How To Get SELLERS To Finance Your Purchase With Gabriel Hamel
Mitch Stephen chats with
Gabriel Hamel
Episode 342: How To Get SELLERS To Finance Your Purchase With Gabriel Hamel
Everything starts with a deal. The better the deal, the easier it is to find the money. In this episode, host Mitch Stephen interviews real estate investor Gabriel Hamel about seller financing. Gabriel dives into how you can buy houses and get the seller to finance your purchase. Listen to this episode to learn valuable tips from Gabriel’s road to real estate success.
I’m here with Gabriel Hamel and he’s in Eugene, Oregon. It’s a very beautiful place. Before we get started, I want to pay homage to my sponsor, TaxFreeFuture.com. If you do not have your tax-deferred account in which to grow your wealth and retirement, you have no idea how big of the tool you are missing out of your toolbox. If the compounded interest was a knife, it was the eighth wonder of the world. If you grow your funds tax-free, it will be the ninth wonder of the world. Check it out. You have no idea what your financial advisors are not telling you, and we’re going to tell you what they’re not telling you. We’re going to tell you why and then it’ll all come together and we’ll proceed onto a magnificent retirement. Gabriel, a little background, you started around 2005. You’re going to be talking about how you buy houses and get the seller to finance you. Is that correct?
Absolutely. For me, it was out of necessity. I had read Rich Dad, Poor Dad sometime around 2002 and that was eye-opening for me because academia, school, college was not in my path. That was not something I was interested in. When I read that book, I thought this makes sense. Real estate investing is my path to financial freedom. Shortly after that, I was deployed to Iraq, so I had joined the army national guard in 1999, my senior year of high school. In 2003, I got sent to Iraq and was deployed until 2004. In Iraq, I often thought about those lessons I learned in Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I told everybody I knew I’m going to come back and I’m going to build this real estate empire. A lot of my friends and fellow soldiers laughed at me and thought it was pretty funny that I was going to become financially free through real estate. I never had any formal education, any real job.
In 2005, I came back, I bought my first house. It was a no money down deal. The banks weren’t giving money to anyone back then in 2005. It was during the subprime. I did a similar deal in 2006 and 2007. They were two no money down loans and one 5% down loan. In 2008, I went back to the bank and said, “I’m ready to get another property.” I was thinking to myself, “I could do this every year and have a decent portfolio in a little while.” In 2008, the bank said, “No, you need a down payment and you need some income.” Those were things that I didn’t have. In 2009 is when I got creative and started using seller financing to purchase investment real estate.
When they shut you down in 2008, you bought zero properties?
In 2008 is when banks started tightening up a bit. They told me I needed 30% down payment for an investment property. I was pretty spoiled in 2005, ‘06 and ‘07 with these no money down and 5% down loans. To me, it seemed like a lot of money and I knew there had to be a different way to purchase property. I remember briefly reading about the creativity of seller financing. I looked more into that and I went on a quest to find sellers that were in a position and willing to carry the financing on the property.
I was following you and it sounded like you did one house in 2005, one in 2006, three in 2007. It sounds like it was zero in 2008 and then in 2009, you had gathered yourself and come to the conclusion you had to do something different. Do you know how many houses you bought in 2009?
It was one in ‘05, one in ‘06, one in ‘07. I had a total of three going into 2008. In 2009, my first seller financing deal was two duplexes side by side. It was four units and that was my first seller financing deal. At that time, it cashflowed almost to the dollar that I was making at my minimum wage job. At that point, I essentially stopped working and decided to focus fully on my investments and get in front of enough sellers that we’re in a position and interested in carrying financing on the property.
On paper, it cashflowed as much as your job. Did it end up cashflowing as much as your job? Wasn’t it up and down? Were those rentals something you can depend on or did you struggle on the dependability of that spread?

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
I’ve told this story many times and no one’s ever asked me that. They cashflowed well. There were definitely ups and downs. At that time, I was managing my own property. These properties, they’re poorly managed, they had a lot of deferred maintenance and they had bad tenants in there. I didn’t have a lot of money to go in there and fully renovate these properties. I ended up with these four units with okay tenants, some of them. Even though the rents were low, I had to wait until tenants moved out to clean the units up a bit and increased rents and such. There was definitely some up and downs and some deferred maintenance that needed to get getting taken care of throughout the next couple months, the next couple of years. They were old houses.
That’s the problem with rent. You never know if it’s yours or if it’s going to be there. That’s why I like to sell my houses with owner finances. That’s why people like to sell that place to you because when they sold the place to you, now their stream becomes stable because you’re not the guy who’s living in that house and your payments come on time. May I ask if you did zero down on that place?
I did about $12,000 down on that property and then I continued to buy multiple properties in the area with no money down. Sometimes I received money at a closing. I would do a no-money-down deal contract and I would collect deposits and prorated rents and such at closing. There were a lot of properties where I would close and walk away with a little bit of cash.
What does your portfolio look like now?
Now, I have a little over 170 units and it’s a mix. It was first starting off with those single-family homes, then moving into smaller multifamily. I still have a lot of those smaller multis, 2, 3, 4, 6-unit places and then some apartment complexes, some mixed-use stuff where it’s ground floor commercial and apartments up top. My focus has been mobile home parks. My last couple purchases have been mobile home parks and I feel like there’s a great value add opportunity. I’ve always considered myself a value investor, finding properties that were poorly managed, under rented and deferred maintenance. The mobile home park model fits that criteria. I’ve been able to pick up a couple of good parks and I have a couple more in the works.
Tell me about your mobile home park model.
My first mobile home park, what excited me was the rent hadn’t been increased in 4.5 years. There was some potential there. Utilities weren’t being billed back to the tenants. Even with a small increase in rent and building back utilities to the tenants, it wasn’t a huge increase for them. It was spread out over 43 pads. It ends up being a decent return for me. There were some park-owned homes that I’m in the process of selling back to the tenants because a lot of the maintenance and repair costs are on those park-owned homes. When you empower the tenants to own their homes, they take better care of them. It also takes the maintenance cost off of me.
You’re renting the lots?
Correct. Both the parks that I purchased when I bought them, they do have park-owned homes and so with one park in particular, I’m going to sell all those homes back. The other park, I’m going to sell or finance them to the tenants.
That’s where I was headed. That’s what’s cool about parks is you start off with the land and then if you’ve got more money to invest or things are going great, you can start picking up mobile homes. You don’t make money when you move mobile homes unless you get them for free. Normally you can pick up homes that are there from people who want to leave and you started crying. You own what we call the top and the bottom. You own what’s on top of the land and what’s on the bottom of the land. A neat trick is you could skew the land value anyway you want. You can make the land cheap and the mobile homes expensive, but it’s still the same $800 a month, the $400 for the house and the $400 for the land. You could make the land cheap for tax reasons and you could make the land $100 and $700 for the mobile home.
On the park-owned homes there, there are eight of them and I’m in the process of selling those back to the tenants, but we are going to increase. I’m going to carry financing at very favorable terms for them, but we’re going to bump up the pad rent and have the payment on the house itself be pretty minimal. Because in the future I want to be able to refi that property and show the high pad rents because that’s what the bank’s interested in. What is the park doing? They’re not too interested in the mobile homes themselves.
Who did you study in the mobile home parks?
I didn’t study anyone in particular. It’s about cashflow. I’ve always looked at cashflow first. I was looking for value-add opportunities in the multifamily model and cap rates were being condensed with multifamily. I thought there has to be another asset class within real estate. These parks kept coming across my table and I thought, “There’s some opportunity here.” I started seeing more and more parks that fit those criteria. They’re poorly managed and under-rented. I started looking into it. I wasn’t particularly looking into parks in my area, but both parks happened to be with an hour of me and they’re great parks.
Sellers are typically stuck on price, interest rate, or down payment, but rarely all three. Share on XIt’s a very romantic business. A lot of people want to go into that business. It’s not so easy to find those parks though. Class A parks have those low cap rates like apartments and there’s another asset class that will go good with your mobile home park. Do you know what it is?
I’m thinking you’re going to say self-storage.
Yes, because mobile homes don’t have any space. Americans are not going to live without their crap. They’re going to have their crap and they need a place to put it. Do you have any extra land on any of those two places?
These particular parks, I don’t. The ones that I’m looking at, they do have some land. It’s funny because I was having this conversation with self-storage because I personally don’t like to collect and keep a lot of crap.
It’s something you don’t believe in. I’m the same way. Drive down the street and see how many people got their crap into storage or open up their garage door and see what you see. I told you my story a little bit in the front, but I didn’t tell you all of it. I made my money by one-time cash and temporary cash, which is flipping and selling my houses on notes, which is temporary cashflow. I still had to take the money I made them buy into a forever strategy. That forever strategy I chose, you chose the mobile home parks and apartments and stuff and renting. I have been a landlord for houses. I chose to be a mini-storage guy. I have 1,600 doors, all about $100 on the first. It’s an easy business to manage and it’s an easy business to build those units. The main thing you worry about in storage is where’s the water coming from when it rains and where’s it going to go? I got to make sure it doesn’t get into these little units. That’s the biggest concern. You’re a very sharp guy. Do you have mentors? Do you have a coach?
I don’t. When I got into the site, I read Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I knew nobody that was invested in real estate. I knew nobody that was doing it. Initially it was the books and searching online and I hadn’t gotten any paid seminars or anything like that. I read a book, it sparked some interest, inspired me and I went on a quest to learn as much as possible. I’ve learned from a lot of people throughout the years and now there are some amazing resources with the online community and BiggerPockets built a huge following online through their podcasts. It’s something that wasn’t around when I got started. There was still a lot more of the guru, run to the back of the classroom, buy our service type of a thing. That didn’t attract me very much.
We have a very similar story. I had enough. I told myself I was going to become financially independent somehow. I started reading. I read Rich Dad, Poor Dad, but it was a little bit later in my career. I read Nothing Down by Robert Allen and Think and Grow Rich, which was the book for me, like Rich Dad, Poor Dad. For me, Think and Grow Rich was telling me then I didn’t need to have a degree or an education to become wealthy because a lot of people in that book were mega-rich and never even finished high school or had no education at all.
That’s also one of my favorite books. Think and Grow Rich is definitely one that impacted my life in a positive way.
That book is free now. It’s gone all the way through. It’s time that it could be copywritten. You can get a free copy on my website, 1000Houses.com. If you want a free copy of Think and Grow Rich, I’ve got a place where you can get it sent to you or download it. Let’s talk about the negotiations of getting a seller to finance you the property. Can you go through those steps? What’s that look like?
I would say one of the most common questions that I ever get is how do you convince a seller into carrying financing? After I had bought a few properties using seller financing, I thought the same thing. How do I educate all these sellers on the advantages of carrying financing? I realized I was walking away from these deals where I was happy because the terms work for me, but the sellers were also happy because they had terms that worked for them. As you mentioned, they get this passive check every month. What I realized, instead of taking the time and energy to try to convince this huge market of sellers that there’s an advantage to carrying financing, my time would be more productive if I could get in front of sellers that already understood the advantage of carrying financing. Because when I look back, every seller who carried financing understood the advantage of being the bank and to collect that interest. I focused more on relationships and finding sellers that wanted to carry financing and get in front of enough sellers that we’re willing to carry financing. That way, the conversation wasn’t about trying to talk them into or explain this foreign idea to them. It was 100% about the property and the terms itself.

Seller Financing: Real estate investing is all about cashflow.
Who are these people and where do you find the people that understand seller financing?
Initially, I would literally hit go on Craigslist and I was typing in keywords like seller financing, owner financing, owner term, seller terms, fixer, as is, for sale by owner. I would cold-call these owners and ask them, “Are you interested in seller financing?” Typically, it was men and women in their 60s and 70s that had a few properties and they were good people who were tired of managing properties. Usually they had another business or another job, but they had created a small portfolio of investment properties. A lot of times they had purchased the properties 30 years ago and sometimes using seller financing to purchase it, so they already understood that value.
One of the reasons I do this show, Gabriel, is because I used to think it was because I was going to help people. What happens is in the process of trying to help people get to where they’re going, I learn a lot from people like you. That’s brilliant. To go to the people that would already understand owner financing and ask them, “Do you have a property that you would like to owner finance me? Because I’m a great payer, I understand everything but I need seller financing.” You probably had a lot of people sit down and think. You might’ve converted a lot of people that say, “Now’s the time. Maybe I should get rid of this stuff because I got this guy though wants to do it.”
There were times where some of the sellers would say, “Yes, I’m interested but not right now.” They would get a tenant that wasn’t paying or it was giving them a hard time or a tenant would move out and the property would be a mess. There were times where it was like a month later and they were like, “Yes, I want to sell this now.” You’re taking away a headache for them. A lot of times, the sellers have self-managed the properties and they’re burnt out. They are amazing people who are burnt out in dealing with tenants and turnover.
Give me an example of one that worked out and what terms.
I can tell you my most recent mobile home park. This goes back to how important relationships are. It was 194% cash-on-cash return. I say that not to brag, but to illustrate. The way that happened was pretty organically. I truly believe in building relationships and meeting people and telling them what you’re looking for. The way I found this property was years ago, there was a developer in town and I admired his work. He was building A-class, these beautiful apartment buildings. I reached out to him simply because I thought his buildings were amazing. I felt like I needed to connect with this guy. He kept building a lot of these campus properties and now he’s building riverfront properties and these great retirement centers.
We stayed in touch throughout the years and we would talk maybe once a year. He had reached out almost a decade later and said, “A buddy of mine is selling the single-family home. Are you interested?” I said, “No, I’m not looking for single-family right now. I’m looking for value-add multifamily and mobile home parks.” He said, “I have a mobile home park.” I said, “Are you interested in seller financing?” He said, “Absolutely.” It goes back to show that relationship. Nobody else knew it was for sale. He was interested in selling it to me. I was interested in buying and it’s a great park. It’s his time and energy are on other projects. For me, it’s a great buy. For him, it’s a great sell and everyone walks away from the table happy.
As far as the cash on cash return, it was a low down payment because that was something that I needed and finding what the sellers need for this seller, it was more about getting that check every month. I’ve found that sellers are typically stuck on price, interest rate or down payment, but rarely all three. For me it was important, especially early on, not just with this deal, but other deals to come in with low money down. For a lot of sellers, it’s the price or the interest rate that they’re interested in, not so much the down payment. Other sellers, it is a down payment. Some sellers want a huge down payment and it may not pencil. You can give a fair price with great terms and that can sometimes be a better deal than a good price with bad terms. There’s so much flexibility there with seller financing, as you know.
Super investors know that it’s not about the price at all if you can negotiate your own terms. You can pay $1 million for a $100,000 house if you can negotiate your terms and they’re not questioned. I’ll give you $1 million for your house, you have to give me my terms, no exceptions, no modification.
Amortize it out for 500 years, that $1 million is a lower payment than the $100,000. It’s the same property for $100,000.
There are going to be one million ways to do it. You gave an example, amortize it out for 500 years or why don’t we buy it? We’re going to postpone the first payment for 30 years and I’ll be dead. I was interested in this negotiation side, but you’ve taken most of the negotiation out of the negotiation process for this. You’re going to deal with someone who already knows that they want to move their property, but they don’t want a lump sum because A) They don’t want to pay a lot of tax. B) They want a steady flow of income maybe to pace themselves.
A lot of it is finding how to solve a problem for the seller. A lot of times it’s asking a couple questions like, “How come you’re selling?” They might say, “I’m tired of dealing with tenants. I’m tired of dealing with the maintenance.” A lot of times, it’s asking those basic questions and then I shut up and listen. If I can create a scenario that solves the seller’s problem and it’s good, then there’s some upside on my end. It’s a true win-win. I walk away from the table more times than not where the seller is super excited to sell a property and be done with it. I’m also excited because there’s an upside. It’s more about finding out what the need of the seller is.
You can give a fair price with great terms, and that can sometimes be a better deal than a good price with bad terms. Share on XThey’re selling a $1 million apartment complex and they want RV. How much is the RV? That’s what you’ve got to do for a down payment. What RV do you want? Show me the one you would desire. The dealer who sells this, find out the price of that. They might not be negotiators at this point in their life or maybe never. He better price you and negotiate on the RV they want. The less down payment you’ve got to put down. Let’s go to management. You’re not managing your own properties, are you?
I’m not. I always factored in property management, but I managed my own properties up until I had seventeen units and I found quickly that I enjoy putting deals together. I like the process. I like the result. I enjoy working with people and I liked that part of it. Finding the deal and creating financing terms that are creative, but I don’t like the property management side and that’s not where I’m strong. Third-party property management is what I decided. I opened my own property management company. For me, I consider my time the most valuable asset and I didn’t want to create a job for myself. I’ve never had employees. I don’t want employees. I like to hire a third-party and it’s worked out great.
It shows that you’ve been in the business for many years because all the things that you’re saying take a little while. You’d come to the conclusion that you don’t want an employee. Have you ever had an employee?
I’ve never had an employee. I had a friend that was building a property management company at that time and he was managing my properties for a little bit and he grew pretty quick in his business. He did well. He was able to grow the business well. I also saw the challenges of managing all these people and it took a lot of his time and he was managing a large portfolio. Not just mine, but a lot of properties. I thought about why is it that I got into real estate investing? Why is it that financial freedom was so important to me? It wasn’t about the money. It was about the time. When I make a decision, I think how does this affect my time? How does this affect my time away from my family, away from other things that are important to me, like my health and the ability to travel and be mobile? Starting a property management company didn’t align with what I wanted in my life.
How much do you allow the rent for property management? Is there a percentage or how do you figure in property management when you’re figuring your rent and formula?
When I started off, I factored in about 10% because I only had a few properties. As I’ve scaled, I’m getting better than 10%. It’s typically in the 5% to 7% property management.
Is it 5% to 7% because you can bring a lot of volume?
Yes. As I scale, some of these large multi-families are paying at 2%, but they’re also thousands of units and that’s still a big number.
In passing here, he’s collecting rent, so he’s paying a property management company to take care of collections and follow up with the notices and the late fees. Do you get to keep the late fees? Is it 10% plus the late fees?
I keep the late fees.

Think And Grow Rich
If you’re collecting notes like you’re collecting mortgage payments, I’m throwing this out there for people because I got a lot of people interested in owner financing their sale. You can collect principal interest taxes, insurance and servicing fee. You can collect a PITIS and you can make your note payer pay your servicing fee. I guess it’s the same in the rent. You’re taking it out of the rent. It’s a little more in addition to when you add servicing fee to someone’s principal, interest, taxes, insurance. It seems like in rent, and correct me if I’m wrong, it’s taking it out of what you could have had.
As far as the late fees and such.
No. The service, the mortgage, the management fee. The maximum rent that you can collect is already a number of floating out there in the air. Your servicing fee comes out of that number. Ours is principal interest, taxes, insurance. We add the 35% on top.
Now, I have a great property manager. They’re going to test the market a little bit and they’re incentivized that if they get a little bit higher rent, then their fees on a percentage basis is increased. If they’re renting it for a little bit more, they’re going to make a little bit more. Them knowing the market and what tenants are willing to pay and can pay is definitely important.
Have you been with your management company for a long time?
I’ve gone through a couple of property management companies and the property management company I have now has done a great job. They represented me on a few purchases on the broker side and even though I don’t sell many properties, they also represented me on a couple of properties that I did sale. They did an amazing job there. They were talking about starting a property management company and we sat down and they said, “What has worked and what hasn’t?” As I started buying some properties, I turned them over to these guys to test them out and to see how they would do on the property management side. I like that they didn’t come with twenty years of experience and sometimes not great experience. A lot of property managers aren’t that great. I think that as a property manager, it’s so important to be able to know how to deal with people. You’re dealing with owners and you’re dealing with a bunch of tenants. Tenants, for the most part, are happy. When they’re not happy, they’re going to the property manager. I have been happy with my current property management. They’ve done a great job from the get-go and I want them to have much success as they go into the future.
You’re offering to teach people how to negotiate seller financing or how to get more properties with seller financing. If you’re a person out there, a little tight on budget and haven’t raised a lot of private money, certainly learning how to find properties that offer seller financing or more likely to finance you in the acquisition, then this would be a great choice. I don’t know anyone who specializes in that niche. I think you’re interview number 330 and I don’t know anyone who’s taken on that particular little niche. Tell us about your teachings. Is it a course, a book, a download or is it one-on-one? How do you teach?
I do some coaching and a lot of it is because people have reached out specifically wanting to know more about seller financing. That is my niche. That’s my bread and butter. That’s not the only way I purchase properties. I take a holistic approach. If there’s someone that wants to work with me, it’s one on one. I can do weekly calls or monthly calls. It depends on the person’s need and it’s a holistic approach of what is it that this particular person is trying to do. What are their goals or some accountability stuff there? It’s geared towards the individual. I don’t like to create this broad program of any such. I want to connect with people individually. I love talking about this. I truly enjoy helping people and adding value where I can.
I want you to go to 1000houses.com/FinanceMe and there, we’ll have all the contact information and specifics. You have an eBook out. You wrote a chapter. It was written by Kyle Wilson. Kyle Wilson was Jim Rohn’s partner for eighteen years and the book is called Desire, Discipline and Determination. You wrote a chapter called You Can Have It All. We’re going to get all the information. If you want to connect with that material and connect with Gabriel Hamel yourself, then go to 1000houses.com/FinanceMe. That’s in reference to asking your seller to finance me. That’s what he specialized in teaching people.
I haven’t heard anyone out there focused on that one little aspect of this business. For the people that want to go not only make a run at seller financing the sale to them, I have a course called Private Money Changes Everything, where I teach you how to go out to people who are sick and tired of the stock market, sick and tired of 1% or 0.5% in the CD. You’re offering 8%, 9%, 10% if they’ll give you a loan to buy the property that this particular seller is not willing to finance to you. They’ve got a hell of a price but they’re not willing to finance it to you and so you’ve got to find the money somewhere. You can find that over at 1000Houses.com.
This is the key. It all starts with a deal but somewhere, those deals got to get funded. Everything starts with a deal. The better the deal, the easier it is to find the money. Some people say, “I don’t have any money so I can’t get in real estate,” but that’s not how it works. You find a hell of a deal. The deal will find the money. You just have to be the legs and the arms and the megaphone to walk around town. Legs propelling him through town, arms holding up your offer and mouth shouting, “Look over here. This is what I’ve got.” Between the two, you should solve your money issues. What a world it is when you can walk out into the marketplace and say, “I’ll take that one because it’s a great deal and I’ll take that one. It’s a little much, but I found two more that are ready to close next week,” because you have the funds and they make sense. I hope that some people get in touch with you, Gabriel, and see what’s happening. Will you keep us posted on how things go?
Absolutely. I’d love to stay in touch. I hope I’ve added some value to your readers and I hope some of your readers reach out and I can work with them some more.
If you want something bad enough, find a way because you may not get another shot. Share on XThe brilliance of the whole conversation that even a 22-year veteran can get out of this is if you need seller financing, get in a place where the people that you’re going to talk to already understand seller financing and probably have a proclivity towards it. They’d been collecting payments for their whole life. They just don’t want to be responsible for repairs anymore or they’ve been some investor who understands cashflow. You’re out there, went and found people who had owner-financed, seller-financed, owner-carry by owner in their ads and figured they probably knew about it. That’s brilliant. There’s the nugget. Will you do me a favor? If you pick up a student from this show, would you keep track of how it goes and call me back and say, “I’ve got a case study that came right from this show?”
That would be good. I always like case studies because it’s proof in the pudding. Here’s a guy who came. He didn’t have many properties, needing to figure out how to get into some. We told him who to talk to and how to talk to him and now he’s got something.
That’s one of the most exciting things for me honestly. When someone comes to me and they haven’t bought any properties or they’re getting started and then they start utilizing some of these tools and they start buying properties and they start receiving cashflow. It’s a very neat experience to see others succeed in that arena.
Dave Ramsey has the primal scream when people have zero debt, when they fire their boss. I get a kick out of that. That’s cool. You’ve got to have some higher reason than making money because making money will get very empty, very fast. That’s foreign to people who don’t have money right now. I know what I said doesn’t make any sense to you. I get it because I was way there. After you make a certain amount of money, money’s not going to make anything any better anymore. You could make double that amount of money. It’s not going to change anything. There’s got to be a higher reason. All those principles, everything was taught in the book that was written about 2,000 years ago. You ought to check it out. Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Mitch Stephen and Gabriel Hamel, we’re talking about things that were principles that were written of many years ago. We’re repackaging them and putting a different cover on it. The good thing is no one cares if we share it because we’re supposed to share it.
Have you got anything to add to the new folks out there? They’re stuck in a job they hate. They’re dreaming, they’re capping their finances. People are telling them when they can go on vacation and when they’ve got to come home. What time they have to wake up, if they can go watch their kid’s baseball game and what to wear, how to act and whether they can have long hair or short hair or mustache or a beard. What do you have to say to those folks?
I would say this is your life, this is your opportunity, so don’t hold back. Don’t hesitate. If you want something bad enough, find a way because you may not get another shot. Find a way to live the life that you deserve and that you want.
People say, “Money’s not been my thing.” How do you expect to collect finances and collect money if you don’t study it? You have to study it. That’s what we’re doing right here. He’s offering you a chance to study a certain aspect of money and how to originate or get the power to leverage someone else’s money. I’m on this two times a week trying to bring different ideas to you out there reading who’s struggling in the finance department, if you are. Here’s another way that you could get free from this. Do you want to learn about how to do this way? Here’s a guy that’s been doing it, 170 units and became financially free, so that’s all I’m trying to do. I don’t care which one you pick. Pick me, pick him, pick someone else.
One thing though as a word of caution, do some research on the guy that you want to pick. If they’re asking exorbitant amounts of money or big amount of money or even it’s expensive to you, do some research. Make sure this guy is doing what he’s teaching. Make sure he’s doing it right now still, with a slight possibility of someone who’s done it so often they don’t have to do it anymore, but he still knows. Make sure that person is the person that you want to be on and off the field. Try to figure that out because it will help you connect on a deeper level if you’re the same person going in the same direction. That’s what I got to say. I appreciate you being on. Do you ever get to San Antonio?

Seller Financing: A lot about seller financing is just finding how to solve a problem for the seller.
I have never been to San Antonio. I’ve been to Austin and Dallas once.
Call me. Maybe we’ll have a tea or a beer or a bourbon.
I will send you a message so you have my number.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
I’d like to thank my sponsor, TaxFreeFuture.com. Please watch the little 37 video vignettes there. It shows you what’s possible with a tax-deferred or tax-free account with checkbook control. That’s the key control. All you’ve got to do is lose one deal you could have made $30,000 in your IRA because someone didn’t take their time. You know how important checkbook control is. You will not believe what your financial advisors are not telling you.
Important Links
- REInvestorSummit.com/FinanceMe
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- REInvestorSummit.com/101
- REInvestorSummit.com/coaching
About Gabriel Hamel
Gabriel Hamel is a Real Estate Investor who’s passion for Real Estate, Business, and Financial Freedom has helped him to amass a Multi-Million dollar Real Estate Portfolio consisting of Single Family Homes, Multi-Family Apartments, Commercial Real Estate, and Mobile Home Parks. From humble beginnings, a book on Real Estate, and a strong desire for financial freedom, Gabriel set out to find creative ways to start purchasing income-producing investment Real Estate. Gabriel is a strong advocate of financial literacy through self education.
Time-Freedom, Family, Health, Wealth, and Happiness are most important to Gabriel. He focuses his time and energy learning, living and growing in these areas. Gabriel has a beautiful wife and two amazing son’s with lots of energy who keep them busy with various activities. Gabriel strongly believes that being Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy are choices and with the right knowledge and more importantly, effective action can all be greatly achieved.