Social Media Marketing And Lead Generation For Real Estate With Shayne Hillier and Matt Cramer
Episode 449: Social Media Marketing And Lead Generation For Real Estate With Shayne Hillier and Matt Cramer
Now more than ever, we see the importance of social media marketing to our business. If you are not online now, then you may find yourself lagging behind in the future. In this episode, Mitch Stephen is joined by Shayne Hillier and Matt Cramer, co-founders of Real Estate Marketing and Conversion Academy. Working together, both Shayne and Matt took advantage of technology and adapted to the new normal in terms of marketing and lead generation. They both share their background stories on how they started their collaboration and what they do to put out their services through Facebook. They also provide some tips on how to maximize the features available on Facebook to their lead. Technology is probably one of the basic needs of humans in this era. Social media platforms like Facebook have been a helpful tool for businesses and investors, particularly for realtors. So tune in and learn a thing or two on gaining a higher reach of the market and leads.
I’m here with Shayne Hillier and Matt Cramer. We’re going to be talking about Facebook marketing for real estate agents and for marketing companies and/or investors out there in the field. I’m sure you’ll find some great content pending right away here as soon as I acknowledge my sponsor LiveComm.com. It’s a lead generation plus mass texting all pointed in the direction of your success. There is a reason why I have nine days on the market for my seller-financed homes, and 90% of it has to do with my text messaging abilities, my lead capture from that, and my Facebook business page. This fits right in. I’m interested to see what these two gentlemen have to say. Watch the videos on the homepage and I’ll show you how I’m having my success in selling my properties, and you can mix and match them to fit your own personality. How are you doing, Matt and Shayne?
I’m doing well.
I’m doing great, Mitch. Thank you so much for having us on the show here. We are excited to be here and share some knowledge.
I’m glad to have you. We’ve all been trying to figure out all these different platforms. What works, what doesn’t work, how much it costs to make it work, and how complicated it is to make it work? Sometimes we’ve got to call in some help because I don’t know about the rest of the readers out there, but I know I need technology. I am taking advantage of technology, but if you think that I’m doing it, you’re wrong because I missed that bus a long time ago. I don’t think there was even a computer at my school. I’ve been chasing that bus ever since I graduated, like trying to catch up to that technology bus because I got left in the dirt back there in the Stone Age when I grew up. Where are you? Are you in the same town and the same city, or do I need to ask you individually?
We’re in different countries. I’m in Detroit, Michigan, north of there.
I’m here from Toronto, Ontario in Canada.
Let’s start out with your background, Matt. What’s your background?
I started out as a real estate agent back in 2013. I started doing real estate on my own, got up and running over the course of a couple of years in getting things tuned and working into a business. My wife gets pregnant with baby number two. We decided to move to the other side of the state and I’ve got to start the whole business over. I moved to the other side of the state. I start from scratch and go in there. I meet a real estate team on the other side of the state. That was one of the top teams at Keller Williams. I ended up joining them, figured I’d learn what they’re doing, see what I can improve on, and maybe spend a year there and move on.
I ended up loving it there. I stayed for quite a while and they gave me the position of director of lead generation. I ended up being in charge of doing all the lead generation for the team, setting all the systems up and whatnot, and not being in production as far as selling and buying anymore. I did that for a while. 2018 comes around and I decided I was having a blast doing this lead generation thing. I wanted to do it for more people and set out on my own to start my own company, doing lead generation, which turned into a training company. Lead generation and all that fun stuff where we are now.
Leveraging a lot on video is a really powerful way to build rapport between yourself and the audience. Share on XShayne, what’s your background?
I’m not a licensed real estate agent. My background is mostly business management, sales, marketing many years ago. My wife decided to get licensed. We were buying and flipping homes at that time, buying investment properties, doing some buys and holds. We decided that we wanted to jump into the lead generation side of things. We started leveraging platforms like Facebook, generating more leads, trying to figure out how to convert those. That led to a meeting with more real estate agents, brokers, teams, and working with them, helping to increase their production and their pipelines. I had the opportunity to work with Matt and we partnered up on creating what is now one of our products that helps real estate agents with generating more leads and continued to help more real estate agents.
How do you guys meet? You’re in Detroit and in Canada. How does this happen?
The wonderful world of social media. Facebook has the ability for people to grow fairly large communities online and through those communities to get to meet a lot of great people. Matt was one of those guys. I had a Facebook group at that time, which was for real estate agents. Matt happened to be in that group. We were doing some role-playing calls. Matt was one of the guys that jumped on the call and he blew us away. We ended up connecting with him through that one call. At that time, I was building out an inside sales agent team. I had a small team where we were calling leads that we were generating and trying to convert those leads into appointments. I ended up hiring Matt to help us train those agents with the scripts, follow-ups, and so on. That’s how we got involved in what we’re doing now.
It’s both wonderful and sinister at the same time. This one of the good things that happened. How are you giving an opportunity to your clients? What’s your aim?
The biggest opportunity that we’re giving clients is the ability to keep their pipelines full. We’re helping clients, making sure that their pipelines are full. We’re helping them with converting those opportunities into actual closings. We go beyond that as well with helping them build their brands online, helping them with the different opportunities with the different platforms that they can leverage, whether it’s Facebook or Instagram or YouTube. Whatever it is that they can leverage so that they can continue to grow, build their brands, and dominate the markets that they’re in.
I don’t know sometimes which one of you to ask the question to because I don’t know where the break is there and the knowledge. Inside Keller Williams is a brand, but every agent has to brand themselves. Even my acquisition guys, they may work for Mitch Stephen, and Cash4Houses, but they still have to find their own funnel or their own pipeline food there so that they can leverage the Keller Williams brand. They also have to build a brand for themselves. For a new agent out there, what are some of the first steps they might take to start? When you’re new, you don’t have a pipeline, where do you start?
It’s going to depend on their budget. They’re going to be doing one of two things. They’re going to start marketing or prospecting. Those are the options. You’re going to put in the time or you’re going to put in money. One of the two things because you have to start generating leads. You can’t run a real estate agent or a real estate brokerage or anything without having leads.
That’s one of the most important things to make note of. You may think you’re in whatever business you’re in, but you’ve got to be a marketer in the marketing business before you’re going to see any results, no matter what business you’re in. Let’s say someone decides they’re going to do some prospecting, but they also want to put some money towards the budget. What’s the first logical thing to put some money into so that maybe some leads are coming in while you’re sleeping, while you’re out prospecting in another direction, yourself personally boots on the ground, the first logical step for an agent to also get some leads from the outside?
The first thing they should be doing is put in the very minimum $5 to $10 a day into Facebook ads so that they can get leads coming to them. People that are interested in finding out more about specific listings, people that are interested in home values, people that are interested in a list of homes in a certain price range. The three that we talk about is individual 2, home valuations, and lists of specific homes, whether it be a specific area or a specific price range, something that’s going to capture their attention, get them to put their information in and request more information on whatever it is that you’re offering.
An interesting thought here in what you said was, “How can you help me make some money?” It’s, “What can I do for you?” It has nothing to do with making any money at first. It’s like, “What do you need? What can I do for you to help you in your quest?”
Giving value and making sure that you’re giving your potential customers what it is they’re looking for. A lot of times with marketing and lead generation, unless you’re calling expireds or motivated sellers or people facing foreclosure. Unless you’re calling and prospecting those, most of your business that’s coming in from marketing and lead generation isn’t going to be immediate. It’s like 1, 2, 3 out of every 100 might be, “Come list me today. Come list me tomorrow.” The rest of them are businesses that you’re going to have to work for. Getting the lead is the beginning. It’s lead capture. You generate the leads, capture the leads, now you have to cultivate the leads.
That is where we see a lot of people disconnect because they get the lead generation, “I’ve got to go get a lead generation.” They go and they pay for Zillow or Realtor.com or some company to generate the leads. Three months later, they’re like, “I can’t afford to keep doing this. I don’t want to keep marketing because it doesn’t work.” It’s like, “You have to pick up the phone. You have to send emails, you have to send texts.” You have to provide value for these customers and give them what they’re looking for and build relationships with them that you can cultivate into clients.
From the real estate agent’s point of view, what are some of the things they can use to drip on them over time? I’m trying to say somewhere on the top of mind awareness so that when they are ready to list because some of the people or some of the leads you might’ve gotten, they might not quite be ready. The lead cost too much to drop it because, “They don’t want to list with me.” You’ve got to stay with them. What are ideas that you use to drip on these people?

Real Estate Marketing: Facebook has the ability for people to grow fairly large communities online, and through those communities, you get to meet a lot of great people.
You can do multiple things. Email is an easy one. A lot of people are familiar with that. A lot of brokerages have some CRM built in that’ll do an email drip, text drip if that’s allowed or you’re getting permission to do so. Definitely, it’s valuable there. I don’t know about you, but if I see a new text, I can’t help but read it so that it’s read and it doesn’t sit there as a notification for me. I might not respond to it, but I read every text. You’ve got texts, emails, then phone calls. It’s underrated, but pick up the phone, give somebody a call, find out if your searches are matching their criteria. “Have any of these houses been a good fit? Are we on the right track? Do we need to make some adjustments? Do you want to come up in price or go down in price? Do we need an extra bedroom?” What if you found that you didn’t like about these houses? Sometimes finding out what people don’t like about what you’re sending, it will help you find what they do like.
To add to that too, something that’s underrated and that a lot of people don’t do is as their leads are coming in. If you’re leveraging social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, as your leads are coming in, add them as friends on Instagram or Facebook so that they can continue to see your content and be active on social media platforms. It’s a good and easy way to build rapport with somebody and to have them on your friend’s list and continue to do what you normally do while you’re doing everything else, which is your email drips, text drips, and phone calls. People are not making enough phone calls. They’re not following systems properly.
You need to have a system that’s properly built so that you can continue to follow up with these leads as they go through their own process because like Matt said, a lot of these you’re generating and filling up into your pipeline are 3 months out, 6 months out, some of them are 12 months. If you continue to do this for 12 months, 2 years, and you have a proper follow-up system in place, you’re going to see some of these leads pop. All of a sudden, now you’re going to have clients every single month that is closing on transactions.
I always related this back to radio advertising. The radio advertisers will always tell you, “If you don’t want to do this for 6 months to 1 year, don’t even start.” That’s what we’ve done a lot of times. When I decided to commit to something, I figure out what the budget is for a year because you can’t measure it until you’ve given it a long chance. Even postcard mailing to a motivated seller, the oldest one we ever converted was 4.5 years from when we started with them. A lot of times it’s 6, 8, and 7 months, way down the road. We sent out that first postcard to them way back when, and they finally come around. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. You’ve got to stay with them.
You don’t want to make the rookie mistake like I did when I first got in the business. I bought this big postcard program. I was super excited. I was like, “I could mail this one neighborhood of 150 houses for the next several months.” There are only 4 to7 houses that are going to flip over there in that neighborhood based on the turnover rate. I’m like, “Instead, it’s going to be one mass mail. I shot it out to everybody.” I had 2,500 people on the mailer list and it was all the money I had when I was getting started. I had two calls and they were like, “What is this postcard? Please stop sending them to me.” It doesn’t always work the first time. You got to give it time.
The celebrity effect builds trust and reminds people that they're the experts, they're the expert real estate agent. Share on XDo you use retargeting sometimes? Can you explain what that is?
Retargeting strategies are powerful and it’s a great way to stay top of mind with your existing audiences, leads that you’re generated, existing clients, past clients. You can build out custom lists so that you can stay in front of them. The idea of retargeting is we use it to build a brand, we use it to build brand recognition to make sure that we’re keeping clients top of mind with their audiences. The idea is the same thing as if you go on to Amazon and then you’d come back to Facebook, you’re seeing the same ads from Amazon that you are on Facebook or if you’re going to another platform like YouTube or you’re reading the news and you keep seeing the same ads over and over again. Those are retargeting strategies that they’re implementing.
It’s the same idea with retargeting, you’re trying to keep yourself top of mind with those clients over and over again. What we typically do is we’re leveraging a lot of videos. Video is a powerful way to build a rapport between yourself and the audience. It’s also a powerful way to remind people that you’re a real estate agent and it’s an easy way to create more content. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated. 30 seconds or 1-minute videos are plenty. We keep rotating those over and over again, and we keep positioning the agent in front of those audiences so that the audiences don’t forget. The craziest thing, and I’ve seen this over and over where family members forget that their cousins are real estate agents, friends forget that they are real estate agents.
The reason why that somebody is working with somebody else is because they keep seeing them over and over again. The idea of seeing somebody on video creates what we call the celebrity effect. It builds that trust and reminds people that they’re the expert real estate agents. I should be working with them because I keep seeing them. I also think it builds a little bit of envy as well, “This person is creating video and I’m seeing them over and over again.” It creates that. The retargeting strategies are critical if you’re looking to build a brand and you want to nurture and convert more leads.
You guys use this same stuff to find your own clients, don’t you?
It always helps when the people are putting their mouth where their sales pitch is. I use LiveComm, but I have a company that I share in LiveComm. Because I use it and it works for me the way that I’m using it, I’m able to stand behind it. Also, I’m able to have evidence for myself first that it works before I go out to ask someone else to try it. What are the other companies that you use that you’re helping besides real estate-related companies?
We work with real estate agents and then mainly with real estate marketing agencies. There are a lot of real estate marketing agencies out there. They handle the marketing for the real estate agent. A lot of times it’s an agent who doesn’t have their own in-house marketing team, somebody who’s a solo agent building up their business. Rather than bringing on a full-time marketing director for thousands of dollars a month, they might hire an agency. They’ll be able to afford the agency who’s then going to go, do all their lead generation and set up their drips, set up all of that so that they’re staying in front of those clients and staying in front of the leads that they’re capturing.
If I’m a real estate agent and I come to you all, do you have preset things that you’re going to do or you have to talk to me for a long time and design something, especially for me?
The lead gen side is not the complicated part. A lot of times we’re using standardized campaigns. Most of the onboarding that we do with clients, most of the agencies that we work with that have an onboarding process and they work with clients is relatively quick. There are few questions, “What marketing are you working in? What are your budgets?” Where it gets a little bit more complicated is when we started looking at doing more of the retargeting stuff and the branding because then it’s getting the agents involved a little bit more to produce the content. For the most part, on the lead gen side, it’s a relatively quick process. Usually, most of us are getting clients up and running within 48 hours. You’re generating leads within the same day as the ads go up. It’s a pretty quick process.
Tell me about content. What kind of things do you use for content?
The best thing we can use for the content is the assets that you have. One of the first questions, “What assets do you have that we can use?” When I say assets, we’re talking about, “Do you have any listings that we can leverage?” If you have current listings, then we can leverage those to attract more people. If you’ve done video content, we can use the video content. If you haven’t, then we have content that you can replicate for yourself. In a lot of cases, especially with newer agents that don’t have the assets that we might need, we’ll go ahead and use the assets that we have that we can leverage and build out the ads that they need for generating those leads.
A lot of people are scared about content, or they don’t know if they’re going to be deep enough in content. The truth of the matter is once your eyes are open to the content that you all are looking for, it’s almost everywhere. You have to learn how to recognize it, and it can be the simplest things. Finding good content, seem challenging or daunting at first, but once you get into it, it seems like content is about everywhere. You can almost get overwhelmed with all the things that you want to make into the content now. At least I found that to be true. Do you ever run short of content?

Real Estate Marketing: You have to provide value for these customers and give them what they’re looking for and build relationships with them that you can cultivate into clients.
The number one thing I tell agents to do is follow somebody else. Find another real estate agent that you admire, or you like the content that they’re producing. You’re not there to steal content. You’re there to get more ideas. As you have ideas, write them down on a whiteboard or put a list together. Before the week starts, start building out your content calendar to produce that type of content. For me, for instance, the easiest thing for us to do is to look at what everybody else is doing and then we can get ideas from that. The reality is that when you start looking, there isn’t that much content in terms of content ideas that you can put together. It makes it easy for real estate agents to go out and find somebody else. There are a bunch of people that are doing it, leverage those people, and it becomes simple to put your content together.
That’s a great nugget right there. There’s nothing else out of this. If you don’t know what to do, or you don’t know how to promote your brand, find someone who’s successful, follow them, and see what they’re doing. As you said, you’re not stealing anything. He went to the front of his house and he mentioned this, “I can go to the front of my house and I can mention that or something else.” All of a sudden, they start coming. Once someone comes to your front of the table, how much work is required out of them?
Are you referring to somebody coming to learn how to run a marketing agency or an agent who wants to get leads for themselves?
It’s who wants to get leads.
An agent comes to us, they want to get leads. We get that rolling, figure out the project that we’re going to work on for them, and put that together. Once that gets started, then it’s about cultivating those leads. We’ll get the leads coming in. There’s no doubt there. Now you have to start cultivating them, have to jump on the phone, text them, email them. If you have the budget, we can put a retargeting program together. Get on some video, talk about some other houses that you’ve closed, sold, listed, whatever it is, and go from there.
We want to stay in front of them once we generate them and start to build relationships. The most difficult thing as an agent is learning how to do that, how to build that relationship, especially when you’re new, you’re getting started, and maybe you need the paycheck tomorrow, understanding that you have to treat leads as people first, not leads first. They’re not just paychecks. These are people with real problems, real ideas, and things that they’re looking for in their life, and you’re there for them. The sooner you can realize that and start focusing on building that relationship and helping them get what they want, the sooner you can start getting what you want.
You can't run a real estate brokerage or anything without having leads Share on XGive me a real-life success story.
We do a lot of construction investment properties for investors. One of the big things that worked well for us was October or November 2020, we did about $230,000 in GCI, in doing reconstruction.
The GCI, what does that mean?
Gross Commission Income. They’re total commissions. The strategy was to invite investors to an online webinar and then present the products to them over Zoom webinars. This is what we did. That strategy worked well. The same partner I worked with that also does something very similar with first-time homebuyers that also works well. In 2020, that was one of the bigger projects that we had worked on, and the strategies that with everything that’s going on and getting online with clients is becoming easier. We’re seeing a lot of success with doing more live webinars, being able to talk to more people and build that relationship up almost instantaneously with those leads.

Real Estate Marketing: The idea of retargeting is essentially to build brand recognition to make sure that we’re keeping clients top of mind with their audiences.
There used to be a time when I had all my inventory on my website and I drove everybody to the website and you had that kind of job to do, but then, Facebook comes along and I thought, “It doesn’t cost anything to have a business page.” You have to learn how you can sell on Facebook in the housing because they have a lot of rules about diversity, the Fair Housing Act, and all this stuff. It was a little tricky there for a little bit, but you catch onto it quickly. We still have to have a website because there has to be some credibility. When they search our name, we have to show up because if we didn’t show up, it wouldn’t look good.
We changed our focus from having to SEO our website and all that stuff because it was hugely expensive to get at the top of that SEO thing. It didn’t make any sense. We moved over and put our inventory on that free platform. As you said, we started building the community. We have over 6,000 people that are interested in seller-financed homes and that’s what we do. We don’t even have to put signs in our yards anymore. We, out of that five, we’re not like a real estate company or listing agent. There are not hundreds and hundreds upon hundreds of seller-financed homes to be looked at. I and a handful of people around my city do that. We were able to shock everything else and don’t even have to put up signs anymore.
We use bandit signs and we use signs in smartphone numbers so that when they call all the numbers and listen to the recording about the house and everything, we capture their phone number. Automatically after the conversation was over, they would get a hello message from us saying, “To see all of our inventory, go to our Facebook page. Make sure you like it and subscribe it so you can get real-time information.” We built up out of all those phone numbers where you’re collecting, a certain amount of them got involved in that community. One of the things that we try to do in that community is we try to leave it real.
We sell houses that we buy that we’re seller financing as is, which means we’re seller financing that house and the five broken windows and the hole in the roof. We’re seller financing it all to someone who wants to fix it. Inevitably, people will post on our website. That house isn’t worth that much money or they’ll say something derogative. Instead of having like a mediator all the time and block, and it’s nothing but good stuff, we try to leave the bad stuff up there. We have canned responses for our salespeople to post to them. If we don’t have a canned response that fits, then they are supposed to come and tell us, “How do I answer this because none of the canned responses fit it?”
We write another canned response for next time that comes up and it’s all there. It will say things like, “We understand that maybe you need a house that’s already fixed up and that’s ready to go and everything, but there are other people that can’t afford a house that’s already fixed up, but they know how to fix the house up over time. This is the only way they can get in. Please don’t diminish other people’s dreams or opportunities.” They come back and say, “I’m sorry, you’re right.” You try to leave the controversy in there. For the most part, we try to leave it real and let the community talk. We’re watching it. There will always be some negative things no matter what you do. We’ve got to mitigate them in real time as real people and present a real argument why they shouldn’t be saying that stuff. It works well because people get the sense in that committee that we’re not whitewashed, that we’re a real community. It’s been ever-changing and it’s always changing. How much change have you seen since you started?
Generate the leads, capture the leads, and cultivate the leads. Share on XThe special housing categories came out many years ago. That changed the way that we advertise. You can’t use a lot of the interest out there. You have to make sure that all of the interests that you’re using in targeting are under the special housing category. I know I use it geographically. That was the biggest one for me. Let’s say I wanted to market a home in a 5-mile radius. I can’t market a 5-mile radius. I have to market in a 15-mile radius. You can’t look for listings in a specific area. If you want to work in a neighborhood where the price point is $750 or higher, you can’t do home valuations in that neighborhood and be willing to pay a higher lead cost for those. Whereas you might be doing another one in a neighborhood and get $200,000 houses where you’re willing to pay less than you would for that $750,000 lead. You have to put the same bid on a 15-mile radius. That was a big change that we all had to start adapting to and overcoming. I get that they’re doing it for great reasons. That was the biggest challenge I saw come from Facebook’s updates.
What is the most commonly misunderstood aspect of your industry?
Creativity in lead or in ads is an asset for lead generation because it seems like we get a lot of people that come in and they try to come up with these super creative ideas. What works is still the same stuff that was on a postcard in the ‘80s and ‘90s. It’s the same offer. The offers have been defined by people way before us. We’re bringing them to today’s words, copy, and images. We’re updating that, but it’s the same offer that’s been going on for years. People come in and they try to be creative and come up with this super cool idea and you seem to do this and then they disappear.
That’s frustrating for me too is like, “There’s got to be something new and there’s got to be something unique. What can I do?” The problem is what works is well-defined and has been known for a long time. You have to trudge through that one path. Because if you get off that path, it doesn’t work as well. You feel as if you think you’re coming up with something new, but if it had worked, it wouldn’t be new. Someone had already been out there doing it.
The big thing too, especially working with real estate agents, is everybody thinks everybody’s going to buy a home. It’s not the way it works. Everybody would love to buy a home. Everybody is interested in homes. People are interested in real estate. The reality is not everybody is going to be able to buy a home. People need to change their expectations with the lead gen side of things. If you’re generating leads to be able to find 1 or 2 good leads that you can work with and hopefully convert those into a transaction. That’s why you get paid the big bucks. It’s not about converting a hundred leads. It’s about finding one of them that’s going to convert.
I had a coach a long time ago who said, “You’re not trying to turn the river to gold. You’re looking for a few nuggets.” That was like, “Maybe don’t spend 45 minutes on every single person trying to sell them.” Look for the people who are raising their hands and start working with them.
You guys have an online course on Facebook marketing. You’re offering to give away the basics of building your first Facebook advertisement. You might think you go in there, but this helps to shortcut your Facebook ad set up the first time. It’s frustrating for the first time. If you guys want to hold to this free report, go to 1000Houses.com/REMC. That’ll be talking about your marketing and your conversion, finding things that will convert and how to put on filters or what you’re looking for because the more filters you put on, the stronger your lead is. Get this free report. It’s the basics of building your first Facebook advertisement.
You’ll be able to find all the contact information over there for Matt and Shayne. If you want to talk about getting some help or what that might look like or what it might cost, it doesn’t hurt to talk to someone to see what they can do for you, whether you’re an agent or a broker, or you’re in the business of marketing for other companies or other real estate companies. Anything else that we might want to talk about? I’m not an expert in everything that we start to talk about. If I’ve left anything out that we should talk about, then please, this is the time. Feel free to jump in and let us know some more good nuggets.
I remembered the interesting stuff that they removed that was big. Facebook had a category for a long time that was called Likely To Move where they had an algorithm that was predicting people based on their internet browsing history and other traits when they were likely to move. They removed that from the opportunities that you could target. That was a big change as well.
Why did they do that?
With special housing categories, they said, “We allow like certain targeting that shouldn’t be allowed.” They went so far over where they needed to be. Back in the day, you can target by ethnicity and whatnot. That might’ve been still there.
There were all kinds of things people were doing that you shouldn’t have been doing. The thing is that Facebook had exclusions. You could start excluding different popular shows or specific gods. There is a lot of stuff that you could do. People were doing crazy stuff. The targeting for the geographical stuff was good, but in a lot of cases where people were doing, there were also using the exclusions so they’d be excluding specific neighborhoods. There were a lot of things that people were doing that they weren’t supposed to be doing. It was completely illegal. There was also a lot of data that Facebook had that maybe they shouldn’t have had or there were some concerns about privacy issues and things like that. You could exclude renters, people that were in the lower 25% range of income. There was a lot of stuff you could do that you weren’t supposed to do.
It's not about converting a hundred leads; it's about finding one of them that's going to convert Share on XI appreciate you guys being on. I thank you very much. The show notes are evergreen. If you think of anything or you want to give away any of the things, or if you want to put up a webinar, it’s always evergreen. Feel free to have your people call my people, put it up, keep it current, whatever you want to do, things change. We’ll put some information over there for our readers if they’re interested in getting ahold of you. I know that if I was a real estate broker, a real estate agent, and I didn’t have a handle on this, or I wasn’t doing anything in this direction, it would certainly be worth the conversation.
I see if you don’t have any other ideas now. A lot of times we get to that point like, “I’m doing nothing. I have no ideas.” Call someone up and get some ideas. You don’t have to do them. No one’s going to hold a gun to your head, but at least listen to what they have to say and see if it might work out. Sometimes you don’t know if something works if you don’t try it. Part of figuring out where you belong is trying things that don’t work until you find the thing that works. I’ve tried a lot of things that didn’t work. Did I go home and cry about it? Maybe for a second, but I got to X off the thing that didn’t work, which got me closer to the thing that I found that would finally work. It’s a process of elimination sometimes.
I’d like to thank everybody for stopping by to get you some Matt Cramer and Shayne Hillier and talk about Facebook marketing and the real estate agent broker side. I appreciate everyone. I’d like to thank LiveComm.com for sponsoring this episode. Please watch the video on the home page and you’ll see why my houses only last nine days on average for sale on the market. I’ll show you how I’m using mass texting and lead generation to build a community that almost sells my house the minute I post it up. Check it out. We’re out of here.
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- Realtor.com
About Shayne Hillier and Matt Cramer
Matt & Shayne show how to acquire high ticket clients and get results even if you know nothing about this Niche. They share their secrets on how to easily and consistently get amazing results for your clients to allow you to grow a scalable and profitable business.
Hundreds of Academy students have also built profitable online Advertising Agencies. The best part, many either had no clients or any experience in this niche when they started!
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