Real Estate Financing Using Credit Cards During Covid19 With Ari Page And Mike Banks

Mitch Stephen chats with
Ari Page And Mike Banks
Episode 368: Real Estate Financing Using Credit Cards During Covid19 With Ari Page And Mike Banks
One of the biggest obstacles that real estate investors face when they are first starting is not having any money. Joining Mitch Stephen on today’s show are the CEO and COO of Fund&Grow, respectively, Ari Page and Mike Banks. Fund&Grow is a Florida-based corporation providing financial and strategic advisory services to small business owners to help them obtain affordable financing that best fits their needs. Ari and Mike discuss how you can use credit cards for real estate financing, especially during the COVID-19 crisis.
I’ve got two guests and they are a great team, Ari Page and Mike Banks of Fund&Grow. These guys can be the key to getting your career or your business, especially your real estate career off the ground. One of the biggest obstacles that real estate investors face when they’re first starting is they don’t have any money. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that and this is a solution to that. I’m going to tell you more about why I know about the solution. I want to introduce Ari Page and Mike Banks, how are you all doing?
Mitch, thank you for having us on. This is Ari. I’m looking forward to this and we have Mike here also.
Mitch, thank you for having us. We’re excited to be doing this with you.
It’s a pleasure. By now, we’re good friends because we’ve been doing business together for a while and sharing each other’s stories. I want to thank you for coming on because you have helped at least 90 of my coaching students with their credit issues and to find lines of credit or 0% interest credit cards that they have used to launch their careers. I want to point out to the audience, Ari and Mike, and their business Fund&Grow is headed towards the $6 million mark for my coaching students. It makes a difference. You don’t have to have money when you start out in this business, but the sooner you can find some funding sources, the sooner you start to explode. I want to address the first thing. I don’t think people understand how bad credit can hurt you in all different ways. If you have bad credit, you may not realize how expensive your life is. Tell us some of the things that are more expensive if you have bad credit, Mike.
For one, you could end up with higher insurance rates. Some of the insurance companies are going to check your credit. You could end up paying higher interest rates on your mortgages, auto loans, and credit cards. Anything that has to do with a credit review, if you’re not taking care of your credit, if you don’t have high credit scores, you will end up paying more on all of those things. Even if you go to rent a car in some cases, they’re going to look at your credit. Your employer is going to look at your credit. If you’re looking to get into real estate investing or you’re an entrepreneur starting a business or you’re already in business, at this point, you should start looking at your credit and take the steps you need to improve it.
Sometimes, the utility companies charge bigger deposits or something if you don’t have good credit. If you’re a real estate investor and you’re buying multiple houses, you have to pay an extra $150 or $200 every time you want to get the utilities turned on to put it out as a deposit. Real estate investors know how it goes. You don’t always get all that deposit back or it’s a long time to get them back and you have to keep track of them because no one is going to voluntarily send your stuff back. How are people using Fund&Grow? Tell us a little bit about the types of credit lines that you can get for people. What kind of sources?

Real Estate Financing: Getting access to credit at no interest rate, even if it is only for 12 months, could really be amazing.
There are many different forms of funding out there. One of the things that we do at Fund&Grow is to help explain and teach people the differences between corporate credit and business credit, and how does your personal credit tie into all of that. The loans that we generate that are most desirable by our clients are the loans that can be accessed directly as cash. These loans are business credit cards. The credit card does not show up on your personal report. You do not have to pay a cash advance rate. We show our clients how to get the cash off the card and we also are able to utilize the zero-interest introductory period. It could be as long as 12 or 18 months, some are as short as six months.
Regardless of the duration of the 0% period, we all can agree that getting access to credit at no interest rate, even if it is only for twelve months, could be amazing. We do card stacking. We’re getting these business credit cards that are unsecured. They do not appear on your personal credit. They have 0% introductory rate for at least six months, most of them 12 to 18 months. You can pull the cash off those cards and spend it anywhere in your business. The card stacking aspect is you’re adding multiple credit lines together, then you can get the larger amounts of $200,000 to $300,000.
I want to let everyone know that I did my first 100 deals on credit cards. In my book, My Life & 1,000 Houses: Failing Forward to Financial Freedom, there are funny stories about some of the stress that it caused for the people around me, namely my wife. I was never worried about borrowing money on credit cards because I always knew that it was a good debt for me. There’s good debt and bad debt according to Kiyosaki. Good debt makes more money than it costs and bad debt cost you money at the end of the day. I might have had $100,000 or $200,000 worth of credit card debt, but I had $400,000 or $500,000 worth of houses that didn’t have any payments. I could have some time to breathe and manipulate them one at a time.
For the record, I have lived this life of using credit cards to buy houses. It does work. It goes against the standard or traditional thinking. The first time you learn this, you’re going to think, “Credit card debt is horrible. Don’t ever do that.” Once you get approved and you have a credit limit set, you can go use that credit limit. They don’t ask any questions and you own a house free and clear because there are no liens on it. You only have to remember when you sell that house, call the credit card companies and make sure you pay them off and keep the difference. I know you have people in real estate doing this because I’ve sent you a lot of those people. There are probably tons of them around the nation. What kind of other companies are using you? You’re not limited to real estate investors. You have other businesses who use your services too.
I wanted to say one thing about the good versus bad debt. Any type of debt that you have, if it’s being used towards an asset and it is something that makes you money, then that’s good debt. It doesn’t matter if you’re using a hard money loan, if you’re coming out of pocket with your cash, or if you’re using a credit line at zero-interest. Either way, that is good debt because it’s going to be providing you a return on your investment. Any way that you can leverage, you should be doing that.
It’s hard to argue with 0% interest. The credit cards are the cheapest partner you will ever have. It doesn’t complain, it won’t steal anything from you, it doesn’t want any equity, and it doesn’t want part of your lifelong cashflow. It sits there, shuts up and does its job. It does show up one time when it lets you take the money out. It does show up another time when you pay it off and it zeros out. They only have two things to do.
We’re big believers in the credit cards, but we like using the business credit cards. I’m not sure, when you were doing your investing, when you were at the point where you were using credit cards, Mitch, were they personal credit cards or business cards? It is a big difference if it’s showing up on your personal credit report or not.
As long as you have a model to make money, you're going to need access to funding in order to expand that. Share on XMine were personal credit card and this is a great point. My credit suffered because of the way I was using these cards sometimes. The credit scoring system didn’t like what I was doing, but it was good enough and it got me where I was going. I would have been better off or better serve, but I wasn’t smart enough to get someone like Fund&Grow to help me. I don’t even know that there was a Fund&Grow company back then. This would be in the 1999 to 2002. I don’t think there was even someone remotely like Fund&Grow.
I don’t remember any credit card companies back then. I remember doing home equity lines. That was the big thing back then. Everyone was getting home equity lines.
I guess that has a place, but I’m not a real fan. I like to keep my home out of that. For some history, both Ari and Mike were doing mortgage loans way before 2007. They did over $600 million with a mortgage loan. They’re not new to this money borrowing business. Since 2007, they have put together over $250 million worth of credit limits for people. They are not just trying this business on to see if it works. They know what they’re doing. Mike, tell me about the other kinds of businesses that use you. I want to cast a bigger net than real estate because there’s got to be all kinds of companies that could use 0% credit cards or business lines of credit or whatever.
We have all different types of affiliate organizations sending us clients on a daily or weekly basis. We have clients in the attorney field. We have clients who own an Amazon business where they resell different things on Amazon, so they need funding for inventory. We have your standard brick-and-mortar and the local businesses, whether it’s a landscaping business or used car auto dealership. Any type of business owner or real estate investor can use this type of funding. Ari, do you have any other examples of the businesses that we work with? I’m trying to think off the top of my head.
We have entrepreneurs that own multiple businesses where they may still even work a professional job. They own an investing business where they may be generating passive income using certain passive income vehicles. There are a lot of different ways to make money. As long as you have a model to make money, you’re going to want access to funding in order to expand that.
We have a lot of clients also who are in the trucking or construction business. We have a lot of clients who are looking for funding to start marketing their brand so that they can start doing their own type of coaching.

Real Estate Financing: Don’t be fooled by the fact that they call it a credit card. These are business credit lines and can be used as that.
For entrepreneurs out there, just because we’re in the real estate business doesn’t mean that I won’t reach over there and buy a Corvette if I see one for half price, the neighbor across the street or something. Sometimes it’s all about being able to reach over there and grab the money to capitalize on a spur of the moment deal that you see.
We have an interesting story going back to using personal versus the business. I have a house over by our office in Spring Hill, Florida. My neighbor over at that house have been flipping homes for quite some time, long before we had bought that house. We lived there for a period of time and we met the neighbors. They were cool. They told us about what they were doing and the money they were making in flipping homes. The interesting thing was they were doing a lot of this using personal credit cards. They ended up having issues when their credit scores were depressed in between flips. They were almost maxed out. They had issues when certain credit accounts had been called and interest rates had been jacked up. They had certain issues that came along with maxing out all of their personal accounts.
Eventually, they broke down and they signed up with us because they know me personally. They’ve received hundreds of thousands of dollars that are completely not tied to their personal. They can leverage the entire account without their personal scores being affected at all. They can co-sign for their son who happens to be a bowling expert. They co-sign for a car for him and all that. Usually, those things will hurt you if you’re completely maxed out on your personal. You can’t co-sign for your kid. You can’t help them out when they need help. Use your business credit and do not allow these accounts to show up on your personal credit. Don’t be fooled by the fact that they call it a credit card. These are business credit lines and can be used as that when you use it properly and have it report to the tax ID of your company.
You have given me ideas. When you start thinking about 0% interest and what you can do with that. Imagine if you’re a real estate investor and you can buy a house for $30,000 and you needed $20,000 for the repairs. You could go to your private lender or whatever and say, “Loan me the $30,000 to buy the house and I’ll give you a first lien. Don’t worry about the repairs, I’m going to handle that.” You then put your $20,000 of repairs on your 0% credit cards. It makes it easy to get a loan because the lender sees you taking some of that risk by paying for all the repairs out your side of the equation. This is a great way to raise private money. Use these 0% credit cards to make your deal a no-brainer deal for your lender. Let’s assume that this house is worth $80,000 to $100,000. You could buy it for $50,000. You put up $20,000 on your 0% credit cards and you’re asking a private lender who you want to get to know or get your hooks into for $30,000 and you’re going to give them a first lien.
This is a perfect way to make a deal so good that anybody with money would be tempted to loan you their money. How can a private lender lose when they are only going to loan you $30,000 on a house that’s worth $80,000 to $100,000? You got that done because you had 0% credit cards and you could put in $20,000 yourself towards that $50,000 sales price. I know a lot of ways to use these cards to get private money and use your credit card money. The other upside to that is you’ve got $20,000 not paying any interest on. It is your whole rehab and there’s no draw process. You don’t have to slow down and wait for the lender to come out and look at your job before he’ll give you the next draw on your rehab budget. There are a lot of reasons in real estate to do this and I love it.
According to Bloomberg, 8 out of 10 businesses fail within the first eighteen months due to not having funding. You can say that if you’re a real estate investor out there that if you’re one of those 2 out of 10 that are succeeding, you are using all forms of leverage available to you. You’re not sitting around twiddling your thumbs, thinking like a deer in the headlights, “Should I or should I not?” You’re going to be one of the 8 out of 10 that fails. If you want to move your business forward advantageously, you have to strategically use all forms of financing available. You have to be strategic about it and using funding that’s not secured or unsecured is huge.
You can't make great deals in slow motion; usually you have to move fast. Share on XYou may not be able to get away with using unsecured funding for all aspects of your real estate business. For the rehabs, if you’re buying small properties under $100,000, if you can buy all of that and keep it all unsecured, then you’re not able to make your payments one month. If you’re unable to make your payments and you miss a few payments in a row, they don’t take away any of your assets. If you bought company assets like a vehicle or pizza ovens, if you bought a piece of real estate or if you’re doing a rehab, none of it is tied to any of the assets. Your assets stay intact and those assets are what’s earning you your income. Luckily enough, your assets and your income generation stays intact while you may end up getting a bad mark on your credit report because you didn’t pay the credit.
Using unsecured credit is a much safer form of funding. In the case that you do incur late payment or something from one of the business credit cards, that can be deleted. You can get those things removed off your credit report. In the past, I had a lot of derogatories on my personal credit report. Now I have scores that are over 800 and that’s because I got those items deleted. I moved forward and built myself good personal credit by continuing to use it and paying everything the way you’re supposed to pay. If the worst would happen like what happened in 2008 when Citibank, Chase, and all these big banks needed a bailout. They didn’t get a big fat 30-day late on their credit report. They didn’t get a 60-day late on their credit report. The banks couldn’t pay it.
If it comes where we can’t pay it, the worst that’s going to happen is you get a late payment on your credit report. They give you a period of time to get the account back into good standing, and then you can get those late payments removed. Using safe forms of financing is much more desirable than using financing where the investor could call the note, they could take the entire property. If you’re not able to pay the note or there are other technicalities involved that if you don’t make certain payments at certain times, certain balloon payments, you then end up losing the whole property.
What a great set of people to have at your round table, Ari Page and Mike Banks. If you have some questions about that, you could call them up and say, “I’m faced with this dilemma. What’s the best thing to do?” They will tell you and they would be on top of the game. I’m glad that you mentioned about the time that it takes to close deals because sometimes closings don’t happen on our time frame. Do you all have a success story of how people have used Fund&Grow in the real estate business? Do you have a short case study?
One of my friends, his name is Seth Himrod. He was a client of ours. When Seth started, he didn’t even have great credit. His credit was shot due to the whole 2007, 2008 debacle, but he did have a brother who is willing to work with him. His brother was a retired librarian but he had fairly good credit. He got started with us and in the first 60 days, he got $120,000 using his brother as his guarantor. His brother who’s working together with him created business funding that didn’t show up on either of their credit report. They got $120,000 that Seth was able to go out and invest with. He then continued working in our program where we helped him fix his credit. We helped him rebuild the array of accounts on his personal credit needed in order to have a good personal credit score.
When you delete bad credit, you have to build back an array of good accounts. You have to build back some accounts to show that you have good credit. We built that back for Seth, then we move forward and build him a business credit profile. Within that year, between him and his credit partner, they build $347,500. I want to remind you that Seth’s brother was a retired librarian. He had good credit, but he didn’t have a lot of income. That was not what was needed in order to get this startup funded. Now they have $347,000 and that was just on their first cycle with us. They’ve since subsequently signed up again for a second year’s worth of service so that they can build that even further.

Real Estate Financing: In many cases, the bank is only going to grant you a small amount when you initially apply. You need to follow up with each bank and request to get the largest amount possible.
His company is MW Realty Advisors LLC and they are one of our clients. We have a lot of great clients that are fairly big names like you, Mitch. We have others that no one’s ever heard of but they are highly successful in their model. They’re selling a lot of real estate and doing investing. We have clients that are in a whole different variety of fields. They’re not all in real estate. They’re in all the different business models out there. We have clients that are making funding. We have one client, Randy Larkins, who’s a personal friend with Mike. Tell us a little bit about Randy.
Randy Larkins is out of Memphis, Tennessee. He owns a used car dealership and a pawnshop, but after working with us, he started to get into real estate investing. He’s been doing a flip every 90 days using the credit that we got. We got him $180,000. He’s gotten more inventory in his car dealership and his pawnshop. Blue Moon Auto Sales LLC is the name of his auto dealership in Tennessee.
There are two great case studies, everyone. If this program costs $10,000, it would be worth it. I’m going to tell you, it doesn’t cost $10,000. If it did cost $10,000, it’d be crazy to walk around this world with all the opportunities that an entrepreneur can see and not have funds to take advantage of them. To think that you couldn’t make back $10,000 with a $50,000, $100,000, or $120,000 with 0% or a low-interest rate credit card would be crazy. It would cost you money not to have this kind of funding source at some point. There is going to be a deal you should and would have done if you had been ready. Because you hesitated or you waited, there goes $20,000 worth of profit on that house because you sat on a fence too long. I’ve seen it happen in houses. In most great deals on anything, you can’t make great deals in slow motion. Usually, you have to move fast. There is usually some back pressure. You don’t have time to ask the bank’s permission and fill out all these forms and do all this stuff. You just need to cut a check at the title company or whatever.
That’s a great point and something that you reminded me of is the negotiation process that we carry out for our clients. I’m looking at Randy Larkin’s credit gain view. When he initially started with us, when we initially applied, the bank only wanted to give him a total of $15,000. It wasn’t until after we did our appeals and negotiating process that we got him up to $180,000. He went from $15,000 to $180,000 due to the negotiations process that we’re talking about, which is us following up on the client’s behalf with each lender that we applied to and getting the largest approval with each application. In many cases, the bank is only going to grant you a small amount when you initially apply. You need to follow that negotiations concept and follow-up with each bank and request to get the largest amount possible. That’s something that we have a team here in Florida doing for our clients on a daily basis. They communicate with the bank. We have relationships with each bank that we work with. It makes it a lot easier for them to connect with the decision-makers and get an approval that is going to be substantial for you in your real estate business.
I was going to ask you for a success story in the credit repair and you gave it to me ahead of time. I want my audience to know, do not try to do this on your own. Don’t go to the internet and buy a $10, $50 or $150 course on how to fix your credit because these guys are professionals. They know the algorithms. They know what these companies are looking for. They do it every day. Don’t waste your time doing that. If you’re in the house business, let’s concentrate on finding and making great deals and leave this to the professionals. This is one of those things you can delegate. I enjoy a great life these days because I have learned the art of delegation. You would never find me trying to fix my credit because that’s not where I make my money.
I make my money finding houses, putting them under contract for half price, selling them at a great profit. You take some of that money that you make and you let professionals help you. This is a perfect area and in one of the chairs that need to be at your round table is right here, 0% interest in funding business credit lines that don’t affect your personal credit. You don’t have to ask permission. It’s fast. This has been a great conversation. I don’t think we need to drag this out much longer because if you haven’t gotten the point, you’re not going to get it.
There are millions of Americans that have all of this inaccurate data on their credit report, and it's hindering their scores. Share on XMitch, one thing I want to insert was that there are probably some people that are thinking, “I’ve gone and tried to get this on my own and I couldn’t get it. This is all bull hooey.” I want to speak to those people because positioning is an important aspect of what we do. Making sure that someone qualifies for this before applying. Remember, when you apply with the bank, you’re establishing where you’re at. They’re going to hold onto that application for at least six months or maybe a year. You need to fix all of that ahead of time. We’re not talking about credit repair because there are some people that say, “I have good credit and I’m not getting access to $250,000 of unsecured business credit cards, not on my credit report.”
I can go through a whole list of reasons why. There are many reasons why. The capital acquisition process has many different bullet points that we have to go over on your credit report to make sure that you match and qualify. All of these things are items that we can perform for you to make your scores go higher. We’re not even talking credit repair. We’re talking merging accounts together, updating, mortgage seasoning because one mortgage bank was bought out by another mortgage bank because of the 2008 debacle.
If they bought out the other bank, they reset all the seasoning of all of the mortgage loans they bought. I could go down a whole list of items that we see commonly on people that have good credit scores, but these are unbalanced ratios and items that have to be updated and addressed. Sometimes, it’s as simple as the employer where they have mismatched employer and address information. You can laugh at that and say, “This is why they’re having a hard time with fraud. The bank doesn’t believe who they are. They have good credit and they’re not getting approved and they don’t know why.”
If you Google it, you’ll find articles about the millions of Americans that have all of this inaccurate data on their credit report. It’s hindering their scores and disallowing them to get further credit lines or further mortgages. That’s what we are always talking about. We help you correct that stuff before applying so that you get the best results possible.
I’m going to reiterate. I’ve bought houses and made deals on my credit cards in hundred. That’s how I launched my career. We have over 90 students that have gone with Fund&Grow. Some of them were able to start out right off the bat because they had a good credit score and start getting lines of credit. Others have to work on their credit and I know the success stories in the pile there. There have been numerous people who go from credit scores that weren’t worthy to the credit scores that can get the job done. What is the credit score to get the job done? Was it around 720?
If you have a 720, that means that we can move forward right away. If you have below 720, that doesn’t mean you can’t be helped. If you remember Seth, he received $347,000 but his credit, we were unable to move forward on. Even his credit partner, it still took us two months to move forward on the first batch, but then we got over $100,000 on the first batch. The positioning can take time. For example, with Seth and within that specific situation, the credit partner, there were items we had to update. When we update those items with the bank, it takes 30 days for that to update with the credit bureaus. We’re dealing with three credit bureaus. We’re dealing with a variety of different things. Sometimes one of them won’t update it that month and we have to wait another month. Either way, when we update your report, we then have to wait for the 30-day cycles work to update.
We could do a rapid rescore, but it would put more inquiries on your credit report. We are trying to remove inquiries, consolidate and merge accounts together, remove any accounts that have short seasoning, merge the older accounts into the newer accounts so that we have a longer overall account, but less overall accounts. We call this killing codes. We can affect these specific codes that we know will hurt you the most. They are the codes that the underwriter is asking about when our people are doing the negotiations for you. Remember how important the negotiation processes because that’s where we’re taking their situation, wherever it is. After we’ve already enhanced it and we have applied, we then take it and we try to enhance it even after the application. We call and explain, “This is why this is the way it is on my report. That is why that is the way it is. This is what my business model is. This is why I’m a good bet.” The underwriters have the ability to decline you or approve you for a $75,000 account.

Real Estate Financing: It takes less employees to approve a credit card than it does to approve a business loan or a business line of credit because there’s a lot more documentation that they need before they can approve it.
The underwriting on business credit cards is completely different than the underwriting on a mortgage loan, on a secured loan, on an auto loan. All of those loans are highly regulated by the government. These business credit cards are not. They have a preferred way that the banks are getting money out. We keep a close eye on the Beige Book that the Federal Reserve puts out every quarter. They put out four of the Beige Books every year, once every quarter. In the Beige Book, in the past 10 or 11 quarters, they have consistently shown that credit cards and unsecured lending has outperformed auto loans and mortgage loans. There are more credit cards and unsecured lending going on than even on mortgage loans. That’s a shocking statistic, but it is also telling us that the banks like giving out money through unsecured funding through these credit cards because they’re not highly regulated by the government.
The other reason is that it takes fewer employees to approve a credit card than it does to approve a business loan or a business line of credit because there are a lot more verifications and documentation that they need before they can approve it.
There is simply less regulation, which makes it cost less for the banks.
Let me tell the people how to get to you. It’s 1000Houses.com/grow. There will be a little intake form there. You fill it out, it’s simple. Don’t pigeonhole yourself no matter what you say. You owe it to yourself to get a little consultation with Fund&Grow and see what the possibilities are. Believe me, you have no idea how many options there are for you. They’re going to tell you about those options. Mike, if someone comes to you and they say they’re going to go with your program, how long does it take before they start getting funding? Let’s say they have a 720 credit score and they’re ready to hit the ground running. How long does it take to get to see some results?
Typically, within the first 30 days or first two weeks, our clients are receiving between $30,000 to $150,000. For the clients that bring a partner into the program with them, they can get even more than that in the first 30 days. The 720 and up, they’re looking at about $30,000 to $150,000 and that varies because everyone’s credit varies. Some people are going to have larger credit cards on their report. Some people just started using credit. Those people are going to need to add a little bit of strength and that’s something that we help them with as well. If a client has below 720, we also have a solution for them. It’s called Kaydem Credit Help. It’s our credit repair company that will remove their negative items, whether it’s a late payment, bankruptcy, foreclosure, lien, whatever it is. Our credit repair team will remove those items so that in the next couple of short months, they’ll be ready for us to start applying for the business credit lines for them. They also have the option of adding on a partner so they can bring in their spouse, family member, or business partner. That will allow us to get them immediate funding.
To be succinct, for anyone that joins us, we provide up to $250,000 of the 0% business credit cards. We show you how to cash out. We also provide $100,000 of the non-recourse corporate credit, which we haven’t talked about here. We also help out the client with the formation of a lendable entity. We set up an entity for you at no cost. There’s no ongoing cost to this entity. This is set up so that you’re most lendable. In some cases, we use the client’s existing entity, but we go over that with the client when they get started. We’re going to help them remove the cash off the cards without doing a cash advance. We’re also going to help the client remove credit inquiries off of their personal credit report because sometimes inquiries can be incurred through this whole process.
Through the twelve months of one-on-one unlimited coaching, you’re going to build up to $250,000 of this type of funding. We have some bonuses that are laid out and you’re going to see them on the website. Once you’d go to the link that Mitch mentioned, you’re going to see the bonuses that we have for anybody who’s an action taker. If you’re an action taker and you want this to start making money for you right away, then go ahead and put your information in. We’re going to have one of our associates reach out. As soon as you put your information into the website, you’ve locked in all the bonuses should you get started for the program.
Be sure you use that link. It’s 1000houses.com/grow. Make sure you owe it to yourself to get a consultation. You’d have no idea. This could be the difference between I’m doing all right this year and making some great money because you’re going to be able to take advantage of opportunities and not have to ask permission, not have to find partners, not have to fill out a bunch of paperwork and wait until the deal is dead or cold. You’re going to be able to move fast and grab your deals. You can’t steal houses in slow motion. That’s what they say. Ari and Mike, I want to say thank you and I appreciate you taking the time to come on. You’ve been a big blessing to me and a lot of my students. I wanted to have you on the show.
Thank you so much. I wanted to throw in there that we’re excited because we are close to $6 million of funding that we’ve created for your pool of clients. Just for the client’s that you’ve sent us, we’ve generated almost $6 million in funding.
It has changed a lot of people’s lives because in the beginning, it’s tough and that’s where the rubber meets the road. If you’re going to make it, you’ve got to make it through the first 18 months to 2 years. It’s hard when you have no funding and you’re running around in a panic all the time. It’s also stressful and this takes a lot of that stress out of it. Thank you very much. That’s 1000houses.com/grow. Have a great day and we look forward to hearing some more case studies in the future.
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