Mortgage Notes | How to Properly Structure and Sell It

Mitch Stephen chats with
Rick Allen
Episode 171:
For over 10 years Rick Allen has been an active investor. As the Co-Founder and fund manager of Cloud Capital Management and the Co- Founder of Paperstac, he has conducted transactions with large A-list institutions.
Rick has expert experience in investment strategies of the real estate sector, with a primary focus on discounted Acquisitions and distressed assets. He has participated in the purchase of over 400 single family homes with a purchase price of $25,000,000.00 and a market value of $45,000,000.00.
Since 2014 he’s been actively working on a new way for note investors to purchase and sell mortgage notes. Now that their platform is live, they’ve been actively growing and expanding the market to bring the opportunity of mortgage notes to a larger audience.
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- How buying mortgage notes positively impacts the community
- The negative impact a vacant home has on a community
- Rick and TJ’s strategy of investing in small-balance mortgage notes
- How they create sustainable homeownership for underserved markets, primarily low to middle-income borrowers
- The partnership they have with a technology company to speed up the time it takes to fill out the loss mitigation packet
- How Rick and TJ structure their deals with borrowers to make it a win-win scenario for both parties
- The impact on a community allowing someone to live in a house has just in property taxes
- The negative impact Dodd-Frank has had
- 1000houses.com/PaperStac
- 1000houses.com/notestac
- 1000houses.com/FreeBluePrint
- 1000houses.com/Machine
- 1000houses.com/Sly