Ross Hamilton | How to Fund Any Deal with Connected Investor

Mitch Stephen chats with

Ross Hamilton

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Ross Hamilton           Ross Hamilton          
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    Episode 112:

    Ross Hamilton | How to Fund Any Deal with Connected Investor

    Ross Hamilton has been investing in real estate since he was just 19 years old and he has really done it all. Ross has completed countless residential and commercial fix and flips, wholesale deals, he buys and sells notes and makes a killing developing land.

    Although he loves showing real estate investors how to accomplish more in less time, you’ve never seen Ross on stage selling real estate products.

    Ross Hamilton has a rare talent set. Not only has he been uber successful as a real estate investor, he has made a very influential name in the tech world as well. Ross has raised and invested millions into tech companies.

    In 2011 Ross was nominated by Entrepreneur Magazine for emerging entrepreneur of the year.

    What you’ll learn about in this episode:

    • Ross’ background & how he got started in real estate
    • How having more connections can make you more money in real estate
    • How there’s 30x more capital then there are deals
    • Why real estate is so inefficient
    • Why getting money for investing in real estate is no longer a challenge
    • The #1 mistake people make when trying to get their deals funded
    • Why it’s vital to verify your lender
    • A common misconception of getting into real estate deals
    • The one question you should ask potential lenders
    • What the toughest loans to get are today


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