Kay Sanders | The Secret to Achieving the Abundance Mindset
|By May 1, 2018

Mitch Stephen chats with
Kay Sanders
Mitch Stephen chats with
Mitch Stephen chats with
Kay Sanders
Kay Sanders
Episode 191:
Kay Sanders, known as the Creator of Possibilities, is an Intuitive Business Coach, Certified Akashic Record Consultant, and Bestselling Author. Kay helps conscious entrepreneurs find that missing piece to create momentum in their Business and reignite their Manifesting Mojo so they can make a difference in the world, create more freedom in their life and tap into the magic and power of manifesting their hearts desire.
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- Why Kay moved from Germany to the United States to follow the American Dream
- How she didn’t give up even in the face of adversity, instead of turning her challenges into triumphs
- Why anything is possible in business and in other areas of life
- The only person who is holding you back from success in your business
- How to overcome income challenges and figure out what’s holding you back from earning more money
- Why addressing personal development is absolutely essential for every entrepreneur and business owner
- Whether affirmations and self-talk matter
- What law of attraction is and whether it matters
- Why mindset is just as important as taking action in business
- How to know if your mindset is what’s holding you back from your goals and dreams you want to acheive
- Ways to overcome mindset challenges, including strategies like tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
- Why it’s so important to have a coach or expert to guide you to success
- How you can start all over each day, no matter how things turned out in your business and in your life before now
- Why building an email list is essential, and how to do that
- How to get a year of daily emails containing uplifting inspirational quotes from Kay’s book with messages of inspiration
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