I have purchased literally hundreds of Land/Home deals (Mobile with land under them).
The horrible thing about mobile homes is that nobody...and I mean NO BOOOODY…will finance them.
The great thing about mobiles is….NOBODY will finance them...except YOU!
I bought this Mobile Home on a 1/2 for $28, 000
I borrowed $30, 000 (and put $2, 000 in my pocket) @ 8% annual interest payable monthly.
$28, 000 Purchase Price
$30, 000 Borrowed
$30, 000 x 8% = $2, 400/ yr divided by 12 = $200/mo.
I sold it AS-IS…
$28, 000
$65, 000 Sale Price
$ 8, 000 Down Payment
$57, 000 @ 11% for 20 Years = $590/mo P&I
+$590 Income
-$200 Expense
+$390 Positive Cash-Flow
I sold the note 6 months later for the balance owed on the note – NO DISCOUNT $56, 400
$2, 000………..Borrowed at closing
$8, 000………..Down Payment
$2, 340………..Six Month of Positive Cash-Flow
$56, 400………Income from the Note Sale
$68, 740………TOTAL INCOME
$30, 000………Loan Repayment
$38, 700……… NET PROFIT
Do I have any of my own money in this deal? NO
Did I need perfect credit to do this Deal? NO
How many of these deals can I do?