The BOTTOM is the Perfect Place to Re-invent Yourself

I’ve been talking to so many people that are hurting lately. Please read this and share it with someone you know who is hurting or at the bottom.
I have been at the bottom, but lately I’ve been hearing from so many at much lower
than I’ve ever experienced myself. So, this morning, I tried to write something from
my own experience that might help those at the bottom now.
Let us all be reminded to take time to help those around us when we are experiencing better times.
There is something that happens when you hit the bottom.” It’s horrible in every way but one;
“The bottom” is the perfect place to re-invent yourself.
At the bottom, you find out WHO you really are. It can get very quiet at the bottom because inevitably everyone at the bottom ends up in a place by themselves. You can accomplish a lot in that quiet.
“The bottom” is the perfect place to re-invent yourself.
If you’re honest with yourself, and if you’re looking, all your faults and demons are in full view at the bottom. And if you don’t like what you see, your in the perfect situation for change.
“The bottom” is the perfect place to re-invent yourself.
The one good thing about the bottom, if it doesn’t kill you, is that there’s no one around to
keep you pigeonholed.
You can be whoever you want to be at the bottom because there’s no one there to give you
their opinion, to hold you up, or to hold you down…to tell you “yes ” or to tell you “no.”
You no longer have to ask permission or suffer the blow-back from others when you do whatever
it is you’re going do.
The bottom…It’s the perfect place to reinvent yourself.
Be careful not to confuse your “super strong assets” as faults; drive, vision, tenacity, fortitude, work ethic, determination,etc. Some around you may not be able to see the superior level you function at in these departments and you’ll be criticized for those attributes.
Often we are young when we get married, or when we begin to gather life long friends and associates. Later, when we start growing into who we really are, we find ourselves mismatched. You had no way of knowing the path before you, so it shouldn’t come as any surprise that those around you are not a good match for the journey you find yourself on.
In other words, sometimes the people around you are not capable of going through what you need to go through to be who YOU are destined to be.
The bottom…It’s the perfect place to reinvent yourself.
Be grateful for the ones that have brought you this far.
Be thankful for your time with them.
Love them as you always have, but know when it is time to move on to your next place in this life.
The bottom…is the perfect place to re-invent yourself.
Take your time. There is no rush.
This time alone, your time in the wilderness alone, is so valuable. As uncomfortable as it may seem at first, it is right where you need to be right now.
This is where and when you get to decide what the next chapter is going to read like.
Your pain is great, so your conviction shall be high, your commitment shall be strong.
Pain is a gift to conviction and commitment. The greater your pain, the greater your resolve.
The bottom…is the perfect place to re-invent yourself.
Chose wisely the next YOU.
Measure and make every decision count. Decide who you’re going to to be in this next chapter.
What is your next career going to look like?
Do You want to be a drinker this next go around?
Will you be a smoker in this next go around?
Is the next me going to be “in shape” or “out of shape?”
Where do you really want to live?
Is there a nick-name you’d like to get rid of?
The bottom…is the perfect place to re-invent yourself.
Then decide who you’re going to allow into this next chapter of your life.
Make every person count.
Who are you going to associate with?
What kind of woman or man are you going to allow into your next life?
Who, from your previous life, are you going to keep?
Who, from your previous life, are you going to distance yourself from?
What standard must all those around me meet? How will you measure?
The bottom….is the perfect place to re-invent yourself.
Last but not least. You will never really be alone.
You have never been alone nor will you ever be alone.
God is with you. He’s your biggest fan and He has always been your biggest fan.
He is pulling for you. He is always pulling for you.
Call on Him when it seems too much.
He will go all the way to the bottom with you…and you will come up with Him.
The bottom…is the perfect place to re-invent yourself.
Never ever give up.
The bottom…is the perfect place to re-invent yourself.
Go forward.
The bottom…is the perfect place to re-invent yourself.
The bottom…is the perfect place to re-invent yourself.
Mitch Stephen