What are you afraid of when raising Private Money?

I hear it all the time:
How do you raise private money?
It’s the #1 question I get. So after a lot of years I felt it was time to share what works and does not work…in plain English that makes sense.
You know there are so many reasons people don’t raise private money.
I want you to overcome them.
What are you afraid of when raising Private Money?
I learned the hard way…by trying and failing many, many times until I got it figured out. It literally changed my life when I found the right way to do it.
I’ve spent years training many investors in my coaching group how to raise money and the results are in…not one has failed that applied my processes.
Not one…I have the testimonials to prove it.
We have a SOLID reason that we do things the way that we do.
And our video modules explain this to you in great detail.
Again I ask-
What are you afraid of when raising Private Money?
P.S. And the list of Training material is growing as we speak. The core is listed here…
1) Credibility Package: You can offer this to you potential lenders and it will convince them you mean business. And they can trust you.
2) Funding Opportunity: Each of your deals is written out in detail including pictures (as many as you want to include) description, Owner Finance Value, Cash needed to purchase (if you have not already taken it down by contract), Terms…we walk you through it with a complete template
3) Presentation for Lenders prerecorded by Mitch: This is so valuable as you just plug and play…and we give you a script also.
4) Your own powerpoint presentation so you can present yourself in your own words (using our script)
5) Objections video and script: You know there are only about 20 objections I have experienced over many years. You get all the answers you need to stop them cold.
6) Role Play with an Attorney: You can watch this several times until you GET IT…in other words you will hear me talking to a live person about what I do and how Private Money works.
This is just a small part of the training. You won’t find this in any other training.