Afraid of Dodd-Frank?

Dodd Frank

Recently I got an email from an Investor who had about 13 rental houses.

He was tired of being a landlord but was afraid of Dodd-Frank, finding Private Money, and finding enough Great Deals. So many people have the same fears so I took some real time with my reply.

This was my reply…

The Dodd-Frank issue is paralyzingly a lot if investors. In fact, a lot if investors are leaving the business.

So, you can look at it like the glass is half empty or the glass is half full.

I say the glass is half full!

This business has been very good to me for two decades. I still don’t see a reason to leave such a lucrative endeavor now. You simply have to make up your mind to conform to the new rules and regulations.

Depending on what state you’re in, it may be easier than you think; especially since very focused businesses are popping up to help you do just that.

Yes, it costs a bit more and takes a few extra steps but you can still owner finance your deals. So get on with it!

Always remember…

“Fear is conquered by

The above statement is absolutely true and has pulled me out of some dark places in my life. If you are afraid of something, get knowledge, start taking action, and notice that your fear is disappearing rapidly if not altogether gone.

Do it ! …and judge for yourself. It almost never fails.

The fear of finding great deals and private lenders is no different.

Those fears are conquered by knowledge and action as well.

Depending on where you are searching, technology has come such a long way that finding a great deal is simply a matter of setting a budget, setting up a search criteria, and committing to follow up on the list yielded by your efforts. Expect to fund a minimum of $300/month but this is nothing compared to what you can make. Heck, one slim wholesale deal could fund your budget for an entire year!

I can show you places to look for these Private Money Lenders all day – every day. The biggest problem with young real estate investors is they think it’s all about THEM.

It is NOT about THEM…and it’s a good thing too… because most students don’t think they’re worthy of a Private Lender’s trust for one reason or another;

  • I have bad credit
  • I’ve never done a deal before
  • I’m too young
  • I filed bankruptcy not long ago
  • I’m not a good salesman
  • My last deals failed miserably
  • I don’t know anyone with money

…Sound familiar?

I have been very successful at helping others overcome their limiting thoughts.

The best way to see this for yourself is to tap into the Q&A archives at

This is really a NO BRAINER!
Not only will you get to attend the live calls every week, you’ll also get over 200 hours of archived calls. Besides that, you’ll get to know me a little better and get to know some of my students as well.

Raise your hand during the Q&A and we’ll talk directly. It’s crazy to think over 1, 000 houses if experience couldn’t affect your RE investing business in a positive way…really.

Something magical happens to your confidence levels when you listen to the archived Q&A in chronological order. You’ll not only learn a lot but you’ll start to believe in your heart of hearts.


Witnessing (Listening to) the growth of novice investor students as they learn to find their 1st deal, 4th deal, 15th deal, 30th deal…builds confidence.

Witnessing novice students following instruction and then finding $30K, $100k, $250k, $500k
of private money to fund their deals is inspiring!

It’s all part of changing your belief system for the better.


I invite you to get as much FREE STUFF as you can at…

This will get you on my email list…I promise not to beat you up with an endless barrage of emails; just some good content every few days.

Keep up with me through my emails. If you like my style of teaching, buy a little something and “GET STARTED” …you will know if I’m the right mentor for you. If I am, “JUMP IN!”

FYI – if you ever decide to “GO FOR IT!” and hire me as your personal mentor ($10000), I’ll credit whatever you’ve spent with me towards that price.

A good mentor will always make you more than you spend if YOU apply the KNOWLEDGE and take ACTION.

I typed this to you because if you’ve already done a few deals or so, you are right on top of the business; it’s just bucking you a little bit. You just need a little help to make it a profitable business… maybe even a career.

I almost quit this business one day. In fact, I hired a pro-investor to help me sell off and get out. That was 20 years ago…and 1, 000 houses ago.

The right help does make a difference.

Contact me if you’d like to talk about your situation in person. No pressures.

We’ll both KNOW if I can help.

–Mitch Stephen–
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