A realtor emailed me in response to our recent email blast updating realtors as to our growing list of homes we have on the market with owner financing.
The realtor had 2 questions;
Could he list my homes on MLS for me?
Do I pay commissions to realtors if they sell my homes?
Here was my response…
Hey Joshua,
I won’t list properties on MLS because the property taxing authority will use my asking price as the new valuation of the home.
Most of my homes have very low valuations and my owner financed prices are at the top of the market due to the fact that there are a huge numbers of people that can only buy a house that offers private financing.
However, I do pay commissions. I pay 25% of the down payment (up to 3% of the sale price). This may or may not be equal to what you are used to getting paid BUT consider this; it’s very easy, very fast, and almost always a buyer you’d have to throw away otherwise.
If you’re too busy chasing bigger fish, simply call and give me your client’s contact info and we’ll handle it from there; you get a $250 referral fee if they buy.
You may always find my inventory at… www.Homes2Go.NET
…it changes all the time. I added 27 houses in February!
Thanks for your questions Joshua.
Many people have asked me how I deal with realtors when it comes to selling my properties. There you have it.
–Mitch Stephen–