How to Improve Your Credit Score with FES (Financial Education Services)

Mitch Stephen chats with

Lou Brown

Mitch Stephen chats with         Mitch Stephen chats with        
Lou Brown           Lou Brown          
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    Episode 21:

    Real Estate Investors in all fifty states across Canada and fifteen foreign countries (as far away as Australia and New Zealand) have long regarded the training, systems and forms created by Louis Brown as the best in the industry,

    Quoted as an expert by many publications and authors, “Lou” draws from a wide and varied background as a real estate investor having been buying property since 1976. He’s invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels, developed subdivisions and built and renovated homes and apartments. Each of these experiences has given him a proving ground for the most cutting edge concepts in real estate today.

    He’s widely known as a creative financing genius who is an expert at teaching how to improve your credit score with his deal structuring concepts. Being a teacher at heart he enjoys sharing his discoveries with others.

    He has served the industry in many volunteer positions such as past President and designated Lifetime member of the Georgia Real Estate Investors Association, the world’s largest real estate investor group. He is also founding President of the National Real Estate Investors Association, which serves as the umbrella association of local investor groups.

    Husband, Father, Author, Lecturer, Inventor, Investor, Builder, Designer, and Real Estate Expert are all descriptions of this exciting trainer.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • Why Lou works with Financial Education Services (FES) and some of the benefits that gives to his clients
    • How to improve your credit score with FES
    • Why your credit score matters
    • The three different kinds of credit scores
    • What can be removed to improve your credit score
    • Results that Lou has seen his clients have from doing credit repair
    • Everything that is included — and a way to get the services absolutely free
    • How you can make money with the FES — and why this doesn’t take much time or effort
    • How this will help turn your tenants into buyers — and why that makes for a great exit strategy
    • Lou’s book “Doing Good While Doing Well” Get it Free



    Mitch: This is Mitch and today, we’ll gonna get you some a Lou Brown, that’s my guest today on the show, Lou Brown is a long standing staple in the real estate education business guy. The guy’s been around forever. Not to make himself old or anything. Little about Lou, bought his first house when he was 18 years old. Been 40 years old since then. Anybody got their calculator out? We’re trying to add up how old Lou is here.

    Lou: [LAUGHTER] 

    Mitch: He hails from Tucker, Georgia. It is right outside of Atlanta. He has students in all over states in The United States plus 16 other countries. The guy is famous for,”Hey, baby”. And the whole enchilada, I was a student of Lou’s way back. Am a fan of Lou’s, I’ve always been a fan of Lou’s, great person inside and out and just knows more about  real estate than most of us will ever know. So, I’d like to say, Lou’s forgotten more about real estate than most of us will ever know, but, Lou say hi here. 

    Lou: Yeah, baby. How’s everybody? Am feeling fantastic today. 

    Mitch: Hey baby. Well, we are doing great. And Lou is expanding his whole enchilada. Because, he stumbled into a way to make additional streaming income that fits in perfectly with what we do as real estate investors. We may be talking to Lou in the near future, I say may, definitely we’re going to be talking to Lou in the near future about some real estate topics, but I was so taken in by how Lou created this additional stream of income right out of the leads that he generates from his house buying and selling business. And I found it to be extremely interesting, so interesting of course that I had to have him on the show and he deals with a company called Financial Education Services, is that right? Or Financial Education Services, correct?

    Lou: That’s correct.

    Mitch: Financial Education Services. F-E-S for short and Lou tell us a bit about F.E.S.

    Lou: Well, I tell you, it is kind of interesting story. What happened was, one of my students came to me and she said, “Hey, Lou you really need to check into this company”. And I said,” Well, we are already doing credit restoration for our clients and we are pretty happy with the company that we got”. And she says, “Yeah, but how much do they charge”? And I said, “Well, they charge $799 or $99 a month”. And she says, “Well, these people actually charge less”. And I said,”Yeah, but we are okay with what we got. She says, “Well, i’m kind of interested in this”. And I said, “Why don’t you submit your credit report to them and see if they improve your credit”. “Cause, let me tell you what happened. She had 50 derogatories on her credit report. She has bought real estate back before the downturn. She was gonna be a tyconess. And basically, she bought property in Florida, Georgia, Nevada, and California. She bought a lot of properties and then the downturn happen. And she couldn’t fill the property and it went upside down by double. And basically, she had to let all those properties go. She had foreclosures, she had bankruptcy, she had everything you could imagine on a credit report, tax liens and so on. 

    And I said, “If they can improve your credit they can do anybody’s credit”. Sure enough, she– I sent the canary to mine, so to speak, she went ahead and submitted her credit to them. They removed 48 out the 50 derogatories she had on her credit report and I was so taken by that, that I said, “I gotta know more about this company. It turns out that the services they have are not just credit restoration. It was a whole bunch more. And I said, “Holy cow”. And it was only $87 a month. And I said, “Okay, that’s much better, much much better in what we are offering our clients”. Now, so I switched to that, about a little over a year ago and I had been amazed by the results that they get for our clients. So, what we’ve done is just really filter this into our whole real estate business.

    Mitch: Well, so your first need was just the affordability for your customers to go ahead and fix their credit and now that’s what first jump at you. What are some of the other services that they offer?

    Lou: Oh well. So, what happens is that the customer signs up for a membership and they can cancel it anytime. And what’s cool is that it includes credit restoration. So, we it’s not only what they do, it is one of the things that they do. And with the credit restoration, they actually send the letters, so you can send to the different credit bureaus, and basically dispute the items that are on credit report. Now, some people will look at their credit report and say, “Well, these are all legitimate. I was behind on that car note, and I was behind on the house note and so on”. And they say, “They can’t dispute that because these are actual facts”. Well, that’s not quite correct. Because, the law itself allows anything to be questioned on your credit report. So, basically, what we found out is that the credit bureau just doesn’t care. They sell your information, that’s how they make money.

    And whenever credit report is in dispute, they can’t sell the information. So, they really don’t care if the people don’t respond. Then they just take it off, and what can happen is someone score goes up what does happen when the score goes up? And I’ve been really amazed to see people’s scores just jumped so dramatically ’cause just disputing items on their credit report. Now, they write the letters in a certain way that has those things come off, so they are following the law, and really frankly taking advantage of some the stipulations in the law. So, they know what they are doing. They write the letters, you send them to the credit bureau and boom, these things just dropped off. Not always– 

    Mitch: The bottom line is, that the credit companies are overwhelmed and there’s no way that they can answer all of the disputes, and there’s no way they can deal with them. They have a certain amount of time that they have to deal with them or drop them. And the fact of the matter is, is this credit companies are seriously overwhelmed. And so, they just don’t get to them or they don’t–like Lou said, they got other reasons why it doesn’t matter to them. Anyways, just by taking a proactive role, you can change your credit dramatically. Why is it so important that people fix their credit?

    Lou: Well, everything these days is driven by score. Excuse me. Everything is driven by score. Score matters. And what I learned after I gotten involved with the company, is there’s actually 3 different scores. I didn’t know this before. I thought, there’s only the prime credit report and that was your score. Well, that’s just for mortgages. But, then there’s also automobile score and there’s also an insurance score. So, each one of these score affects what you pay. So, you see Geico on TV and, “Oh, we’re 15% less”. They gotta put a comma after that come up for good customers, for good credit customers. Because, the truth is, they charge based on credit. Everybody does. So, the interest rate that you pay for car, the interest rate you pay for credit card, the interest rate that you pay for a home, and the amount you pay for insurance is all driven by that score. So, when you can improve your score, you could save a fortune. And I mean that sincerely, you could literally save a fortune. Imagine, over the life of a mortgage, you can save a $100,000 just by having a higher score which means a lower interest rate. 

    Mitch: Yeah. This is very important stuff, very important that people don’t realize how their credit scores costing them over their lifetime. It is costing, depending if you are buying houses and expensive cars. It can be costing you a fortune, literally. And so, I was very interested and the very reason why you are on the call specifically besides you are a great friend and a huge brain, is that you have found a way to tie this into your real estate business and it’s really synergistic, because you are generating leads all the time from your house buying selling machine and you are meeting a ton of people every day and almost every single person need this, and even if you have a decent credit score, you be better off if you had a better credit score. So, tell us how you are tying in F.E.S with your real estate biz. 

    Lou: Well, Mitch you are exactly right. We have a process that we go through to generate leads and the concept to bring the buyers before even you buy the real estate. The concept is to have a holding tank of potential buyers and what we do is discover how much money they have to work with. We also discover where they stand on their credit totem pole. And then based on that information, we placed them into the program that matches their situation. Well, in doing that, we’d monetize that on the [INAUDIBLE]. So, now they apply for a credit analysis, they pay $50 for that. Then, when we discover that their credit is not perfect, then we tell them about the protection plan, So, I haven’t even gotten into the other services yet, but the protection plan includes the credit restoration. So, it’s a place to put your leads and the people that you turn down for houses, the people that turn your house down and they move to another house to buy or rent. You also have something else to sell every single lead that comes in. And we’ve really become masters at this thing called Open Houses. So, now we use the Open Houses to monetize all the leads that are coming in when in the past, it was just selling that particular property, now, it’s about building a list. Now, it’s about engaging with people and talking to them about their future. And then putting them into our path of home ownership program and in doing so, they actually have to apply for the program and have to agree to go into the credit restoration. So, what happens is, you ended up getting residual income off the– being in the credit restoration program, whether they’re in one of your homes or not. Whether they are interested in any of the inventory that you have. And so, what happens is, then you are able to start improving your credit score. Improving your credit score to the point that they end up ownership of the property. And people absolutely love it because they actually feel like you are paying attention to them and it’s not all about you. 

    Mitch: Yes. So, let me tell you exactly why I am choosing to get involved and I am literally a member and an active member beginning– am on the beginning stages of building my residual income stream. When I heard this program, I thought, ‘Wow”. I can take all my leads and there’s not hardly anyone out there that doesn’t need to improve their credit. Like Lou said to me one time, “There’s 80% of the people that definitely need to get their credit score improved and there’s other 20% that needs to be improved as well. So, that a 100% across the board, because nothing can hurt you by improving your credit score. I mean, if you have 720, if you have 700 credit score then let’s get you 750.You know, if you have 400 credit score, let’s get it up towards in the realm of being able to buy something. So, I have a system called livecomm, and we put up 20 signs around each house that we have for sale. And everyone who called those signs, it gets into a text distribution list and so I have the phone number, every single person who’s ever called me on a sign. And–you know it’s easy unsubscribe and even with the unsubscribed and I send out text every now and then, if you are not looking for house anymore or if you found a house would you please unsubscribe now. And that being said, I still have 6,000 people that want to hear from me whenever I have a new house go online, and they wanna hear it on a text. So, am recognizing all these lead depth that I have.

    Also, I am dealing with real estate agents often enough that we know they are running into people that have credit issue, and I kinda see them as being agents of people that I could help, to help their customer, which again will create more residual income from me. This is exactly why we are on this call because, we are doing what it takes to generate the leads and we don’t even know that this is the place to plug these leads in you can get a residual income from. And this income is not anything to laugh about. I’ve been talking to Lou and talking about the kind of residual income that can be made and it is simply incredible. So, but–

    Lou: Let me tell you, you have said a mouthful there, Mitch. But, there’s a couple of comments that people need to get their head around. Everybody has a list. And Mitch, you had an amazing list but think about that, that entire list whether they bought a house or not, that entire list can be monetized and when you exposed them to this, buy the way people– this is not a hard sell. People go, “Yeah. I need this. I want this”. If they can afford the $87 a month, it’s over– they’re in this. And what great about it is, the credit restoration starts right away. So, they’re able to see results very quickly. And that’s not even we just scratched the surface of what they get as part of the services, so that’s the reason that they don’t get on board but stay on board with it as well. 

    And the next part of that, we are all doing real estate anyway, we are all attracting people that have less than perfect credit, the statistics are about 80% of the public affair cannot qualify for traditional loans, and the reason of course is their credit. If they have better credit, they’d be able to be in the position to buy a home. I mean, with FHA being 3.5%, it’s not a matter of down payment money, it’s a matter of credit, to be able to qualify for the loan, and so what we are able to do is really put the people in, what I call the holding tank. While we are fining home for them to be able to buy, they are getting their credit restored. And it gets exciting because, they’re moving forward with their lives. It’s not like a short term gig, it’s a long term gig for them and they are playing it not all of them of course, and it’s not gonna be for everybody. But, for most of them, they see the benefits for them and they just jump into it right away. 

    And then for you, like you said, the income is nothing to scoff at, the income can be extremely good, because the company has so many profit centers built into it. Now, a couple of things for people to know is that the credit restoration is actually done by a nonprofit organization, they’re A+ rated by the  Better Business Bureau, in fact, they are accredited by the Better Business Bureau which is almost unheard of in the credit repair industry. They’ve been in the business for 12 years, they have phenomenal founders of a company, they give away $2 every $87 that comes in, goes into a foundation, that teaches financial literacy in schools but also gives away scholarship, they’ve been giving away $150,000 in scholarship and anyone between the ages of 13 and 17 years old can apply for these scholarships that they give away every year. And I’ve been into the conventions, I’ve seen them giving them away, it’s really been phenomenal. 

    So, they care about the future, and obviously the reason that people have gotten themselves into the mess, because they didn’t have enough good credit. Nobody educated them, educated them in the process of getting good credit and keeping good credit and budgeting and all those sort of things. So, the company is committed to the future of children actually learning about credit and the importance of it in their entire life going forward. I mean, one thing to learn about plankton and crustaceans, is another thing to learn about credit, and unfortunately, we don’t teach kids this stuff in schools. So, they are taking it on as part of their outreach to the community, to try to improve. I just have been really excited about being a part of the company, and in any way, financially you can make money out of it, too. 

    Mitch: Yeah. As people are paying and correct me if I am wrong, but as people are paying $87 a month, you become financially tied to that income stream that you generated. And it can get quite big. And there’s also reasons even after the person credit is restored. There’s multiple reasons why they stay on and they are very valid reasons. I don’t want to get into– via a little longer than we– But, I think the prove [INAUDIBLE] because we are gonna stick to the credit repair side of it. What kind of results have you seen from credit repairs?

    Lou: Wow. So, I have seen one of my clients go from a 422 score like what am saying, I didn’t believe that you can go that low to 780. I’ve seen other go from 600 to 680, and as you know, Mitch if you can get passed that magic 680 mark, then you are in a different position entirely. So, we are really working towards helping people get into a different space entirely. And–

    Mitch: Is there a particular time frame that this stuff can happen, or what is the long and short of, I know—

    Lou: It is because, it really does depends on what gets removed. So, they have what they called as rounds of letter, rounds of letters of credit dispute. In the first round, I’ve seen people jumped 50 to a 100 points and the second round, I’ve seen jump another 50 points, so it really depends on how many rounds it takes to get certain things removed. But, I have definitely seen them removed, foreclosures, bankruptcies, past credit which closed by the credit guarantor, that’s removed as well, too. Each time that these things removed it helps their score. Now, another thing that is kind of interesting is this company is also tied in with a company that adds a trade line of credit to their credit report. And what they can do is take their past rental history and add up to that credit report, as a trade line of credit. And what that does, is dramatically increase the score because, this is provided that they have been paying their payments on time. But, that’s reported now to the credit bureau. And not only you can go backwards, you can go backwards 24 months. And add that to the credit report and you can go forward every month and add that to the credit report as well. 

    Mitch: That is amazing. You called it Credit Karma, I was reading about that. 

    Lou: It’s called the Rental Karma. When people go online, if they were to go directly, there’s a fee for that. And this company, because it is included in the program they don’t have to pay the upstart, big fee and they pay less on a monthly basis to have that added to their credit report. So–[CROSSTALK]

    Mitch: So– I am sorry. I didn’t mean to jump on, I get so excited over this. Because, you have stated in your previous company started with $799, and you mentioned this is only $87 a month with the list program, but what is the startup cost for this one?

    Lou: It’s $87.

    Mitch: So, you just skipped the whole $700 you just go from $99 to $87, and you start paying $87 a month, that is incredible. And that’s– one of the reason why I wanna bring this to the audience because we are all recommending credit repair companies that are charging these exorbitant upfront fees. I know some of them is as much as $1,500, you know. They’re hired high level attorneys and all the stuff but they are still charging an incredible upstart fee and this is just start paying $87 a month, and I think that’s fantastic. I just don’t know. 

    Lou: Let me tell you something. This company is also tied in with credit attorneys. So, if things are not removed by the credit bureau, the law allows for all ready set fines against the credit bureaus, and these credit attorneys will actually take it on. So, if somebody’s calling you in the middle of the night and they’re not supposed to, because that’s a violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, then these credit attorneys no charge to you will take these cases on and will actually split the fines with you. So, these preset fines are like meat to these dogs. [LAUGHTER]

    Mitch: Let me explain this in very simple terms. What happens is, if they don’t–if they’re breaking some kind of law, the credit companies or if they don’t respond to you in a certain amount of time, they’ve already broken the law. And in so, the credit attorney are taken on, because, they’re gonna win. It’s cut and dried and their rates are not cheap. And the fines are not cheap, and they know they’re gonna win because it’s cut and dried, you know, the notice is sent on X day, they weren’t answered on X times whatever days, and the attorneys taken on because it is an open check case and they are charging– I don’t know what their hourly fees are, but we’re gonna guess, they’re not cheap. And they get paid their attorney’s fees plus, you know, stuff that they removed and they win the case, then there’s fines charge and you participate in that, too, is just what I heard?

    Lou: That’s right. So, it costs the client because, they’re member of the protection plan, it costs them absolutely nothing to engage these attorneys. When you have a case, they’re happy campers. They already know how much they’re gonna make off the case, so they just pursue doing that and everybody knows when you get that bumpy, bumpy letter head in the mail, it is not good news. And so, the credit bureaus knows these people and they know how to settle quickly. So, that’s just one of the things and if you think about like, everybody wants to know their score at all times, that’s called credit monitoring. That’s included in the program too, so people can go online and see all 3 credit bureaus at any time, and in fact, they can watch their credit score going up as it is improving. And if you are working with a mortgage broker, if you are working with someone like yourself, Mitch, who’s helping them to get them a home, then they can give access to their database so those folks can monitor their credit improving too and put them into a loan that matches the situation that they are in and the score that they have. And that’s just another piece of the credit puzzle, and I think everybody has heard of Lifelock, it is the identity protection, they advertised heavily on TV and radio, and a lot of people have Lifelock, you were telling me yesterday that you have Lifelock. 

    Mitch: I pay $59 a month for. 

    Lou: [LAUGHTER] It is included in this one. So, basically, you can give up the, Mitch. You can check that down, because it is included in your protection plan now that you have signed up for it. You already have Life Lock included. And that’s your financial–given today where people are hacking and taking in and stealing everybody’s records, and — heck they even the IRS was broken into, and they stole all these people’s records. 

    Mitch: Now, you have to have identity protection, if you are out there moving and shaking and buying stuff with your credit cards, buy hoards like all of us, house flippers and renovators are. But, I just got a backup here, because this is a big revelation. So, am already paying $59 a month to Life Lock, your program is $87 a month. Am already paying all of it, so I get the program for a difference. Is that what I just heard?

    Lou: [LAUGHTER] it gets better, Mitch. You know what happened, is because if you sign up 5 people for the program, it actually goes free. [LAUGHTER] so the company–

    Mitch: Will I ever get my Life Lock, free? 

    Lou: [LAUGHTER] you can get it for free and you can get the credit restoration and everything else, and I haven’t even told you yet, but it comes with a will, a trust and a power of attorney. Now, you know that people spend thousands of dollars for a trust out there in the world, they hire an attorney, they do the trust and separately for pour-over will and a power of attorney. Those things are expensive out there in the real world if you hire an attorney for it. The company actually provides a portal you sit in the comfort of your own home, and fill out your data, and they create the trust for you. They ship it to you in a beautiful binder with all the beautiful dividers in it, and your complete trust is done for you with and including your pour- over will and your durable power of attorney and all those things are included. The company doesn’t charge any extra for that, you can change it anytime, so you can update your trust, it’s all in included. And I am just–

    Mitch: Who’s– is this medical power of attorney when you say what you want to be done and in case you are in life support, is that included or is it different?

    Lou: That’s correct, that’s correct. 

    Mitch: This is really important people, because if you don’t have a medical power of attorney or I guess they call it as durable power of attorney, that states how you wanna be handled when you are on life support, you may have to be in life support for years and years and not be [INAUDIBLE] I– chose, personally, the day that I can’t– I just want someone to pull the plug, I’ve already set that, I’ve set that up. And it is a great relief for your family, do it as much for your family, if not for yourself, because someone has to make that decision, if you haven’t made that decision already, and that is a horrible decision to put into someone else’s shoulder, so you need to make this decision in advance so, you can instruct people what you want so that they don’t have to guess or feel guilty or how to carry this burden for the rest of their lives. So, that’s a great benefit.


    Lou: Mitch, you are absolutely right. It really is doing it all for your loved ones. Because, if you can’t make that decision, they have to make that decision, and nobody wants to send someone to death. You know, here’s the thing, here’s really what’s happening, when somebody has to make that decision, so, if you really had taken off that burden from them, and you made the decision and you also decided who gets what. Once property is transferred to trust, then there’s no need for attorney, there’s no need for judges, there’s no need for probate court, there’s no need for the delay, there’s no need for the upset and family break downs, and the reasons is, they’ve already created their living trust, and that’s what included right here in this protection plan. I am amazed that they can do it for what they do. Obviously, it’s a solid company, they’ve been in the business for 12 years, they’ve got thousands of square feet, they have full customer service, they know what they are doing, and that’s the cool thing about this. And they also have a debt zero plan to help people get to zero debt and it is an online database where basically people enter their expenses and all the things that they are making payments on, and the system tells them what’s best to pay and how much to pay for each one of those things to get rid of that debt, high interest things like that. It is just a phenomenal additional benefit that’s included in it. And they’ve got education.

    Mitch: So, they got a software? To help orchestrate the quickest and surest way to get debt free. And then we can all do our primal scream? 

    Lou: Exactly. [LAUGHTER]

    Mitch: [INAUDIBLE] final scream, yeah. You know, you don’t have to be part of the organization to have your own scream, just call me and I’ll listen to you. You’d be saying, ” I wanna do my primal scream”, and just call me and I’ll just to your scream, “I am debt free”. Because, that’s a wonderful moment in anyone’s life right? I had a mortgage one time, we’ve focused on paying the mortgage down and we finally get our house paid off, which is a monumental benchmark.

    Lou: Achievement. Yeah.

    Mitch: And it didn’t take us long as I thought when I started focusing on — when people started telling me what I can do to move it down. It is amazing how fast you can move. When you just have someone to educate you, on what it takes to get that free– or to drastically reduce your debt. And you know, that strangling people, especially we have the millennials these days, who wanted everything now and find themselves coming out of college with huge debts and not even being able to afford a home because they’ve got so much college debt or otherwise other debt and so that’s software’s gonna be a valuable piece for anyone who is trying to methodically and as quick as possible get their free– or reduce your debt. I think it is a wonderful service. Man, you just sold us so much here. If you are interested more I want you to reborn credit.com that is reborncredit.com and we’ll get you all more involved if that’s what you want to do. I think you are crazy if you don’t wanna do it. But, who am I. If you got things like identity theft, and you can get these wills– these portals to show you how to reduce your debt, and you can–there’s also a portal where you can watch your credit score being improved. And if there are client of yours, and you have the permission from your client, you can watch as well as you monitor your client’s credit and see what’s going on yourself, and then you can make money off by referring this fantastic product, really it has no reason not to get it, especially if you are paying for Life Lock or something like that. Tell me something about the income of a person can make. How specific can you get?

    Lou: Oh, ma. This–

    Mitch: I know this is phenomenal. I know people making phenomenal amounts of money just by helping people improve their lives and improve their credit. And this is tremendous, you get paid to help people better their lives. And it is running in the background, and it can go exponentially or virally and you can have the benefit of the referrals of the referrals, so tell us about the income. What can you tell us?

    Lou: You got it, Mitch. You know, there’s even more services that they include, the reason why this is such a powerful thing is because people don’t wanna get off it. So, you are making residual income as an agent. Now, anybody can sign up for the protection plan, for $87 a month, then they can get all the services, and there’s a lot of reason to do it. Because, this would cost, over $400 a month, if you buy them individually, and here you are getting it for $87, that’s good enough reason like it, but to go beyond that, all of your tenants, all of your prospects, real estate agents, mortgage brokers and all of their prospects and car dealerships and insurance agents and CPAs, this is what am finding that all these guys have people, every single day that need these things. And they are just giving them away to people that do credit restoration and not getting a penny in residual income or any kind of policy, they are not getting anything or literally people they are not just can’t help them all. You send them on their way.

    Well, now everyone has an opportunity to actually money off it. Now, first of all it starts with $87 protection plan, you make $12 a month in residual income off that, so imagine if you start building that up and you have a $100- 200,Mitch. Currently, I have over 500 protection plans in effect. So, what does it mean, if you do the math, you know you start with $12, that’s 500 all of a sudden, that’s a lot of money. But, more than that, the company incentives, so now, they just give me an Audi and yes, I mean an A-U-D-I, a car, for just doing what i’m doing, just doing what i’m doing in my real estate business and signing people up and all of a sudden, the company literally when you get the 500 protection plan, they give you a car, it’s really a car payment, $600 a month. And you can buy whatever you wanna buy with that, as long as it is an AUDI. And it goes beyond that, because once you sign up other agents, other real estate agents, mortgage brokers, insurance agents, CPAs, other real estate investors, your tenants even, when you start signing people up as agents then you get an override on everything they do when they start signing up protection plans, when they sign up other agents, you get an override on that. And it goes deeper. They’ve got about 8 different profit centers, it’s what I call it, 8 different ways to get paid, and the $87 and $12 residual is just one of those ways, then you get what is called customer acquisition bonuses and as you are moving up with the company, everybody starts off with the mail room, when you are starting with the company, you start low on the totem pole and very quickly though in this company you can literally, jump pay rankings within the same week, and you can climb up to sales director, am an executive sales director now with the company and that means I make $475 every time I sign up an agent.

    It is a crazy company it is sort of like insurance, insurance pays ahead because you bought in a policy that’s gonna be paying for years to come, so they go ahead and incentivized the insurance agent to bring those people in early, and they incentivized by paying them the full commission upfront. Well, this company does the same thing. So, as long as you sign someone up and they stay in the programs for at least 3 months, that’s all just 3 months. Then you made your commission, then you get to keep it. And the company doesn’t retract it.

    So, there’s amazing amazing opportunities as we go deeper into that. But, I just love the fact that for $286 which by the way, that’s a $199 to become an agent and $87 for your first month of protection plan used. So, basically, just for a $199 you become an agent. 

    Mitch: You said the key. We are already doing this business. We are already referring people to credit repair, but we are not getting paid a dime, so if you want this to be a business, you don’t just start with $87, you pay another $199 so that you can start getting paid for referrals. Is that what I heard?

    Lou: That is exactly right. 

    Mitch: Okay, I want you all to listen up here, because, this is huge because you are already doing this or most of it. And I can’t wait to get hold and tell my real estate agents that I know that are dealing with better credit all the time, and they are referring these people but they are not getting paid. They can pay $ 199 to have a business, so that they can start getting paid for these referrals, and you’ll gonna be doing your customers a service because this service is not gonna charge them a $700 startup free, not gonna charge them $1,500 startup fees. They’ll just gonna say simply,” Sign up and pay $87 and start getting your credit repaired, this is a huge saving, this is a huge benefit to your clients whom you are trying to get into a house”. I can’t wait to start telling my real estate friends about this, because they are already doing this and they are not getting paid. And that’s why i’m excited about this, that’s why i’m getting involved on it, it is just natural for this business, it is natural. I wanna drive– I want a new AUDI, that’s what I want. 

    Lou: Yeah, baby. [LAUGHTER]

    Mitch: Am gonna do you and [INAUDIBLE] spring like an AUDI, when you get to help people, and get to be paid, that’s a win-win and that’s what we all should be in business force, to be a win-win on situations. So, you can help people improve their lives for less and get rewarded for your promises, for putting people in the right place with the right company. 

    Lou: Well, Mitch, you put your finger right on. You are helping people, you are helping them change their lives, whether they buy house from you, or not, whether they rent from you forever, it doesn’t matter because they are getting better score, if they get a better score everything else in their life is affected. And everybody that is listening get to understand that themselves as well. Everything in your life is affected by your score. It is very important to do this, and do this as quickly as you can for yourself, but also to do it for others. And remember that, when you sign up 5, just 5, yours is free. 

    Mitch: Yours just go away [INAUDIBLE], and you still got your Life Lock and whatever other benefits but the Lifelock alone takes a huge chunk out of it. That’s terrific. Now, I want to post a question to you, now this is the question, it’s coming right out of the blue and am gonna blind side you here. I think I know what your answer is, but, I wanna hear it from you. What is the benefit of someone who say, Has all these rental houses, because people don’t have enough credit to buy a house, so they go to talk to their tenants and get their credit score up, are they– the natural tendency is to think am working against myself because I am getting myself in the position where they don’t have to rent anymore and they can go buy something, what do you say on that, Lou?

    Lou: Oh my god, isn’t that a great exit strategy? You know sometimes, we kind of all get caught up in acquiring property and what really happens is, we sentenced ourselves to become landlords, and what happen is, one day, you might wake up and say, “You know what, I don’t wanna do this anymore. I would like to go to Florida and have my feet in the air. And I don’t want to do anything right now”. And you know,  the thing is with exit strategy, you got the people living in the home that actually want to end up buying the home and you are helping them to do that. What could be a better exit strategy than that? Now, I know you are a big believer as I am in owner financing and I think that’s the real exit strategy. Why have tenants when you have buyers? Why have rental income when you can have mortgage income? And you know, nobody calls the mortgage companies and say, “My water heater is not working”. Nobody calls the mortgage companies and say, “My toilet is stuck up”. You know people are responsible. 

    Mitch: There’s a huge difference in between being a landlord and being the bank, and that is exactly what I preach and teach, and that you preach and teach as well. And so, the other offset of this is, when you help people, and you sincerely help them with the right product and it is a win-win for both people. They become your friends and they really don’t want to do business with anyone else. Chances are they might wanna move out from your apartment that they are in, or the house that they are in, to buy one. But, they know where they’ll gonna look to, and give them the most optimal chance to do that would be the person that help them get them in the position in the first place. And you are out there creating friends, and a network of people that you are loved by sincerely, sincerely love by, and I know this for a fact, because I help people get into the homes they think they can’t get the homes, I become one of their extended family members because I change their lives in a personal and positive way. And so, every now and then, one person may go and have to buy and find a house out of your own but they are still referring you, they are still sending people to you because without you it wouldn’t be possible. And I believe in the power of, goodness and it all comes back to you, no matter what direction the person goes with the great thing that you have done for them. And it comes back to you. In fact, when it comes back tenth fold. 

    Lou: Well, Mitch you are so right about that, and that is the right policy to have. It is making a difference in other people’s lives and in fact, if you have noticed I wrote a book, “Doing Good While Doing Well”. It is an Amazon best seller. And the idea is exactly that. That we are in people’s lives, we are changing their lives, and am a big believer that children do what they see, and if they can see those children, if they can see their parents striving for better lives, trying to buy a house, even though they may have damaged credit, maybe the children witness them go through foreclosure, through bankruptcy, through financial strife, and then the children actually witness them coming in to a different space in their lives, and looking to buy a house, and then we become the providers.

    And so, I created a thing called ” Certified Affordable Housing Provider” so that we are providers of housing for those kind of people, they want to change their lives and because of credit restoration, we are actually helping them to have more money in their pocket and an ability to increase their score, so they could end up in ownership of your property or different property. And what we got to realize is that there is so much abundance out there, God provides. There’s no question about it, God provides. So, if you help someone to get a home, guess one there’s 10 more behind them that wanna take over the home that these people moved out of it, they don’t buy the home. And there’s 10 more houses to buy as well. 

    Mitch: And there’s gonna be 10 more referrals for the people that you helped. You know, so– I am a big believer of that, I think that is a wonderful title of your book, “Doing Good While Doing Well”. Check it out you guys, it is on Amazon. Author Lou Brown, L-O-U B-R-O-W-N. Check him out, he’s a fantastic person. 

    Lou: Why don’t we just give them a free copy? How about that?

    Mitch: All right. How do you wanna do that?

    Lou: I have a website, they can download the book, they can order the hard copy or they can download the book. Its getdoinggoodbook.com.


    and get your free copy of “Doing Good While Doing Well” and that is a great place to probably wrap up. We give our listeners a great gift, I hope you all have enjoyed this segment. The real estate investor summit podcast, please tell your friends about it, and get them on this podcast because, we have people here brought to you by Mitch and it will help you improve your life, and help improve your real estate investment skills and this is a lot of great interviews that we are doing here. The podcast is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday every week for the next year. And I am interviewing exciting and enthusiastic and successful people like Lou Brown all the time, and I just thought that this financial education system services was a great topic to have Lou. Am so glad that you are on the call. Make sure you go to reborncredit.com if you would like learn how to build residual income from things that you are already doing right now and from the list of list that you are generating on a daily basis and have them generating for years. So, this is an incredible program, go to

    . We’ll get you hooked up, because, Lou will be your representative if you to go to that site and decide either work on your credit or if you decide to start a business for an extra $199 which I think is a complete no brainer. I mean, how long it will take to make that $199, my gosh. I don’t know what else to say. We are kind of running out of time, Lou here. But, if there’s anything that we missed or anything else you wanna say, this is the time to wrap it up. 

    Lou: Well, Mitch. Thank you for the opportunity to share this. I know you are a such a great mind, really. You can identify opportunities like nobody’s business and I just happen to mentioned like a sentence about this yesterday, and you were all over it, like a pen, he’s ” Hold on, what are you talking. I’ve been losing all this money all the time”? You gotta be kidding me. [LAUGHTER]

    Mitch: Oh, I started to think what was my residual check would be right now if this company would have existed when I started, or if I started with them 12 years ago. I’ll be driving several AUDIs and you know, whoever knows what my paycheck will be right now. So, a couple of those other people, so—

    Lou: [LAUGHTER]

    Mitch: I am inviting everyone to go to

    and get involve yourself, it is a great program. Thanks, Lou. It has been a wonderful conversation. 

    Lou: Yeah, baby. Thank you so much, Mitch. Take care. 

    Mitch: All right. Get yourself some Lou Brown and F.E.S, start getting a paycheck for all those referrals. This is Mitch. And I am out of here. 

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