, I mean, I’m going to put this out there just for my friends, because there’s a good friend of mine that I met in the Collective Genius Mastermind Group, and he puts together VAs that are trained for people just like us. They know what a mortgage is. They know what owner financing is. They know what a title company is. They know how to get in the courthouse records and go find certain kinds of things; tax liens, tax delinquents and all this stuff. It’s called VAmadeeasy.com, if you’re interested.
Now, you can get cheap VAs, you know, for a dollar or two over in the Philippines. And, these won’t be that cheap, you know. They’re usually right around 10 bucks an hour, but they’re trained and you don’t have to train them. They’re very loyal. Do you find your own VAs, or do you go through a service like that that helps you find and train people?
Mark: You know, I’ve tried these services, and for whatever reason, I’ve never had good luck. And, I’m not sure, and it might just be Mark, honestly. It’s most likely it’s Mark, right? It’s probably me, but…
Mitch: I don’t know. I mean, I haven’t tried any other ones. I just used this one, and I never went any place else. They give me great people.
Mark: Yeah, I know. I pay — I should probably try it, but I pay 11 bucks for due diligence in the Philippines on our deals.
Mitch: Eleven bucks a deal?
Mark: Eleven bucks a deal. Does a little title search. He gives me the plot maps. He takes the Google Earth images. He basically does everything.
Mitch: Whatever can be done on the internet, they do it, right?
Mark: They do it. They’re hooked up with an American title company. His main job is with an American title company, so, he has access to all that data and we just work with him. And, you know, it’s about, I don’t know, six bucks an hour. The VAmadeeasy.com, that sounds amazing.
Mitch: It is, and then I even got with skip tracers, because, if, I’m going to guess that your best deals are the people that are hardest to find.
Mark: Well, I’m not really in your business, which is really competitive, right? Nobody is really looking for raw land. I’ve got a huge market, and pretty much nobody’s playing, you know, in that backyard. So, deal flow for me is never an issue. Like, it’s crazy. We have people begging us to buy their property.
Mitch: You know, they’re tired of paying the taxes and…
Mark: Tired of paying the taxes. It’s a different model, because they’re not emotionally attached to that raw land.
Mitch: They kind of wish it would go away, right?
Mark: Yeah, they’d wish it would go away. So, it’s a little different than housing, where there’s five other Mitch Stephens ready to pounce.
Mitch: Yeah, sure, it’s very competitive in my market. So, that being said, because I have systems like you’re doing, I mean, in 2015, I bought just under a 100 houses in, like, the toughest market I’ve ever seen. Now, I’ve had to really double my efforts, and you know, do things like get VAs to work 24/7, instead of — but, I never saw but maybe 10 or 15 of those houses, because — and I’m buying houses in my hometown. But, the only reason I’ve saw those is because, I guess I just got bored and wanted something to do, but I didn’t have to. And, I never see my buyers. I never even talk to them.
So, whether you’re doing it in your hometown and you’re not seeing them, or you’re doing it from 2,000 miles away, it’s the same difference. It doesn’t matter. If you can do it in your hometown and not see them, I could do it from 2,000 miles away. So, it doesn’t matter.
Tell me about your notes. What kind of notes are you doing? What is a typical land note look like?
Mark: So, a typical land note is, you know, we want to get — usually, if we can get our money out on a down, that’s great. If I’ll go as far out as 12 months to get my money out, and then it’s anywhere between 8.7% to 12.9%, depending on the property in interest. And then, anywhere between, say 3 to 30 years on a note.
Mitch: Do you have to deal with the Dodd-Frank issues? Like, if someone is going to build a house on it, or your lots don’t fall under that category, as far as you’re concerned?
Mark: Ok, so, if it’s a raw, vacant lot that’s unimproved, right? We’re not dealing with a tenant. So, because we’re not dealing with a tenant…
Mitch: You mean, you’re not dealing with an owner occupant.
Mark: We’re not dealing with owner occupants, so Dodd-Frank is…
Mitch: It doesn’t apply.
Mark: Doesn’t apply, right. So, exactly, so we’re exempted. Now, if they’re going to build a home on there, then that would apply, but…
Mitch: Right now, hopefully maybe in the near future, none of it will apply. But [LAUGHTER] right now, we have to think about it.
Mark: Yeah, Dodd-Frank is nutty.
Mitch: Yeah, that’s run a lot of people out of my business. But, you know, it’s not your business, but — it ran a lot of people out of my business. And then, at the end of the day, it wasn’t so difficult to conform with where I live. So, I just decided to conform until something changes.
But, I found in my business, everyone is saying, “Well, how do I sell these notes? How do I sell these notes?” And I’m saying, “If you do this right, you shouldn’t never have to sell a note. And, why would you have to sell a note if you get 2 down payments a month at 5 or $6,000? I mean, do you need more than 10 or $15,000 to live a month or what?” Why would you need to sell a note, if you do this right? Do you sell a lot of notes, or are you’re just in the note collecting business now?
Mark: Yeah, I’m in the note collecting business. I like buying notes, actually, because for me…
Mitch: It just cuts out everything else. You just went right to the bull’s eye.
Mark: Right, it’s the best investment for me, personally, because I know that business better than anything. So, I set up a QRP, right? And, then, I can buy these notes in a tax deferred or tax free, a retirement account. It’s totally passive for me with people that I’ve already trained, right? So, worst case is I make about 16% of my money, right? Best case is they default, and I get the property and I make 300% to a 1,000%, right?
Mitch: Wow.
Mark: So, I like to buy notes for people that do need cash. But, if I ever really, really need cash, I’ll sell a note here and there.
Mitch: Yeah, I mean, I’ll still sell a note, like if I needed to put together a pretty big down payment for a mini storage project or something. You know what I mean?
Mark: Right. Right. We just did an $800,000 deal this week, so I need some cash, Mitch.
Mitch: [LAUGHTER] Okay, but, we’re talking about collecting notes. That means you collect payments. So, I need to take a little side step here just for a second. I need to pay the bills here. I’ve got a sponsor named, moatnoteservicing.com. And, these guys are — they’re a fantastic company. If your payment collections are falling further and further behind because you’re too nice, or you dread those collection calls, and your account analysis aren’t getting done this year, and quite possibly, record keeping isn’t your forte, then why don’t you check out moatnoteservicing.com. Let them stand between you and your payers, and handle all the issues that you don’t like to deal with. It is Moat (M.O.A.T), that’s moatnoteservicing.com. Because, you should be out making deals.
How’d you like that? Did I do good?
Mark: I love that. You know, can I plug a new software product that I just started?
Mitch: Sure. Absolutely. I was going to give your information. Let’s do it now.
Mark: It’s called Loan Geek. It’s in beta. And, what we do is we are crushing the competition. So, if you have a note and you’re collecting payments, right, from a borrower, we have automated that 100%. A.C.H. is 80 cents. You can collect credit cards at 2.9%, but you can, then, charge your borrower a 3% convenience fee for taking credit cards.
You can charge them fees, so this becomes a profit center for you. And, the best thing, Mitch, is that I had to set this up for myself, because I was tired of paying note set up fees. Every time I set up a new note, it was money out of my pocket, right? Why should I do that?
Mitch: What were you paying for when you set up a note? You go to your computer. You’re going to enter into your system.
Mark: Well, I have — I was using a third party software program, right?
Mitch: Okay.
Mark: So, they were managing it. So, now, I’ll set up my own management company. So now, it is all automated through credit cards, or A.C.H. Your borrower can go and log in at any time and make a payment. They never have to answer the phone and answer the question, “Hey, what’s my current balance?” Or, “Hey, how can I make extra payment this month?” Right?
If they’re late, it automatically emails them notifications. And then, we might set up an A.P.I with moatnoteservicing.com, where they can actually pick up the phone. So, you, Mitch Stephen, never have to do anything.
Mitch: You know, I’ll talk to them about it. Actually, I’m going to have this come size you up. And, if it’s everything you say, then we’ll have you back on, and we’ll just talk about that for a few minutes. Okay?
Mark: I love it.
But, Loan Geek for me is — it’s for guys like you and me, auto dealers, any one that is dealing with a borrower, right. We’re crushing the competition.
Mitch: You did it for the same reason that, you know, I outsourced mine. Because, I don’t — that’s not where I make my money. I make my money finding houses. And, you make your money finding, signing contracts on lots. Outsource out everything that you can that’s not the money making prospect, you know.
Mark: Right. Right. You don’t want to be on the phone dealing with borrowers all day long. “Hey, Mitch, you know, what’s my current balance on this note?”
Mitch: How many lots, or how many deals you are doing in a month average?
Mark: So, this year so far, we’ve done over $1.1 million. We’ve done over 129 deals. We just closed a deal.
Mitch: So far. It’s not — we are three quarters ’till the year.
Mark: Yeah. Yeah. So, we’re looking to be doing about $2 million, and about hopefully…
Mitch: That’s incredible, man. That’s incredible. In the business that I am in, buying houses and owner financing houses, we’ve got to get some serious private money sometimes to help grease the skids. But, on the prices that you are paying for these lots, do you use private money or not?
Mark: No. I’ve never used private money. Because…
Mitch: You’re an all cash based business.
Mark: It’s all cash. Right. So, we got the cash flow to kind of support it. And then, if we don’t, we can just sell a note.
Mitch: Yeah. I understand. I understand. If you said, you or I wouldn’t sell a note because, by now, it doesn’t make any sense. But, the young investor coming into the business might need to sell a note, and make a little bit of cash. Number one, right to get some confidence. Number two, maybe he’s got to get a nay-sayer or spouse off his back, you know.
Mark: It’s just selling a partial. They’re selling 12 months of the payments. They’re not selling the whole note. So, that passive income then reverts back to them. It’s the best of both worlds.
Mitch: I call it hush money, when we sell a note to keep a spouse satisfied. It’s like, “Okay, honey, there’s $20,000 in the bank now. You can hush. Shhh. Shhh. Be quiet.”
Mark: Exactly.
Mitch: “Leave me alone right now, while I go figure out how we make us rich.”
Mark: Yeah. Yeah. You know, it’s so funny about people’s emotional issues with money, right? Because, I just look at money like a tool, right? It’s just a hammer, or a saw. A carpenter has no emotional issue with their tools. Okay? I don’t understand people that’s like the spouse, “I have to see that number in the bank account. ” Like, “What–why?”
Mitch: When you don’t have enough money to pay your bills, then money is very important and it is emotional. Once you’ve got your overhead paid for, or you have enough money coming in every month to pay your bills, then the excess money just becomes, like, R&D money. It’s for research and development.
How can I use this to increase my return to me, or make it more consistent, or whatever it is? But, you want to improve all the time. And, money becomes less emotional when you have enough. But, it’s very emotional when you don’t have enough. Would you agree?
Mark: Oh, yeah. Absolutely. I remember those days.
Mitch: Yeah, me too.
Mark: Yeah, they sucked.
Mitch: How about the thing called the Moat Theory, you know? Where you had to figure out what your freedom number was. And, your freedom number was whatever amount it took you to pay your bills. Your car payment, the insurance, the air conditioner bill, the house payment — Whatever that number was, that was your freedom number. Because, once that was coming in the mail box, then, you know, every month on the 1st, then you didn’t have to have a J.O.B.
Mark: Well, I think, Mitch, the problem is that, what we think makes us happy, really makes us miserable. Right? So, I remember back in the day, like 2005, when I was making all this money, you know, I had to buy the million dollar house. I had to buy, you know, the luxury car. I had to do the private school thing, right? It just kept increasing my overhead. I became more and more unhappy, because I had to provide so much income every single month. I created my own…
Mitch: You’re in slavery. You’re a slave to it.
Mark: I was a slave to it. So now, I simplified things, and I have experiences, instead a bunch of stuff, right? And, I’m way more happy. My passive income exceeds my fixed expenses, and it’s great. But, I think it’s a mental shift, because, let’s face it, you’ll never have enough, in a way.
Mitch: But, I remember one of the — I want to say, there’s more…
Mark: Do you disagree with me? Or…
Mitch: No. No. I agree, because I was about to confirm my story. My story was I had a day one day when I had made more money than I’d ever made in my life, than I ever thought I’d ever make by double. You know, in my little world, and it doesn’t matter the amount of money, I had made more money that I thought I would ever make in my life.
And, it wasn’t solving my problems. In fact, if I wasn’t careful, it would make my problems bigger. You know? You had to be very careful about, you know, one, letting people know that you’re making a lot of money will cause you a ton of problems, especially family. Trying to hire family and bringing them into your business because you want them to enjoy the level that you are, because people don’t get it.
It has to be their own dream. You can’t give that dream to them, or that ambition to them to do what you do. And, I’ve tried it so many times, until I finally figured out that, while it seems easy to Mark and Mitch, not everyone possesses, nor do they want to possess what we think is important, or that we’re passionate about, right?
Mark: Right. It’s all about values. Like, what are you really passionate about? What’s really important to you? Put your money there. You want to see what your values are? Look at your credit cards, right? That will tell you exactly where your values are. [LAUGHTER]. That’s where you’re putting your money.
Mitch: Well, right now, apparently, I value this little ranchito I have down south. Because, I’m putting a lot of money into it. [LAUGHTER]
Mark: There’s nothing wrong with that. You know, but, you just need to be conscious of it. If you were like, “This is what is important to me, is this little ranchito”, right? And, it’s going to buy all these experiences, and I’m going to do all these things, it’s going to be an investment. But, whatever it is, nothing wrong with it. Just as long you’re aware of it, I think. But, if you’re unaware of it, like, “Where is my money going every month?” I think that’s a problem.
Mitch: Yeah. I think a lot of people don’t know. That’s one of the reasons I use credit cards, like, extensively, because I have a credit card for every company, and for every purpose. You know, I break everything up. So, I can figure out where the money is going. Because, you’d be surprised how many people don’t know where their money goes.
Mark: Well, I know it. Absolutely. Yeah.
Mitch: So, find your freedom number, and then hook up with some kind of strategy that you like. Mark Podolsky’s strategy is to buy land and development, and raw land across the United States.
Let me give you a link to go to. It’s going to be in the show notes. But, the link will be 1000houses.com/thelandgeek. There you can learn about Mark’s mentoring program. If this is the kind of strategy that you choose, or you think might be interesting to you, go ahead and hit Mark up, and see what he’s all about.
I know for a fact that the man knows what he’s talking about, and he’s not only talking about it, but he is doing it himself. So, that’s 1000houses.com/thelandgeek. And, then we’ll also probably going to get back together, and talk about your note collecting software, okay?
Mark: Yeah. I’m really excited about Loan Geek. Absolutely.
Mitch: Loan Geek. You’ve got the market cornered on the word, geek, right?
Mark: I really do. We’re going to change the world, Mitch Stephen.
Mark: You know, people are going to sleep easier because of Loan Geek.
Mitch: All right.
Mark: Yeah. But, I really appreciate you having me, and I’m really honored. What you’re doing is really so valuable. I consider you, like, the pebble in the pond, right? Like, you just splash out all this wisdom and knowledge about real estate, and then, it just spreads out. And, I really think you’re making a tremendous difference in people’s lives.
Mitch: I appreciate that, too, because, you know, I’ve got my own niche and I’d like for people to sign up for that and make me their coach or their mentor. But, what I do is not for everybody, and what you do is not for everybody. The point is, is that everybody finds something so that they can get free and take control of their destiny. You know, what I mean?
Mark: Yeah. Yeah. The thing that I like about you is, like, you’re not smoke and mirrors. You are doing it, right? You go on these late night infomercials, and the real estate information business is so sleazy. It’s just, you’re a breath of fresh air, Mitch Stephen.
Mitch: Well, thank you so much, thank you so much. I’ve got one more sponsor, and then we’ll say our goodbyes.
And, this one’s from livecomm.com. What if you could capture the phone number of every person whoever called your company? What if you could track the success or failure of every advertisement, whether it was effective, or whether it was not effective? And, what if you could do this without any mistake, and do it affordably? You’d up your game a lot, that’s would happen.
Now, imagine being able to text all those prospects, paying just pennies to reach the entire group. Go to livecomm.com, and watch the 4 minute video on the homepage.
You know, most mass texting companies charge about 5 cents per person on the list. You can reach four, five, six thousand people all at one time for under 9 cents total, and that’s very effective. You’ll have to see how we’re using it in my companies to sell our houses. It’s incredible. Livecomm.com. Mass texting done right. Mass texting you can afford.
All right, my friend. I appreciate everything. Again, if you want to learn more about Mark Podolsky and virtual wholesaling and owner financing of raw land and undeveloped land, go to 1000houses.com/thelandgeek.
I think we’re out, Mark.
Mark: Mitch, thanks again. I really appreciate it.
Mitch: All right, man. Take care.
Mark: All right. Thanks.