Memorial Day Weekend Special

We’re headed for the ranch for the Memorial Day Weekend…
But before we leave Tommi and I want to wish you all a
terrific weekend with family and friends.
And to remember what this day means to our country…
we have been given so many Freedoms…we should
all be very proud of our Police, Fire and Rescue and Military…
All those that have served and died for our country!
In the meantime, take advantage of your freedom to create
your wealth and a lifetime of security.
Today we are offering you several options to get started
on that path…
You won’t see these offers on our website…
The Brand NEW Private Money Changes
Everything Course ($1497 VALUE)
Special Offer Limited Time
Weekly Live Group Q & A Coaching
Live calls every Tuesday and years of archived calls that are amazingly rich with information, tips and solutions.
Regularly $3500…
Special Offer Limited Time
And finally—
Personal Mentoring
One on One with me…
As a bonus I will throw in a day at my office where
- we will review how the office is set up,
- what roles everyone plays,
- set up your team software
- how you can get your team set up and
- we will take a ride around town to show you what deals we have done and what is now available.
Regularly $17,500—you save $2500 which is the cost of
the day at the office…
Special Offer Limited Time
Now $15,000 for the first 3 people
Let’s get going with your future right now…
Expires May 31st at midnight.